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News Item9/7/09 9:11 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Ever notice how many of the changes made in the modern versions of the Bible have to do with the preeminence of Christ and salvation? These are the main themes of God's Word and Satan hates them! "Yea, hath God said?" It's no coincedence that most of the world's greatest revivals and spiritual awakenings came under the preaching of the King James Bible.

News Item9/6/09 6:39 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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God has most certainly promised to preserve what He honors even above His own holy name-the Word of God (Psalm 138:2). If this was NOT true, the Lord Jesus could have NEVER spoken the words found in Matthew 4:4. NOTICE THAT SATAN DID NOT CHALLENGE HIM ON THIS MATTER. "Every word" means just that, every word. If God is unable to preserve His Word, then He is limited and the Devil must rejoice! Furthermore, He would be unable to preserve the saints (believers) as He claims to repeatedly in Scripture. IF MERE, LITTLE MAN CAN PRESERVE HIS OWN WORD, HOW IS IT THAT GOD ALMIGHTY CANNOT PRESERVE HIS?!? Yes, how Satan must cherish such a lie. How he must relish the fact that some people think God's pure and perfect Word has vanished into dust. REMEMBER-Christ is the Word made flesh (John 1:14) and to ridicule the Bible in any way is to do the same to Him!

Now, some scholarly people are asking me to give more evidence of the preservation of the Scriptures. I've got a good idea. You're the scholars. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES!

I again refer everyone to an excellent site with many good articles-www.av1611/kjbp.

News Item9/5/09 9:34 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I'd remove my child from this ungodly school district faster than you can read this sentence.

News Item9/4/09 10:03 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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The modern church has concluded that the Bible is not sufficient to reach the lost with the gospel. So, worldly methods are now used. No wonder so many churches have become very, very, very popular. And very, very, very dead. Lots of attractions, but no substance. The great awakenings and revivals of the world began with the Word of God, not flashy gimmicks.

News Item9/4/09 9:47 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Satan hates God's Word above all else. He knows he can't destroy it. So, crafty tactician that he is, he does the next best thing. He just CHANGES a little here and a little there. REMOVES a verse here and another there. Add to this scheme the modern Bible publishers, their deception concerning the King James Bible, lots of $$$$ for their newest versions of the Bible and...well, the old Devil must be quite happy. "Yea, hath God Said?"

News Item9/3/09 8:48 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Things the Bible publishers tried to convince me of concerning the King James Bible:

THE KING JAMES BIBLE IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR MOST PEOPLE TO READ. Really? Too bad they didn't tell me that when I was reading it back in the 5th grade. Actually, the King James contains fewer words per sentence and fewer syllables per word than the modern versions.

BETTER MANUSCRIPTS WERE USED WHEN TRANSLATING THE MODERN VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE. Wrong. Older, not better! The three used are questionable in content and even contradict one another.

THE KING JAMES BIBLE USES SUCH OBSOLETE WORDS. Actually, not that many. I find some of these same words in newspaper and magazine articles from time to time. (Ever heard of a dictionary?)

Of course, none of this matters if you're trying to make as much money as possible.

News Item9/3/09 2:46 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Trxas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Amen, brethren! NOW we are finally back to the original discussion. I'll have things to say later concerning the lies the modern Bible publishers tell about the King James Bible. For now, I have things I must do.

News Item9/3/09 1:38 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Bible election is not hard to understand. 2 Peter 3:9 plainly says that God is NOT willing that ANY should perish. His desire is for ALL to be saved. 1 Peter 1:2 clearly says that we are elected according to the FOREKNOWLEDGE of God. God doesn't create some for Heaven and others for Hell. He knew in ages past who would come to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Those became His elect. This is from God's Word, not from some preacher or author.

By the way, what happened to the original discussion???

NOTE TO j3: Two excellent sites are www.av1611.com/kjbp and www.preservedwords.com. Many good, informative articles.

News Item9/2/09 11:33 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Some sincere Christians think that God's Word was only pure and perfect in the "original manuscripts". I disagree. God honors the Word of God even above His own name (Psalm 138:2). He has promised to preserve it according to Matthew 4:4. Otherwise, we could never live by "every word" as our Lord said. Is this so hard to believe? God is not limited. Let's not forget that the scroll our Lord read from in the synagogue (Luke 4:16-21) was a COPY. Yet, He called it "SCRIPTURE". Yes, I believe God has preserved His pure Word in the King James Bible. I do not find it difficult to believe this.

News Item9/2/09 2:51 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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There were never any revisions to the King James Bible. However, there were several corrections made because of errors in the type. Printing was not then what it is now. Much of it, if not all, had to be set by hand. This is another story (lie?) put forth by modern Bible publishers desiring to sell their newest ver$ion$.

News Item9/1/09 9:33 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I have found that the King James Bible is God's pure and perfect Word in the English language. There was a time I would have never thought that. I used all the popular so-called translations. They were SUPPOSED to be better. So, why have I decided to stay with the King James and reject the rest? Many reasons. The main reason, however, is that I started carefully comparing the modern versions with the King James text. I have found the King James to be SUPERIOR in every way. There is a reason for this. The translators were brilliant men at a time when the English language was at its most expressive ever. Many of them were considered genius when it came to the study of languages. The only thing they wanted to do was to translate God's Word. Unlike the money-grabbing Bible publishers of today, they weren't interested in high sales and a big payday. The result was a translation that is so beautiful and meaningful that even critics of the Bible consider it an absolute literary masterpiece. Above all else, the WORDS used in the King James are superior. THAT IS IMPORTANT! Modern versions contain words that can actually make no sense at all when taken in proper scriptural context. VERY, VERY DANGEROUS! An informative website for those interested is www.av1611.com/kjbp.

News Item8/26/09 8:25 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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These Lutheran brethren would rather be right than popular. Good. I salute them!

News Item8/26/09 8:19 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Ted Kennedy seemed to be opposite what the Bible teaches on most moral issues. Although I've never admired him I do hope he finally saw the error of his ways and trusted the Lord.

News Item8/22/09 9:59 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Just another church/denomination that has decided it doesn't believe the Bible. The fruit is proving what the root really is.

News Item8/20/09 10:10 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Simply put, these churches don't believe what the Bible clearly and plainly says. (Note to Roger: The Lord CAN deliver anyone from anything. Put your trust in Him alone and stay in the Bible.)

News Item8/16/09 1:05 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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FIGHT ON, BRETHREN!!! What did Mr. Churchill say? "Never give in. Never!" God send revival to the UK.

News Item8/15/09 11:31 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Send members of the ACLU to a communist country of their choice where they will be happy. Fire the cowardly members of this school district that complied with the Bible-haters. Put patriotic, godly people in charge. STAND against such attacks on our freedoms!!!

News Item8/7/09 11:26 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Very interesting. So, Mr. Obama, just who are these people and groups that would like to reduce us to a pile of ashes and will never stop trying? As soon as you return from your latest fantasy I would like an answer. Meanwhile, I'll listen to what our military has to say.

News Item8/7/09 11:05 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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If they told them the truth they would be losing customers. Yes, the Lord can free someone from the sin of homosexuality.

News Item8/3/09 9:37 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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They will.
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