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News Item8/28/10 12:45 AM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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For Tremper Longams (who wrote the forward to this bible) view of the historicity of Adam and Eve, here him in his own words.

News Item8/27/10 6:03 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Alan H wrote:
"I cannot see how [the Bible can be a perfect rule of faith and practice], if it is not fully inspired, and if it contains any flaws and imperfections. If the Bible is anything at all it is the statute-book of God's kingdom,-the code of laws and regulations by which the subjects of that kingdom are to live,-the register-deed of the terms on which they have peace now and shall have glory hereafter. Now, why are we to suppose that such a book will be loosely and imperfectly drawn up any more than legal deeds are drawn up on earth? Every lawyer can tell us that in legal deeds and statutes every word is of importance, and that property, life, or death may often turn on a single word. Think of the confusion that would ensue if wills and settlements, and conveyance, and partnership deeds and leases, and agreements, and Acts of Parliament were not carefully drawn up and carefully interpreted, and every word allowed its due weight. Where would be the use of such documents if particular words went for nothing, and everyone had a right to add, or take away, or alter, or deny the validity of words, or erase words at his own discretion?"
Very good post brother. Thanks for the link as well. Sent you an e mail on your home site.

News Item8/19/10 4:42 PM
Rick  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rick
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San Jose John wrote:
On one occasion I was sternly rebuked by my own pastor in front of the whole church during Sunday school for suggesting that men should work and women stay home. Maybe it was the way I said it that prompted the response. A more likely reason is the fact that many women in our church DO work and DO have careers along with their husbands, and our church had recently hemorrhaged members following statements made by the pastor during a sermon on the subject of theonomy.
Still, it was very disheartening to be slapped-down on such a fundamentally important family issue by my own "conservative" OPC pastor in my own "conservative" OPC church.
Since then I've learned to keep my mouth shut on this and other "sensitive" issues in our church.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
That's terrible about the OPC pastor my brother. According to Paul Elliot,a former OPC elder that also broadcasts on this site, the OPC is headed for big trouble. He wrote a book Called Neo Liberalism in the OPC. Check them out. You can give him a call and he will send you the book free. I wish you well, and be strong. Drop me a line for more info.

News Item8/19/10 9:19 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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When I do a funeral or a wedding, I let them know that secular songs will not be played. If they want bar room songs, they need to have the funeral at the bar and have the bartender do the service. We are here for this event to have a Godward look, not a good times laugh.

News Item8/10/10 7:52 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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John UK wrote:
Are you saying that it is not biblical to "call upon the name of the Lord" and thus be saved?
If so, know that it has ALWAYS been biblical to do so.
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Isaiah 55:6-7 KJV
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Acts 2:21 KJV
For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Romans 10:12-13 KJV
John; thank you and Michael for answering these folks. I beleive they have gone off the rail on this issue. When ever someone says "The Bible nowhere says" it makes me head for my concordance. As Michael pointed out Rom. 10:1 has Paul praying for the lost. I'm sure that if a thourough study of scripture is done, many instances can be found.

News Item8/9/10 5:53 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Chris Perver wrote:
I wonder what dialect the animal communicator uses to speak to the dogs. Does she find "bow-wow" to be more common, or what about "woof-woof"? Is "ruff-ruff" harder to understand?
I don't know about dogs, but when we communicate with our cat, we use Morris Code. If calling long distance we use the Fe Line. Our cat is very theologicicaly inclined. The other day it was in my study reading the 1689

News Item8/2/10 10:05 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Thic is a good news story. I wish we would respond to positive things with the same volume we do negative things. We are good at cursing the darkness, but not so good at thanking those who turn on the light.

News Item7/29/10 2:35 AM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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No surprise there. After all, he is a Style over Substance person.

News Item7/27/10 6:11 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
At an Anglican/Episcopal Church I attended, we were having a lunch after service. I was sitting with a new member and her children. The woman's little nine year old girl wasn't feeling well and said: "Mommy I'm hot." Then the retired vicar who was present said with a smile on his face: "The ladies do tend to get a little "hot" when I am in the room."
I was horrified that this "Man of God" would not only make a joke that the women in the congregation were "hot" for him, but a nine year old girl!
I had a talk with the then present vicar and he blamed my having been sexually abused as a child: For my being upset over the retired vicar's "joke." I was told to the effect that a mature Christian should be able to handle such a joke! And was told that other people in the hearing of the "joke" didn't have a problem with it. Then the then present vicar's wife who had been a support to me, followed suit in his conclusion. She said that I didn't realize how much this man was loved!

I was humiliated and ostracized and had a concern for the children of the congregation!

What a cheap condesending thing for a church to do to someone. Don't for a minute accept ant false shame they tried to put on you. The shame belongs to them.

News Item7/25/10 8:57 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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There is Virtualy no virtue in this type of virtual service. The Bible saye "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves Together" Heb. 10:25

News Item7/22/10 11:04 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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If they would make the preaching of the word central, followed by the structure of ordainances and discipline, then fellowship, God would honor it. But, if they are going the path of many that say Fellowship and Relationships are central, God will not honor them.
I know of several pastors that are into Relationship Evangalism, that say we need to move away from the preaching of the word, because God is all about relationships, not preaching. Well; I'm sorry, but the Bible says "In the beginning was the Word", not the relationship. The Word of God is the instrument of Salvation.
The idea that first we will them to ourselves and then we can win them to God, is not Biblical.

News Item7/14/10 10:31 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Guinness wrote:
Have you considered that the offended people might be Christians?
No, there was actualy no one offended at all by the station. It was the secular mentality of the management that was afraid of someone being offended.
The point is, here is an organization that uses the name Christian and is censoring christian activity. Of course if you had been there there would be no explaination needed.

News Item7/13/10 11:12 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I used to lift with a group of Powerlifters at a local YMCA and many of us are Christians. We were grieved when one of the instructors there was told not to have the radio on Christian stations because it might offend people. Never mind offending christian powerlifters that were benching 600 lbs, and squating 800 lbs.

News Item7/3/10 6:13 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Mike wrote:
What is the difference between the Christian who obeys the sin nature and the one who doesn't, all else being equal? Is his will still enslaved?
You will have to consult two people who are a lot smarter than me on the subject. Luther and Edwards. Luther's "Bondage of the Will" and Edwards "Freedom of the Will"

News Item7/3/10 3:23 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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To say that the Will is not Free, is not the same thing as saying the Will does not exist. Many times Reformed and Calvinistic people are accused of saying that people do not have a will, or that they do not make choices; that God just moves them around arbitrarily. That is a wrong caracticure. Calvin, Spurgeon, The WMC, the London Bapt. Conf. ect. All recognize that we do make choices, but that those choices are contingent on several things. Not the least of which is that we all are born with a nature bent toweard sin. Inbred sin, and actual personal sins, limit our choices and ensalve the will.
For if anyone is to be saved, it is God that must first show them that they are lost, give them the desire to be saved, and enable their will to turn to him. Free will is such an overused, and misunderstood term; the better term to use would be Universal Responsibility.

News Item7/1/10 6:29 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Please continue to pray for us in the Gulf Shores Alabama area. It looks as if God has a plan other than quickly fixing this problem. We need to know what the Lord wants us to learn from this problem. Repentance is the most obvious. We need to put away our idols of Entertainment, get back in God's house, get on our knees and seek him. And take the attitude Habakkuk had when he said "Though the fig tree shall not blossom,neither shall the fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the flocks shall yeild no meat.....Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.......

News Item6/24/10 10:23 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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The charge of Mormanism regarding this movie (not that I've seen it or plan to)seems to be a stretch, after reading the entire article. The reasaoning is based on coincidental and flawed logic. You don't have to look to the evil of Mormanism to know that this movie and ones like it are evil.
Having said that; it is not without precedent though that Mormanism has used the media in this way. In the late 70s and early 80s the was a Sci Fi show called Battlestar Galactica in which there were two distinct eposodes of Morman teaching. In one, three of the piolets were taken aboard a giant ship of light ( a Morman version of the New Jerusalam). There there was a race of angelic or god like beings, who told them "As you are now we once were, and as we are now, you will one day be" The show aslo had many other themes of New Age and occult themes. It's important to be discerning. But I think this article may be seeing mormon where it may not be. Better just to warn of the obvious evil of the show.

News Item6/15/10 2:12 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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The devil is pretty smart, and he is the father of lies. Intellegence is not always a virtue.

News Item6/11/10 9:28 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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At one tome the term "Evangelical" was used to desribe christians that were, consevative, beleiveing in the inerrancy of scripture, the virgin birth, substitutionary atonement, resurrection and visible return of Christ, and were Evangalistic about their message. Nowdays everyone from Emergent church leaders, to self professed liberals want to call themselves liberals. The Media is using the term "Evangelicals" as a Catch all Phrase. You really have to investigate to see if the Evangelicals they are talking about, fit the description of a bible believing christian at all.

News Item6/10/10 8:57 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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This is a real turn around from the 90s. I don't remember the exact figures, but the proportions were about the same,with that many more churches in need of pastors, compared to pastors avaiable. One thing, no doubt, that has reversed this proccess, has been the closing of so many churches. Some closings have been due to the ecomomy, some closed, no doubt, because they didn't want anyone besides their family and friend there, of couse those all eventualy died or moved away. Many smaller churches close because they can't compete with the big budget entertainment churches, and of course, some are closing because they are staying true to the Gospel and Biblical Worship, and there is no Market for churches that don't entertain these days.
So, no doubt, with fewer actual churches, there will be more preachers without a church. And many churches without pastors feel like they can take their time about getting someone. They feel like there will always be pleanty to choose from. So they take months and years before letting a pastor know wheather he got the job or not.
Johnathan Edwards would probably say this is evdence of God's displeasure is against our land.
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