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News Item11/5/08 1:03 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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The Judgement of God was hardly to be appeased with the election of McCain an Palin.

It's not about who is in power it's about why they are in power and how God is to use them for His purposes.

If there is any corruption in Government you can be sure the cancer started from corruption within the church that has allowed it to come to this.

News Item11/4/08 7:33 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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And so it begins.
The Thesis ie: Roman Catholicism (Christendom) divided by the anti thesis ie: Islam = the synthesis.

News Item11/4/08 5:42 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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This guys father is a mason and had his crystal cathedral blessed by the pope with an official letter before he felt his ministry was endorsed.

Schuller's masonic lodge is the same as the Larry Farrakhan who runs the Nation of Islam.

It is nigh unlikely Schuller's son is any different.

Their all in together.

Everything is a game, a pretense to obtain a different goal from what they publicly aim for.

Molly you are right. Evil doesn't cut it for most TOP Christian personalities today.

News Item11/4/08 5:33 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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May the prayers of those great suffering christians of North Korea be answered. May their people come to know Christ and Him crucified.

There is much sweetness in the redemption of Christ and much bitterness in the belly when truth becomes reality.

May Kim Jung Il come to know Christ before his cup of iniquity is filled, else destruction cometh.

News Item11/4/08 2:20 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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The reason the Pope can say there is no contradiction between God and science is because science has now become the bridge between witchcraft and the spiritual world.

It was said establishing the truth of premises is difficult. In all truth it is nigh on impossible since science is never an exact science but merely a functional approximation where certain things are so, only within certain limits.

The reason we have the word of God is because we cannot find our way to truth by experiential or experimental means.

In fact any truthful observation of science today will tell us that scientists are discovering what shamans and witch doctors have always known to be true.

The reason for the confounding of languages at the Tower of Babel was because our ability to achieve whatever we put our hands to make us dangerous.

Knowledge is infinitely growing, and a little bit of knowledge is dangerous.

News Item11/4/08 1:06 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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The other question is why would you send your precious children to one.

News Item11/4/08 12:43 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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This story is really disgusting.
I work in the railways and sometimes working night shift I see the night life.
I've even had 13 year old make offers at 12 midnight.
Who are their parents.

It's as though every enemy of Christ has been unleashed.
Scripture is right (of course) saying that before Christs return it will be as in the days of Noah (which is more than what we think for we haven't even come close to encroaching on this territory yet) and like the days of a Sodom and Gomorrah.

GG you said your lips didn't type it but consider Proverbs 6:12-13

12A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.
13He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;

Correct your lips didn't type it but your fingers did teach it.

News Item11/3/08 5:48 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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It astounds me that we all have to wait for an official study to be done into this before we know that it's a problem.

TV is so intrusive and so subtle in it's operation because just like self indoctrination TV is turned on and off by the choice of the viewer.

It is a proven fact that within the first 5 minutes of TV viewing the brainwave pattern change into the same state as that of someone under hypnosis.

It also has been proven that TV suppresses the activity frontal lobe which is the seat of decision making over right and wrong moral issue and the like.

It also has been proven that the very same method of muscle/brain training used in the Military to produce mindless killing machines is also taking place via TV. This occurs when the viewer watches someone else make an action. There is a sympathetic response that triggers in the brain that actually connects to the limbs that it sees performing the task.
If you see people killing 100 time, your brain has rehearsed this action 100 times.

Please don't watch it unless it is absolutely necessary information you are acquiring from it.

Survey11/3/08 1:41 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I must retract some of my previous statements. As much as I do not want to read this book, it looks like I may have too.

The church my wife attends is an Anglican Church and they did the "40 days of Community" thing. I had nothing to do with it, but now knowing that it comes form the Purpose Driven Life, I am concerned that this church is one of the many being dragged by mainstream Christianity.

I will have to go over the program and do some work regarding for the benefit of those on the outskirts but are getting drawn into gravitational pull of this black hole of 21 Century Christianity.

News Item11/2/08 10:47 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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The Australian Government has been wanting to go this was for the last 10 years, but the slowly softly approach always works best till it's time to spring the trap.

Unfortunately living in a godless society means that man has to become the law. And for that to work total control is required to achieve what a simple little thing God put in all of us, namely the conscience.

I hate the internet and all forms of media. It exacerbates sin and evil very much like the way a city operates except far more effective. Yet I have come to realize that scripture is right about the end. The wicked will wax worse and worse and the righteous will become even more righteous.

Some time back the Australian Government put out a internet filter that you could use on your computer and it blocked even political parties like the now defunct Democrats.

In time it will be used against religious beliefs and free thinking sites. Watch carefully how pornography will won't be "blocked" per se as these are blocked, it will just become part of the

Overcome Evil made the right point. File sharing networks again get off scott free which are the very bane of pornography. The authorities will not do anything about it though.

I wonder why?

Survey11/2/08 12:05 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Hi Jessica, you will also find the messages rendering of Matthew 6:7

Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right; Do what's best— AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You're in charge! You can do anything you want! You're ablaze in beauty! Yes. Yes. Yes.

This is the most atrocious translation of any passage I have come across apart from the NIV making Jesus Christ Lucifer.

This AS ABOVE SO BELOW is a total witchcraft concept and a direct quote.
If you wanted an image you would have an upright triangle and an upside down triangle.
Does this not look like the star of David?

That is how as above so below is presented. This is a very dangerous inclusion in scripture. Very devilish and it is not accident, this is design.

Survey11/1/08 9:46 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Miguel have a look at Proverbs 21:4

"An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked is sin."

He's only plowing how wicked is that?

To God, in an unrepentant faithless state very!
It is quite a rude shock when you first realize how pervasive sin actually is to the very fabric of the universe.
Everything has fallen.
Everything has been corrupted even our good intentions and actions outside of Christ are as Isaiah 64:6 says

"But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away..

Even our language, maths, science.

News Item11/1/08 9:33 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Right now who ever gets into power it will be the right person in God's will.

America has completely thumbed it's nose at God, as has all the Protestant nations.

I hate to say it but unless there is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the people to repent we are all going to reap Judgment.
Those running for power are corrupt. So who will you pick, Satan or Lucifer? Some choice.

Elections are moot points to distract the masses from the important stuff going on behind the scenes - like what they are doing right now with the economy and why.

It is time we start exercising some faith and pray through heavens of brass or we will reap the whirlwind.

Remember what Jesus said "He who has faith the size of a mustard seed can say to THIS mountain..."

What are mountains in the Bible? Nations.
So lets move some nations.

PS: I would also like to know how Palin works with the RCC. It most likely is true but some forthcoming evidence would be helpful.

Survey11/1/08 8:17 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Yes they are both very dangerous ideas and false ones at that.

It is interesting you brought Ruckman up. I sometimes wonder if some of those high profile "extremists" are merely well paid, or loyal members of the "lets make a confusion of the real issue here" club.

I mean his views are so unreasonable I find the only reasonable conclusion is he is either mentally ill or he is sponsored by those who have vested interests in the Modern translations succeeding over the AV and over the texts it was translated from.

Be it money related namely corporate interests, or more likely religious interests, namely the Vatican.

I think they know they are handling the Word of God thus the vitriol in their hammering the Word of God to a more conformed shape of their liking.

Survey10/31/08 6:27 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Amen to that Just a Thought.

The only thing we as the church supposed to remember is to drink and eat in remembrance of Him.

Everything else is pagan, Easter, Christmas, All Hallows, etc etc.

The church is steeped in Baal worship and Yahweh worship just like in the time of Elijah and they can't acknowledge it.

News Item10/31/08 5:59 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
I think this confusion could be remedied by using AV English in everyday usage.
If you mean we could speak better English, we sure could. Your sarcasm actually isn't taken as such. We could speak better. Our language today is becoming a Global English which is equally becoming meaningless.
An education in the AV (which is not hard to read since it is modern English) provides a good remedy (at least for my kids) from speaking much of the gutter talk that occurs.
The problem currently experienced in our culture and society is reflected in our language.
The English we spoke 150 years ago was framed by scripture and a godly respect whether one was a Christian or not.
Now though as of 150 years ago our language has been railroaded by occultists which is reflected in how we speak and spell certain words today.
People like Westcott and Hort, Helena Blavatsky, Alister Crowley, C.S.Lewis, J.R.R.Tolkien and on and on.

I wonder if Israel ever had this problem when they fell into Baal Worship?

News Item10/31/08 6:52 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I wouldn't be so quick to call it happy days. Remember he is dying without Christ.

Secondly whatever "animosity" the US and Iran have toward one another it is all contrived. Their leaders are all operated from the same echelons of power.

Some photo evidence is in order provided below.
For those in the know the signs you see them giving is explained by Anton La Vey as the sign given by satanic societies and those aligned with those societies.

NB: You will see G W Bush, Ahmadinejad, and America's beloved next potential president Obama. For you Mac supporters, hes dominated by the same people running Obama.


News Item10/30/08 6:41 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Five lines of text could turn the world upside down. Say if it was a verse from Psalms altering passages regarding Christ, or even a nuance of Hebrew grammar that currently may be a matter of disagreement between scholars which this shard resolves.

It might be one intentional change. But multiply that by how many other "discoveries" they may make over the next 50 years, and they could generate evidence for a completely new bible.

Yes scribes would not have been involved in writing on pottery, but it also comes into play that old pottery could serve very well such a purpose, since it does not allow for such difficulties to arise.

Admittedly it could also vindicate scripture and may serve no ulterior purpose and is most likely genuine.
Nonetheless I would rather pigeon hole this for the time being.

I am skeptical by nature and it surprises me how I ever came to Christ. Clearly it was Gods doing not mine.

News Item10/30/08 5:37 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Yes I agree Scott. Pigeon hole this one, and hold back any outcome for quite some time.
Remember the Israelites were pedantic about their texts and destroyed old copies when it was copied so how did a text 3000 years old survive both the copyists methods and time?
I remember a movie I watched 10 years ago done in the 1970's called The Word and it was about a guy who forged an old text using old vellum and convinced the Vatican and the media got a hold on it and it became the standard text.

It was said a few years ago by some proponents that earthquakes were going to be generated in various places to have preplanted artifacts found to change the world.
Earthquakes and weather can be generated see the Start II treaty between the USA and USSR.

Survey10/29/08 6:55 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I think it is important that sanctification does not get confused with mortification.

Yes we do overcome now.

There are things that are being mortified in me but as to sanctification, I am set apart unto the Lord.
It is the very grace of God that thwarts the evil desires of my heart.
In fact the Grace of God is very active in that in times of weakness He prevents me from doing what I want to do in the flesh.
I thank God for His Grace and Mercy for without it I would be a damnable child of hell happily pursuing it's destructive end.

Thank you Tulipistheway and Christistheway for your quotes.

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