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Sermon11/23/14 3:58 PM
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“ Important! ”
Al Mohler is repenting of calling homosexual orientation a perversity and sin and undermining the truth that such is a perverted unnatural lust wicked to the core. He is leading the S BC into a false and wrong repentance! Now watch him dig his heels in and defend himself and attack his correct accusers...and persecute them instead using his position abusively (which is typical).

Sermon11/23/14 3:39 PM
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RC: Homosexuals Do Not Exist
Kevin Boling
“ Important! ”
The SBC under the leadership of Al Mohler, who has come under the cloak of historic SBC founders conservative doctrine, has leaned increasingly into humanistic Political Correctness and compromised historic SBC doctrine and this is solid evidence. Al Mohler is leading tho ecumenical liberal creep into unorthodoxy by a once most conservative denomination. Sproul provides a sharp contrast and Is spot on.

Sermon9/21/14 4:21 PM
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Union With Christ: Part II
Pastor John Ashwood
“ Unique, remarkable sermon! ”
After a slow, stumbling start this sermon is startling in its content both theological and practical. What a sharp contrast this presents upon solid scripture prooofs from what is considered a Christian today! What a difference between professing christianity and real regeneration (not merely claiming to be "born again") and the indwelling of Christ by his Spirit in true believers! Why is this vital truth so neglected in even conservative churches? This vital, organic union with Christ is so different from definitions and professions of modern christianity.

Sermon8/24/14 3:45 PM
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“ important, how Christianity was duped by Equality moement ”
Yep, read Dabney and Thornwell online about who was behind Lincoln and his Radical Red Republicans and how abolitionists led immediately to feminists agenda and Egalitarianism! Big Government and socialism began with Lincoln and his Uncivil War which was a social and Constitutional Revolution!

Sermon8/11/14 12:36 AM
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“ important Sermon! ”
Listen to the citation and good analysis regarding the hymn writer Isaac Watts! Is not the thinking of Isaac Watts identical to that of corrupt modern cultural Christianity and CCM...contemporary Christian music, even Christian rap?

Sermon7/13/14 3:03 PM
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The Briefing Special Edition: Supreme Court...
Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
“ Important! ”
This commentary rebuts and clarifies the false media reports and liberal commentary that this ruling treats "corporations as persons". No, only closely-held family owned corporations that do not issue public stock! Religious liberty is most justly defended by this ruling.

News Item7/13/14 2:45 PM
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No more government- taxpayer bailouts for Banksters! And they have the gaul to say they promote a pretended equality, while they receive special privileges above all Americans for filthy lucre!

News Item6/19/14 3:29 PM
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The same headline is often heard as the justification for children to read "anything", frequently titles such as Harry Potter series.

Clearly, the headline representing present public opinion should be exposed as just as dangerous as potentially enriching. You never hear the headline used to justify reading the Bible or Puritan literature or that of 19th century Southern Baptists, because of sharp prejudice and the censorship imposed by Political Correctness. When these are suggested, "let them read anything" suddenly becomes qualified according to their unscriptural terms and opposition to the truth, even among "conservatives".

News Item6/19/14 3:20 PM
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Mark M. wrote:
Wha? She looks at what the Bible says and then does the opposite I guess...
Not really. Consider how general a statement she made without being more specific.

She really seems to admire and emulate Jezebel and Athaliah in her conduct, tactics, and political strategies!

News Item6/19/14 6:07 AM
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Their self-imposed socially quarantined communities would actually be a good thing! Principled disassociation would be so much easier than with their usual agenda of forced integration and activist lawsuits.

News Item6/19/14 5:50 AM
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Just like the U.S. trained, armed, and aided the Taliban to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, but now called terrorists. By the way, Bin Laden and "the Database" (translated ' Al Qaeda') of freedom fightera in Afghanistan were also trained and funded by the CIA also to fight the.Soviet invasian where oil and pipeline interests were all at stake before 9/11 was pinned on them without evidence.

Sermon4/13/14 9:59 PM
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No Creed but the Bible?
Dr Carl R. Trueman
“ important Sermon! ”
Very needed and important refutation of the naive and popular statement that is here exploded and refuted many. A pastor of a sovereign grace baptist church told me "we are not a confessional church", as if that was better. Yet they have a short statement of beliefs in print! This message shows why such statements are untruthful and an irrational position that only opens the door for a multitude of errors and heresies, that have flooded modern churches.

News Item2/23/14 10:03 PM
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Neil wrote:
Glad he pointed out Brown's Calvinism; that is usually overlooked....
Are you kidding? John Brown absolutely did not hold to traditional Calvinistic teaching! John Brown was America's first terrorist, a heretical fanatic and psychopath (see dictionary definition).

Google "What John Brown did in Kansas", then try to convince us that he was a real Christian instead of a crazed murderer that held the equivalent of what became Black Liberation Theology, with militia fanaticism!

Also, the Bible does not teach Abolitionism, or the abolition of the Master-Servant relation any more than it does that of Fathers-Children or Husbands-Wives (i.e. Ephesians, Colossians, Timothy, et al). Abuse within a relation does not negate the relations established and regulated in the Bible.

News Item12/22/13 2:33 PM
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Good! Idols, likenesses, and images are not only unnecessary but strictly forbidden in the 2nd commandment for the worship of God and Christ. "Thou shalt not make unto thee ANY graven image or ANY LIKENESS...".

This was the position of the protestants, reformers, like Calvin, Knox, the Puritans of England and Pilgrims of America, who also did not bow the superstition of "Christmas" day, but in fact banned it and made it a "common market day".

Superstitious icons are a mark of false, not true, Christianity. Faith does not require sensual images or music to be active, for "faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN" (Heb. 11).

It's time to purge away the icons, manger scenes, decorated trees in Christian homes and churches, materialistic shopping greed, and light imagery--the Christianized paganism of the superstitious regard for Dec. 25th as being "Christ's birth" at the time of the pagan's festivals of the Winter Solstice (i.e. what the trees, decorations, lights, and gift giving really are a part of).

Event10/21/13 3:04 PM
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The subject of this conference is very relevant especially these days as a smorgasbord of worship practices, many of which are worldly, have come headlong into churches that have in particular embraced being "reformed" in theology, and claim to follow the Puritans in doctrine. This has been especially evident among New Calvinists and their youth movements.

Yet, I wonder if the speakers represented will address their own peculiarities and questionable interpretation of the 2nd commandment's regulative principle and example of the New Testament apostles. For example Dr. Beeke's church has a massive pipe organ while the Puritans at Westminster disassembled theirs and even Spurgeon denounced the use of musical instruments for worship. Also, Paul Washer has been quoted as endorsing some kinds of rap music for worship which he thought were consistent with sound doctrine.

All this to say there is considerable confusion and new innovations even among those holding to reformed theology and even on the list of speakers scheduled. Maybe these things will be addressed since they are appropriate for the immediate purpose of the conference as stated.

Sermon10/20/13 7:37 PM
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“ Images, Icons Show Hatred to God, Not Love ”
Historically, Baptists used to hold to the same principles regarding worship as the Westminster Confession and Catechism too. It used to be that Baptists would never put crosses or spires on their Church Meeting places either for this same reason, and certainly never Christmas trees, nor pictures of "Jesus", nor holiday idols called manger scenes. "... But the acceptable way of worshipping the true God, is instituted by himself, and so limited by his own revealed will, that he may not be worshipped according to the imagination and devices of men, nor the suggestions of Satan, under any visible representations, **or any other way not prescribed in the Holy Scriptures**." - 1689 London Baptist Confession, also adopted by Charleston Baptist Assoc. of South Carolina in the 1700s.

Sermon10/20/13 6:48 PM
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“ Important Sermon! ”
Very relevant as to what God desires rather than the vain desires of churches today. And even more relevant during this season of great superstition as we approach closer to what is blasphemously called Christmas, largely by professing Christians. Dare we talk about the use of decorated trees, and quite a few in churches? Pray tell, what example of do we have in scripture of this, other than from the heathen nations and Babylon's idolatry? The Second Commandment cannot be of "secondary importance", without considering the grave threat, from God himself, in the commandment. Should we provoke God while claiming to worship the Son?

Event10/20/13 6:38 PM
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Relevant topic but will it make a difference? It is interesting how this subject is receiving much attention, yet few changes have been made in churches. Everyone considers other churches trendy but not their own. It is a matter of degrees of difference.

You would think that church was impossible without even 18th and 19th century hymns, mostly from Arminians. Wesley, Fanny Crosby, Watts have more influence on even the "traditional" churches than does the apostle Paul and Scripture! There is a 2nd commandment, a regulative principle for worship, and both warnings and examples in the New Testament of right and wrong worship, and how "psalms, hymns, songs...inspired", by the Holy Spirit, ought to be sung to one another, and not a word about musical instruments being necessary, while innovations and "Judaizing" (using OT means of worship) is condemned by none other than the apostle Paul (Gal, Col, Eph, etc).
Those who claim to be "reformed" thus far, have not reformed themselves.

News Item9/29/13 4:23 PM
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Sodomy therefore is a public health issue, and a cause for justifiable discrimination for public welfare. The CDC statistics are also compelling. Where are all those then who believe in science on this issue? It is irrational to ignore the evidence.

News Item8/18/13 4:14 PM
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The self-righteousness of those who assert Evolution falls apart the more you ask them questions. And these people think they are "higher" and "educated" yet they cannot articular intelligently any consistent, logical explanations with any sense of common reasoning. "Professing to be wise they became fools". The truth is they merely want to mock the Bible, God, and the Christian religion on nothing more than personal prejudice.
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