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News Item12/2/11 6:52 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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The missing chapter and verse from Ezekiel rference is Ezek. 9:4, so as not to be misunderstood.

News Item12/2/11 6:30 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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John, if you understood all the WCF is and isn't saying you wouldn't assert we are saying something we don't believe that we can know. We don't assert we know a man's heart or his motives. We do not claim infallablity, we are always desiring to conform to God's word, but we are involved in spiritual warfare, not against flesh and blood, but rather against principalities against powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.
Truth is conformity to Christ's Word and we all would profit from means, truth is under fire and many of our debates are just the sign of the times and God's Fatherly displeasure with all his
erring children, which we all are this side of glory. If I cared for man's vacilating opinion more then God's I would be most miserable. Care only for GOD'S and love the brethren. Eclectic means mixing doctrines that are systematic, like trying to make a puzzle piece fit when you can't find the right one.

Presby,I wanted to thank you for your Calvin quote on faith as my battle shield, it lifted my eyes to the hills and brought the sword of the Spirit to mind; through God's exceeding grreat and precious pomises then coming to mind in a timely fashion this morning.

May the Lord pity all his poor ones in these dark d

News Item12/2/11 5:03 PM
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John UK wrote:
Why not? Because the WCF doesn't explain it to you.
The WCF did/does a good work of the Ministry on behalf of posterity. Men who by solemn vows to God and one another swore to use their God
given gifts and graces to search the Scripture and establish doctrine to be believed amongst us for the Churches good Psalm 133. Tthis was done as the fruit of Covenanted vows of the three kingdoms in the Solemn League and Covenant, to confom to the highest attainments of Reformation to date of the then Scottish Church. Men may forget, God does not. Yet you would have us abandon ship and embrace the electic views of the day. Not only every man doing that which is right in his own eyes, but teaching others to do same, not to mention vowing and not paying. 1+1=2

News Item12/2/11 4:26 PM
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James R Hamilton wrote:
The children of atheists are bound to be better sportsmen, their religion (godless atheism) profanes the Sabbath Day. Therefore, because most sporting activities are practiced mostly on the Sabbath Day, most Christian families at least, would teach their children to stay away from an
intense commitment to any sporting activity, knowing full well that at some point in their lives it would have the propensity to lead them to sin (profane the Sabbath), even to apostatise. So the atheists will be better at sport, yes. But there are more important things in life, are there not?
If only there were not so many to oppose this view. Few are the visible Churches that teach its positve gain for body and soul or correct for its violations. Few are the heads of household that practise family worship, or catechize their posterity, giving the next generation an example, fewer still the Churches who have Pastoral oversight visits to encourage their members or provide the necessary instruction. Few are the Civil men who themselves do so in household or provide the peaceful kingdom 1 Timothy 2:2 that encourages such piety at home for the future of both God ordained institutions in our respective nations. Few who desire to pattern Ezek.

News Item12/2/11 2:56 PM
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John UK wrote:
Maybe you have not followed the debate for long?
The claim has been made that the indwelling of the Spirit is the same as baptism with the Spirit, and that this occurs with the man being totally passive. That is, the Holy Ghost comes to dwell
within a bemused sinner against his will.
Now if a man that is born again is forever saved, he is saved without believing nor repenting of his sins. See what I mean? It cannot be. God has chosen not to work like that.
You can't get a more passive reponse the that of a dead sinner. "And you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in times past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience."

A quickened soul 'acts' in repentence and faith. I've been in this discussion John and I have heard none claim what you here assert. The Spirit acts in a number of gracious ways in the process of salvation which is a marvelous and powerful work of Sovereign Grace and Mercy.
Love works and any who love God because he first loved them will work out their salvation with fear and trembling for it is God that worketh in them both to will and do of His good plea

News Item12/2/11 11:55 AM
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SteveR wrote:
You seem to have a hard time deciding whether to be an insecure dispensationalist, or an aggressive post millennialist
A true post millennialist doesn't need to be aggressive, they are standing firmly planted on past attainments and according to promise expect God to act. It is not aggression to hold the line, pray and wait. But since others are often quite aggressive toward them, they attempt peace, do justice, love mercy and walk humbly as God humbles them. They are commanded to preserve their good name and life, whether of others, or their own if others brake the nineth or sixth commandment. Scriptural discernment required. Most theonomists are pretorists systematically, unless I misunderstand your assertion, I disagree that a true post mill is aggressive.

News Item12/2/11 11:24 AM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Clearly the Washington Post has made this a racial issue, and apparently sucessfully. I am trying to avoid 'pick your favorite topic from this slanted article.' But its easy to see that is the choice with most emotion packed 'news stories.' Papist (those who follow the Pope of Rome) commentors seem to find it useful to try and establish common ground as they have on other threads. Aye jpw?

It seems to me this local sectary was trying to avoid giving the Media particulars. They mentioned concern over the couples special music, they then appeared to reason? from their present understanding, how to avoid what then followed most likely the effects of the music on the assembly. Lacking knowledge of what was happening on a number of fronts, it would seem they continued in a wrong direction in order to address the greater issue of idolatrous worship.
My take from observation regarding false doctrine resulting in idolatrous worship. Works for Papal Rome either way.

News Item12/1/11 7:23 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Col.1:25-27 "Whereof I (Paul) was made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the will of God; even the mystery that hath been hid from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you (indwelling) the hope of glory."

It seems clear enough that the indwelling or Christ in you is the hope of glory for the NT saint. It appears to me the Jews converted in Acts 2 were being told something they were expecting, has now come to pass in the resurrected Christ, who was the promised seed, whereas Gentiles not as familiar with OT promises were soon to be in grafted
in among them to partake of the root and fatness of the olive tree as Gentiles were now graffed in contrary to nature as wild branches
If you are asking can the Spirit work without indwelling, I'd answer not to the saving of the soul in the NT saint but as Hebrew 6:4-6 indicates there is a work that is not to the saving of the soul. I heard an old acquaintence preach on SA Pastor Steven Gamble on this text from Hebrews 6. There are a number of related points addressed in it. I did not agree with his conclusion but he was very helpful.

News Item11/30/11 9:22 PM
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The commentator seemed to be speaking in a language other then that of a six day creationist; did anybody else notice the language of the Romish view that was given in words not pictures? It seemed to contradict CHS's view given in another thread. Spurgeon's view of psalm 139 was within the quote that was given for another purpose in another topic, but it brought this video to mind when I read it.

Pray for the persecuted where Satan's seat is. See James Durham's work on Revelation for clarity as concerns application of said text; a job of the Ministry.

News Item11/30/11 8:52 PM
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Kirk O'Shotts wrote:
Executions will reduce truancy rates and enable bureaucrats to meet and exceed targets.
Some theonomist will provide a "biblical" basis.
That's a little bit o' over kill don't ye think?

News Item11/30/11 8:38 PM
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Neil wrote:
I must've missed it, for I usually skim over Jim's posts, as they are repetitive when they are not mistaken. His claim that we are a Masonic nation contributes to this.
I suspect it is still not commonly understood, on both sides of the Atlantic, that Parliament was quite divided over the American question. So I don't think TJ needed royal favor to secure a loan.
The more I learn about Jefferson, the more he strikes me as a flake, particularly after I read David McCollough's bio of John Adams.
Mr. Jefferson was a deist, but in reading some of his thoughts he logically prophesied President Obama's right to be appointed the rod of God's Retributive Providence (see Plumers 'Jehovah Jireh a Treatice on Providence' a must read for the coming hard realities) which will continue unless the Church and State repent of those deeds that have cumulatively brought the Divine displeasure.

News Item11/30/11 8:21 PM
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Mike wrote:
Each of the church government types is claimed by their respective supporters to be backed by Scripture. Since I would not classify type of church government as doctrine in the first place, perhaps you are right in that we might have disagreement. It does not approach contention
for me, however, for I do not promote the idea that my particular favorite church government is God's and anyone who thinks otherwise therefore has contention with God. That's way too presumptuous.
Are you accusing my faithful shepherds of the second reformation of teaching as doctrine 'The Form of Church Government' presumptiously? Lofty charge you'll need a second, 1Timothy 5:19-25. I was reminded of that text several yeas ago now by a faithful brother in the RBC. God is not limited in the ways he uses for either His rod or staff to comfort proud, ignorant old ewes, whose hearts are known best to Him, he only knows motives. The Scottish Commissioners at the General Assembly may be at present the spirits of just men made perfect, but should we not take care of what we say of such a Cloud of Winesses?

Thanks for your clarification, it was helpful.

News Item11/30/11 7:24 PM
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Neil wrote:
Is being a slave to a state bank any better? At any rate, the Fed is a hybrid, part public & private, a [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve_Bank#Legal_status]]]compromise[/URL] typical of Congress. I would say it is formally private (a sop to 1900's conservatives),
but functionally subordinate to public policy to a unique degree.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies." - Thos. Jefferson. Then why did he borrow so much from such "villains" that he died in hock? BTW, at one point this champion of American liberty owed $13000 to English creditors!
Neil, did you ever read Jim's link that he posted some time ago about the ongoing connection to the British Monarchy, maybe that explains TJ's good connections, for such an apparently poor loan risk?

News Item11/30/11 5:08 PM
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BRP wrote:
IF that were the case, then that would be true. But it is not the case.
Therefore you must be being contentious.
I believe it is so, by faith in the veracity of the Scripture and trust in those who rightly occupied the shepherds tents during the second covenanted Reformation, see Rutherford's abridged letters by the Banner of Truth pp.173 written to Lady Boyd fom the Westminster Assembly: case in point from history

News Item11/30/11 4:56 PM
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John UK wrote:
1. RP, what you call former attainments, I call former errors.
2. How can I agree or disagree with your OS unless you state what you mean by "regeneration" If it is the former, why would the Spirit be given twice? Once before conversion, and once after conversion?
3. The only other alternative, as Mike rightly says, is to have born again unbelievers running around all over the place, not knowing what on earth is happening to them.
1. You need consistant teaching instead of your eclectic mix
2. See above definition of regeneration, if it is a Phil.1:6 work of the Spirit it will persevere to the end, otherwise Hebrews 6:4
3. A true work of regeneration by the Holy Spirit once begun will be accompanied by all His works on behalf of the elect.

News Item11/30/11 2:55 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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I was reading the comments and thought I'd contribute a consideration. Compare and consider Gen.1:26 with 1 Thess.5:23

News Item11/30/11 2:41 PM
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Mike wrote:
As a country bumpkin, I fail to see how a higher court of appeals, more distant and less connected, consisting also of men's judgement, would necessarily result in better outcome. To me it's the same erroneous belief that the higher up the government food chain decisionsare made, the better off the locals are. Do the judgements of men improve with level of authority?
If Presbyterial Church Government is (as Mr. Rutherford proved from the Scripture) of Divine appointment, then your contention is with God and not with me. That is clearly one of a number of doctrines we would not agree with aye?

Concerning what you stated, it was lacking detail. Having spoken to another Ministerial opinion, I believe such sorrow could have been averted because I once walked with dear brethren to the same house of God that is now no longer there, to the increasing darkness of the city, as recently evidenced in its judicatory platform in recent days. I would lovingly take
issue with both sides, for God's glory and my brethren's good, if its not too late. As for authority none beyond being a sibling & parent, for that reason as an older sister and mother to hurting younger brethren and their children,
I offer my two cents.

News Item11/30/11 2:06 PM
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John UK wrote:
RP, can you tell me how that order of salvation shows itself in the following gospel verses, please?
Romans 10:9-10 KJV
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Thank you.
1689 Baptist
Saving repentance is an evangelical grace by which a person who is made to feel, *by the Holy Spirit*, the manifold evils of his sin, and being *given faith* in Christ, humbles himself over his sin with godly sorrow, detestation of his sin and self-abhorrency.
(emphasis mine)
Why quote the London Baptist Confession Faith which used the WCF other then in the areas of defection from former attainments? In so doing you support their separation positive and active when you for the most part have little agreement with Confessonal Churches. Instead of forth rightly answering a clear question, you rather introduce a new question to muddy the waters. If you agree with the OS I stated, then state your real issue, if not enough said.

News Item11/30/11 1:45 PM
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Neil wrote:
RP, from what I've seen going on in conservative Presby denoms today (e.g. New Perspectivism, R.C. Sproul Jr.), it seems that even a sound church polity (if it is so) is no protection against bad or spineless men. I think the Reformers were a bit naive about the subtlety and depravity
possible in Christian circles.
If it was ever better in Reformed churches of old, I for one would love to see evidence of it. I'm not being sarcastic, for while I am not persuaded about the Presby model, I have no great hostility towards it either.
What is referred to as Presbyterial Church Government today is not that which was intended for it to be. Presbyterian Church government acknowldges a national Church separate from the Civil sphere, when both the Church and State acknowledge the same God, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the only Mediator and Head of His Blood bought Church, as One with the Father, so that then the blessed third person the Holy Spirit proceeds to establish the Son's donative and essential Dominion as the Most High God, as was promised to Him by the Father. It is not that Almighty God needs man's help as the theonomists assert. He is after all the
Lord of hosts, more formidable then the clay and iron present day Empirial Romish m

News Item11/30/11 1:16 PM
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Election, Predestination, Outward Gospel Call, Inward Gospel Call (irresistable call), Regenration (repentance and faith the result of being a little born one-adoption implied), justification, sanctification, glorification. I would find it helpful because now clearly stated, withhout the confusion of differing terminology how any willing participants in this discussion agrees or disagrees with this stated order of salvation.
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