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News Item5/6/15 10:04 PM
Curious | Peep Hole  Find all comments by Curious
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Mike wrote:
Interesting you have a common cause with the incendiary Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Is that a different form of ecumenism?
My understanding of 'separation of church and state' is that our government would not dictate what denomination would have precedence over its citizens. Like the Church of England, or what Middle Easterners adhere to; Islam. It is to avoid what the RCC tried to do in many countries.
Here in America, there are many denominations. However, most in America do claim to serve the same God.

News Item5/6/15 9:56 PM
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Ivan Drago wrote:
That's probably why Mayweather didn't destroy Manny, he wanted to show love to his enemy.

My point is that we've become focused on making celebrities. It is idolatry. These people add nothing to the lives of Christians. It is the CELEBRITY TRAP.

News Item5/6/15 6:59 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Curious and Redeemed, people exposed to an evil system all of their lives, q.v., [URL=http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-05-03/top-private-school-xavier-college-admits-extent-of-sex-abuse/6439942]]]Xavier College, top Melbourne private school, admits extent of historical child sex abuse[/URL] will have a harder time of it, of it, but still can know [URL=http://www.biblebb.com/files/victoryoversin.htm]]]How to Have Victory Over Sin[/URL]
Yes, Redeemed, have an interesting ideas on punishment. However, Catholic cultures eschew castration, even for men who volunteer for it! But, apparently there has been progress in this area, [URL=http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/alabama-legislator-force-pedophiles-castration-knife-article-1.1502997]]]Does castrating child molesters in the criminal justice system make predators stop preying?[/URL] -- apparently it does. However, you won't find the Romish Church supporting it.
Matthew 19
The death penalty should be imposed to make sure "predators stop preying ...?" Especially if it involves a weak, helpless, innocent child.

News Item5/6/15 6:52 PM
Curious | Peep Hole  Find all comments by Curious
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Frank wrote:
Well if putting this flag up was to honor and our heavenly Father and His Son, then they should have left it up at all costs. Scripture teaches us that we are to count the cost before embarking on serving Him. Now with that said, since these folks backed away, they are guilty of loving the world and the things of the world; namely their jobs and their finances. So, this decision likely shows the ones responsible for backing down shouldn't have put it up in the first place.
I think this was an incendiary act. We are told 'Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time because the days are evil.' Their act cannot be supported by scripture. This seems to be a clear case of self-righteousness.
Our lives speak louder than any flag flying over any temporal brick and mortar monument.

News Item5/6/15 6:44 PM
Curious | Peep Hole  Find all comments by Curious
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Right! Go ConED!!
By the way, I see the latest report on the happy event. [URL=http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-32613039]]]Royal baby: Princess Charlotte travels to Norfolk home[/URL].
I should have been a Royal Air force pilot, I like the quarters they are given.
We really need to keep our eyes on this royal baby. Watch out for her first smile. Coming up next will be her rocking on her knees, then her first tooth, the whose name she'll utter first; "Mama, or Dada."
I heard that Mayweather was ministered to before his last fight, and he asked the Lord for forgiveness of his sins.
Will Bruce Jenner have a baby? Keep watching.

News Item5/5/15 3:54 PM
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Guess wrote:
Elijah was a failure too, when he only got rid of the false prophets of Baal and didn't address other immoralities in his day, what a shame
Guess, are you saying that this man Elijah, whom Jesus called up to the Mount of Transfiguration, was a failure?
Are you saying that Elijah, the man who was taken up; prefiguring our resurrection, was a failure?

Don't bother explaining. Just read the Book again about failure.

News Item5/5/15 3:48 PM
Curious | Peep Hole  Find all comments by Curious
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Heart wrenching but a good video re No. Korea. I've seen earlier ones but this one gives us hope for change.

Jim, set up a schedule for us to pray 24/7 for situations such as we're seeing. E.g. Ebola, Nepal, So. Africa, the sodomite agenda, ISIS, our children being exposed to wickedness, etc. and especially for the household of faith.

News Item5/5/15 3:17 PM
Curious | Peep Hole  Find all comments by Curious
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demographics wrote:
Rich and poor is not about where each was born in the world. The Royal baby is just another feature of God's work among us. Jesus taught us that the poor will always be with us.
Then let's give the child born into poverty the same attention.

My point is that we have given even more status to those who are most likely to oppress all of us.

We don't need to make or follow celebrities. This is idolatry. We don't know them any more than we know Madonna. What do they add to our lives; whether Christian or ungodly?

News Item5/5/15 3:10 PM
Curious | Peep Hole  Find all comments by Curious
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
sex abuse:
By the way was the Hamilton Spectator blog written by a "good" Catholic? [URL=http://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/transcripts/s4229401.htm]]]Spectator blog backfires spectacularly[/URL]
Only a victim of rape, either male or female, can tell of the lifelong affects of rape, fondling of a child, and like abuses have on the individual, the family, and society. Rape has caused prostitution in both males and females. It is the reason for the rise in sodomy. Something was stolen from innocent, helpless, speechless ones created in the image of God for a specific function. It was stolen with lasting negative consequences.
I equate it to psychological murder. The sentence for rapist should be death.
Women and mothers of victims should have formed a posse long ago; that’s right – taken the law into their own hands, since the court system has failed us miserably. It is no different in other countries where the testimony of a female is often invalid.
Inequitable distribution of justice ruins society on every level. The evil judges should pay the consequences.

News Item5/4/15 6:59 PM
Curious | Peep Hole  Find all comments by Curious
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Barney Fife wrote:
I did hear this story on a talk show last night and today I am wondering if this is another ploy to promote the sale of firearms and ammo.
This is exactly how the news media infects our thinking, which infects the behavior of those who have no control over their spirits. Why not do everything you can to put out these flames of hatred and strife? Start a social media blog telling bloggers you will not participate. Tell them that false prophets are making money of weak minded listeners. You can use your tongue to reverse a lot of damage. Expose the media for what it is worth. If you're a Christian, blog that you and your friends will not participate. But instead are reaching out to youth everywhere and warning them not to believe the lie. Use your tongue to bless those created in the image of God and therewith bless our Creator James 3. Things don't have to be the way the ungodly says things will be.

News Item5/4/15 6:19 PM
Curious | Peep Hole  Find all comments by Curious
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A baby is a baby; born into sin. That baby is not different than the newborn next door. Get off the celebrity recognition.

You can't even get a hearing with them. They have separated themselves from us. Ask any one of them for dime.

Anyway, we gained our independence from; I think we gained our independence from the world. How much land does one need to live comfortably. How many changes of clothes does an individual need. 365 changes of clothing and there are poor people without shoes.

News Item5/4/15 8:30 AM
Curious | Peep Hole  Find all comments by Curious
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She could use our prayers. Pray for all those in authority.
Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

1Ti 2:1 - 4I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Let us pray until a new president is in office for God to raise up righteous leaders (namely Jesus Christ our Lord) who seeks the will of God for the nation(s). Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach for any people. Then after praying for righteous leaders, pray that God will raise all believers up to be the Light and Salt to the world.

News Item5/4/15 8:07 AM
Curious | Peephole  Find all comments by Curious
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Mourner wrote:
I was responding as women do at this kind of News, I cried. I was grateful for the safe delivery for mother and child and dumbfounded by the unspeakable kindness of God. I too wondered, what kind of world will she and her brother grow up in. I looked at her elder brother Prince George and wondered what the Lord would do? O that Prince William, who seems to sincerely love his family would love their souls as well as their lives in this world. So much is on his plate; in his place calling and station.

"This is how we get trapped into celebrity worship. As for Americans, we have not severed the umbilical cord to England. There are kings and queens, dukes and duchesses(?) in other countries, but why the hype for the British crown? They are just filthy wealthy owners of empires who look over their balconies at the poor. But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? (James 2:6)
As for the Duke and Duchess, they are not different than Brad and Jolie in how we respond to celebrities.

News Item4/25/15 5:26 PM
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Brother Saint Elmer wrote:
This is a good summary on church-going from a faithful elected brother.
[URL=http://the-heart-of-dan.weebly.com/]]]Why this believer doesn't go to church[/URL]

News Item3/19/15 7:09 PM
curious  Find all comments by curious
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What's so vile about something nearly everyone does once they come of age? Stop being so immature.

Ugh wrote:
SermonAudio MOD.

News Item3/17/15 9:17 PM
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pennnned wrote:
this seed can be used for great evil or great good. including DESTROYING cancer cells, bringing autistic kids back to health, a great protein source and a great and more renewable industrial source as was known by Ford. The whole thing is a scam, the whole wore on drugs.
It is not helping you, you cannot spells wars correctly. Besides the article is not about medical marijuana it is about recreational use of the same. If you want a bunch of potheads high on drugs driving with you on your roads fine, not everybody else does. Using your rational let us do away with laws against, murder, stealing, prostitution, sex trafficking, embezzlement, and so forth, because obviously they are not stopping people from doing it, they are a complete failure.

News Item12/15/14 11:39 AM
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John UK wrote:
But since reading the Bible, I became convinced that the Book of Life was already written in eternity, and that the names of all the people predestinated to spend eternity with God in heaven were already written in that book before ever they were born, making them effectually "sheep" from the off.
What do you make of Revelation 3v5 and Revelation 22v19?

News Item11/30/14 4:49 AM
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Yahweh wrote:
Christian Bale is correct. Moses is schizophrenic. He talks to a burning bush. Thanks to the work of Dr. James Harris, it is now 100% confirmed that YHWH ("Yahweh") is a snäke god.
Is the poster Rodney St. Michael a schizophrenic sodomite? If so, are we surprised that he should want to demean the God of the Bible and misrepresent what the Bible teaches?

News Item11/26/14 12:36 PM
Curious  Find all comments by Curious
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They don't get it Elm.

Elmer K. Yoder wrote:
From another post that may help all of you with your problem:
"You know I was pondering this in relation to the Romans 13 Cult and their hobby doctrine. Assuming their hobby doctrine is what they claim, then their leaders would have to enforce the commandments of God and punish all those who disobey and doeth evil. And those who doeth evil, which isn't limited to the shedding of blood, are to be killed. So anyone, be they believers or unbelievers, women or children, are to be put to death for disobeying any commandment of God. Further, unbelievers are to be killed for simply not believing as they are in a constant state of doing evil. And come to think of it, even if the hobby doctrine applies to obeying the commandments of man, like the grievous millions of so-called laws, then the same punishment of death applies. Even not knowing all the so-called laws is reason enough for death! Oh dear!! Such burdens."
And foundational Romans 13 Cult doctrine requires a Theocracy.
[URL=http://www.cai.org/bible-studies/1050-new-testament-commands]]]1050 NT Commandments[/URL]

News Item11/5/14 12:30 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
So let me kindly remind you one of the absoulte best examples/fruits of the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT in the life of a child of God is to love others, to love the Lord Jesus Christ NOT seek to batter them and tear them down because one has been hurt by false teachers and their teachings
If you want to see logs look in the mirror, if you can see out!

You talk about fruit blah blah.. better them blah blah.. is that what you've honestly tried to do here with words like "thick" and "swine"?

You're a real piece of work, deceived and deceiving.

This "conversation" is dead. You can have the last word, as I am sure you will.

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