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Sermon7/28/13 4:10 PM
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God Withdrawing from His People
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ The LORD's Holy Grudge Against the Churches ”
Timely! "...until they acknowledge their offense". The LORD holds a holy grudge, turns and walks away, and will not return to the modern churches (yes conservative and reformed too), until they come to terms with his condition above, "until." The issue is not "will the Lord turn away", but that the LORD already HAS turned away from the churches in America and Britain. Yes they have "sought after him with their sheep and flocks", returning to some older and historic doctrines and practice, but only superficially. "They will not find me, until...", says the inspired text. Churches are going through the motions but are impotent because there is no power, no true regeneration or sanctification. Churches and family generations are Backsliders. "I know Ephraim, and Judah..". "There is none that seeks after God", truly that is. "All have turned aside", literally. This is the "Ichabod Generation", and has been in America since the Civil War and early 1900s. Even Spurgeon's Downgrade puts a time frame on the "falling away", and Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism, Charismaticism and New Calvinism were vain attempts to regain power and influence. But the condition has not been met: "Until they acknowledge their offense", and "come clean" before Christ who removes Candlesticks.

News Item7/21/13 2:11 PM
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While there are some good points about both of these men as conservatives, one is a Roman Catholic (who defends idols of course, icon Christianity in this article) and the other a Libertarian.

Be very careful what you wish for as a candidate for you will get the whole package, not just the good points.

Sermon6/16/13 11:26 PM
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McCheyne on the Lord's Day
Jim Savastio
“ Mark of Apostasy Leads to Tyranny ”
The failure and lack of any fear of God or regard for the Lord's Day as holy are clear marks that modern Christianity is not only lukewarm Laodiceanism but entirely apostate. Even most grandparents would be astonished at the casual regard for it. This also includes the lack of distinction between a real Christian or church and the world. Have not the Candlesticks of America's churches effectually been 'removed' and no longer shed any distinguishing light in the dark land of a licentious liberty? But the second consequence is that an anti-Christian but accepted Tyranny has been erected. For while the government and corporations in law pretend to protect "equal rights" on employment, including "religion", the fact is clear that most all employers require availability for work on Sundays and will openly discriminate and not hire those who refuse! DEFEND YOUR LEGAL AND CHRISTIAN RIGHT TO NOT WORK ON THE LORD'S DAY WHICH THE GOVERNMENT AND ALL CORPORATIONS MUST RESPECT (as they do for others, such as Jews and their holidays, who force even Congress to dismiss). Will those of a pretended "sexual orientation" have protected "rights" while Christians have none and forfeit their Christian liberty? Apostasy is the road to tyranny, and it's here.

Blog2/17/13 4:02 PM
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Very helpful and enlightening post! Most
do not even consider how church practice
has differed from the past and consider
it unimportant. But this demonstrates a
pattern that will worship in singing
leads to apostasy.

My grandfather was a pastor of a German
Reformed Church (who studied under
Warfield at Princeton) and their
denomination during the end of his life
turned to apostasy and liberalism (which
is the pattern of all churches that
decline into will worship) and his entire
extended family seceded from it and from
all reformed churches and fled for refuge
to (get this) fundamentalist (but
Arminian and creedless) churches typical
of the 20th century. Now the
fundamentalist churches have declined
into pop culture and have no firm
doctrines (except the incomplete listed
fundamental ones). The point is that the
leaving of exclusive Psalm singing leads
to decline in Doctrine and Practice and
total apostasy from the Word of God. It
replaces God's justice with a false
universal love and sentimentalism which
is superstitious will-worship of a very
different God than what the Bible
teaches, and a different gospel (with a
false universal love) which opposes God's

News Item2/10/13 4:37 PM
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"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
-- Jesus Christ to disciples, Luke 22:36

News Item2/3/13 7:45 PM
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Typical liberal state where past cries for tolerance against "thought police" now are turned into applause for pretended "social justice" dictatorship. Are they not censoring his speech and rights for New Orthodoxy of Political-Correctness? Will the State be a persecutor of religious freedom and (passive protest) speech? He is not even trespassing or picketing in protest on public streets. He simply refused a customer order to his own private-owned business.

Articles in the UK prove that if met with resistance both conservatives and liberals believe such persecutory laws by government are contrary to the Constitution and free speech, free religion, and private property (i.e. including business affairs).

Where is the "social justice" in overthrowing speech, intellectual and religious "freedom" here in America? This will not stand in any Constitutional appeal. The baker is on firm moral and lawful grounds in refusing and standing against such tyranny and injustice. No one compelled them to order a cake from him, nor is it a life-essential commodity they wanted. Why should he be compelled to support and avow their pretended marriage or any other strange or offensive order?

News Item2/3/13 7:16 PM
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Mike wrote:
We need a poll to determine the obvious? Of course government threatens freedom. That's what it does when given free rein.
"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." Thomas Jefferson 1788
Yep, and it's old news since it says "for the first time since 1995". Really? What about 2002 after 9/11 and the Bush Administration began trampling the Constitution for a Homeland Tyranny (aka Security) government, USA PATRIOT ACT, and surveillance state that makes Orwell look like a prophet? It only shows how republicans are so blind when their own party (filled with blind evangelicals) does it. Apparently it's only noticed under Democrat administrations.

But this has be going on since FDR (Social Security and New Deal laws) and Woodrow Wilson (who imprisoned dissent for WWI)...back further to 1861 (read why the Southern states really seceded)...yeah, go back to the Anti-Federalist speeches of Christian statesmen like Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams before 1787 and the Constitution's ratification!

The Centralized government has constantly been usurping since State's Rights were overthrown for a Consolidated "Big Government". And republicans have been no friend either, historically, esp.

News Item2/3/13 6:53 PM
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King Herod, who liked to listen to John the Baptist, had a wife like that too. So did King Ahab, whose wife was the infamous Jezebel, that wicked woman. These (outwardly beautiful) women were enemies of the prophets and sought to kill them who spoke the word of God boldly to those otherwise considerate statesmen.

And God said to Adam after his Fall, "because you listened (and acted accordingly) to the voice of your (attractive) wife...", etc. Satan still uses this same craft, Playbook 101 since the Garden, to breakdown righteousness and confound any reformation for good, i.e. infiltration and subtle usurpation from those of closest affinity, esp. marriage. King Solomon's wives even turned his heart toward idols. It is not uncommon for women to use their husband's power to achieve their own ambitions like this, craftily.

This not only happens in governments, but in churches and homes too--with devastating spiritual and social effects and declines! It is better not to have a wife and be alone than to have the wrong one. "A faithful woman who can find?"

And woe unto the men who tolerate being "hen-pecked" or seduced into submission to their wives' ambition-driven wills!

News Item2/3/13 6:06 PM
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"In the last days difficult times shall come...lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God...who have a a form of godliness (church goers) without the power thereof (no difference on life)...from such turn away".
-- The apostle Paul, 2 Tim. 3

Sermon1/21/13 7:26 AM
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Abolitionism Condemned
Elder Thomas Ray Floyd
“ Important, Politically-Incorrect Sermon! ”
The speaker makes clear that this passage is "a good test of a man's belief in the authority of scripture" and as an expositor because most approach the Bible with "a presupposition that slavery is wrong" and necessarily evil. The mark of Modern Christianity is its bowing conformity to the idol of Political-Correctness to supposedly win the world (due to the fear of men) while siding with radical secular atheists in condemning the holy word of God on social issues. The New Southern Baptist Convention, New Calvinists, and Banner of Truth have publicly marked their agreement with the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr while despising the inspired apostles of Jesus Christ in the New Testament who teach, "from such turn away". Are they justified in doing so? This sermon stands as a sharp distinction between sober interpretation and popular sentiments which have *redefined sin* apart from the plain teaching of scripture and has bearing on all authority, government, and the moral anarchy prevalent in society today.

Sermon12/9/12 8:23 PM
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The Sin of Idolatry, VOT #196
L. R. Shelton, Sr.
“ Smashing Christian Idolatry and Superstitions! ”
Powerful, plain preaching and spiritual iconoclasm against the common and generational idolatry in American Christianity and churches. The visual imagery used to teach children about Jesus Christ especially is strongly rebuked and warned against. Particularly during Christmas are the merchandisers of religion busy selling and displaying their crafted artistic images which the 2nd commandment plainly condemns and teaches that God hates. "Another Jesus" and another gospel is being taught by the use of images and prevalent religious practices.

Sermon12/9/12 7:22 PM
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Cremation Or Burial? Which Is Right Part 4
Elder Thomas Ray Floyd
“ Important, Practical Series of Messages ”
This message and series strikes against the growing acceptance of what is called "cremation" among society and even Christians and the implications of it. Faith and true beliefs are seen in what is practiced, not merely professed. The ideas of a disposable body life and an amoral economic efficiency has increased in this "live for now" society and is further evidence of national decline and apostasy, which is seldom stood against by Christian churches. The practice of Incineration ("cremation") as acceptable "burial" would be a shock to American christians just 100 years ago. It should be abhorred and resisted even among unbelievers as an awful dishonor to their deceased family members.

Sermon12/9/12 7:02 PM
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The Glory Of The Cross
Elder Thomas Ray Floyd
“ Crosses vs. True Christianity! ”
The preacher expounds the correct interpretation and application of what Paul meant by "the cross" versus the outward icons improperly displayed by modern Christianity in America. Historically the displaying of icons and crosses (decorations and idolatry) has always been the mark of apostasy (e.g. Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Coptic Christianity, etc.) and spiritual deterioration of nations and societies which employed superstitious displays of crosses (feigning Christianity) instead of true repentance and conversion. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things *not seen*". Icons are a replacement for true faith and obedience to Christ and misinterpret passages like this.

Sermon11/4/12 5:24 PM
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“ Daring, Timely Sermon! ”
And wasn't Hurricane Sandy, on virtually the political eve of the Nov. 6th elections, a warning shot across the bow of America from heaven? What should happen should heaven open up its full artillery as it did on Sodom and Gomorrah? Is not the "wrath of God revealed from heaven against the unrighteousness"--blatant, shameless, "pride"-promoted, and now legalized unrighteousness (thus calling evil good, and good evil)--of America? Will God be mocked and his holy justice (righteousness revealed by the standard of his Law that is ratified and "established" by the Gospel) reviled and defamed without consequence? Is God impotent or omnipotent? How will it go for them, or this or any nation, that call holiness "hate" and unrightousness "love" and "good"--those who are "forward" to shake their fist at their Maker or pretend that Jesus was a timid, unholy, nonjudgmental, unrighteous preacher of "social justice" or "equality" of those who act wickedly, as if they are the "poor" and "afflicted" of the earth, instead of the oppressors and degraders of themselves and slaves to sin! "For by what a man is overcome, to that he is enslaved" and "for these things the wrath of God comes upon the children of men". The LORD answers in the psalm: "To the Forward, I will show myself forward"!

News Item10/28/12 5:52 PM
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This is very troubling. This is as contrary to the defense of Christian religious liberty as if Obama were to remain in office. The republican establishment will not defend Christian liberty but only political correctness. In this regard "the lesser of two evils" is proven to be evil still. Any laws favorable to *force acceptance* of open homosexuality (which is a behavior not an identity) all violates private property rights (as employer or business owner), free speech, freedom of religion (which includes personal beliefs and practice in society). The government has no business passing laws which condemn and censure Christian liberty to denounce immorality in housing or work environment, which used to be illegal as well. Those who write or influence the new laws hold the power. Constitutional basis of our rights is being attacked from both the Republican Pharisees as much as the Democrat Sadducees, for the New Orthodoxy of Political-Correctness, propped up by the "fear of man which brings a snare".

Sermon10/21/12 2:19 AM
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Women and Work Outside the Home
Pastor John MacArthur
“ Politically-Incorrect but true! ”
What is unfortunate is that many of the most conservative (including "reformed") pastors today have capitulated to the democratic and humanistic philosophy of a pretended "equality" as well as the pragmatism of (materialistic) "necessity". It is pastors who are afraid to teach this and, in fact, openly mock this clear position as if "workers at home" were stricken from their Bibles. Younger pastors especially have their wives working outside the home to supplement their very modest salaries, so are leading by wrong example in total lockstep with the world. Thus, while most churches claim to oppose Feminism they practically are submitting to and embracing it entirely in their families. This is destroying families and marriages, and children are sacrificed on the alter of Money-loving and "lifestyle". Divorce rates are equal with that of non-Christians as wives roam around in the world apart from their Bible instructed duties, while it is considered "normal".

News Item10/14/12 12:37 PM
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Then it's time (if you haven't already) to "walk" out of Nordstrom's and the rest of the Fortune 500 companies (e.g. Apple, Walmart, Campbell's, Google, etc.) that take their *stand publicly* against the Bible for so-called "homosexual rights"--i.e. the open persecution and condemnation of the Bible and true Christianity. "Who is on the Lord's side?" [Psalms].

Will you continue to patronize and financially support your now very open persecutors? Radical gay rights orgs make headway by their boycotts and shouting while being only 2 percent of the population...yet numerous Christians patronize *for the unessential world's goods* their persecutors despite their professed faith.

An American Inquisition is coming...of Political Correctness that will divide fake Christians from real ones who "keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus" [Rev.].

News Item8/12/12 9:12 AM
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If this is substantiated and true then it would be almost impossible for any Christian to be Registered (identify publicly) as being a Democrat or supportive of that party, being blatantly contrary to Christian beliefs.

Thus their radical move will hurt their own party as many (i.e. a majority of blacks) who oppose homosexuality and many claim to be Christians (if they read the Democratic Party platform) will change registration to "Independent", and dissociate themselves from both President Obama's position and now that of the entire Democratic party on the issue of Homosexual Behavior (not "identity" or pretended "gay rights) as being contrary to true marriage, immoral, unnatural, unhealthy and contrary to the good of a well-ordered society.

The Democratic Party not only irrationally and immorally, but stupid politically, just gave reason to break the almost monolithic support they have had under "civil rights" cases as the Party attempts to force blacks (by mental whipping) to accept "gay rights" as equivalent to the Black "civil rights" movement, as if Race and Behavior are the same thing.

The dissent is growing rapidly. The Party will try and keep blacks enslaved through ignorance about their new platform, to keep them beholden to them as their political masters.

News Item8/12/12 8:55 AM
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The headline is misleading and fraudulent, coming largely from a group that financially benefits from people sending money to them as they track "Christian persecution".

Read even their own blog article and myths are exposed (like the comment below) and the headline shown to be gross exaggeration.

The government is largely *secular* and is afraid of Islamic or other religious extremism, and therefore literature considered seditious, inflammatory, or might tend to insurrection. Is there not a hint that the title of the Bunyan book was suppressed in this article? What if it was his book called "Holy War"? Would that not be treated (ignorantly of course) as possibly like a Christian Jihad title? They are cracking down on Jihadist literature, so of course they would confiscate (as governments get paranoid, like even the U.S. government has since 9/11) anything that would be controversial or in an unknown language.

2 Bibles taken that were in foreign languages (not understood by police) is not "Bibles now prohibited", and no such law has been passed. If this is "persecution" (with only fines, not bodily arrest or harm) it would be mild; but is rather based upon mistaken notions and misunderstanding of literature during "terrorism" paranoia measures, hyped by the West.

News Item8/5/12 12:19 PM
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Now what will Amy Grant do who often appears in Target's ads? (Don't hold your breath).

All of the fortune 500 companies will defend the new PC laws supporting "gay rights" and the confusion of marriage....for money of course. Only family and private businesses will stand up like Chick Filet, and not bow to State corporation-status pressure.

When Government and Corporations support homosexual behavior as an "identity" about "rights" and suppress or malign Christians it will be a form of persecutory Fascism and a New Inquisition will begin, where PC Laws are the New Orthodoxy of the State. Then you will have to have the "mark of State approval" to buy or to sell.

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