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News Item8/5/12 12:01 PM
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Tithing was strictly for Israel. There is no law of a stated amount required to give for Christians in the New Testament church. Ironic that few call it what it is, legalism and Judaizing, imposing an OT standard upon naive professing Christians as a moral law (while dismissing the 10 commandments often as "legalism").

It was under the Church of England (even in the Colonies) that taxation for the clergy was a law when church and state were entangled and an ecclesiastical tyranny was imposed on Christians requiring them to support the corrupt State church. *All national and ceremonial laws* (like the tithe) for Israel are abolished since 70 A.D. when Jerusalem was destroyed along with its sacrifices and priesthood and Old Testament political system.

That there is no tithe, or 10% tax, imposed upon Christians was the historic Christian teaching of Charles Spurgeon and many others, contrary to 20th century fundamentalism and many "reformed" churches. False Christianity has used this Judaizing method to require their financial support as if "giving to the Lord's work", i.e. for themselves and their modern Jerusalems (mega churches). Paul warned about this in 2 Corinthians, false standards of financial support by Judaizing teachers while the apostle himself took none.

Sermon7/15/12 5:11 PM
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To Whom Tribute is Due
Elder Thomas Ray Floyd
“ Controversy about Subjection/Taxes ”
There is confusion in Christianity about what constitutes "lawful authority" versus arbitrary authority, which by definition is tyranny. Mordecai refused to bow to Haman who was appointed by the King (see Esther), and is not condemned but justified in scripture for his apparent "disrespect" which made Haman very angry. Historically, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin’s proposed national motto in 1776, “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God,” from Acts chapters four and five, or to Matthew Henry’s commentary on John 19:15. Patrick Henry principled upon scripture in his "give me liberty" speech in defiance of the Stamp Act Tax. Unjust taxation and abuse of authority must rightly be resisted. Baptists have a history of resisting tyranny. Jesus rebuked Peter for promising to pay the "tribute" and required him to go fish to pay for it (i.e. fish with gold coin in mouth). Church imposed "tithes" (taxes) must also be resisted, which pertained only to Israel as a holy State government.

Sermon7/15/12 4:26 PM
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“ America's Immoral Companies/Institutions ”
Add Campbell Soup, Walmart, Apple and all of the Fortune 500 (which bow to political, government pressure to be incorporated under U.S. government laws and "equal rights" agendas) all of which publicly promote homosexuality and publicly condemn the Bible's position on morality. Most professing Christians and churches however would rather buy their products and support these companies who are open enemies of God and real Christianity. We are supporting our own persecutors, naively, as both governments and corporations conspire "against the Lord" (Psalm 1) and seek to "brakes his bands (laws) asunder and cast his cords (restraining moral laws) away". It is high time to stop glorifying America's popular brands and companies and institutions (including Boy Scouts) as if they are "good and wholesome" when they "call evil good and good evil".

Sermon7/8/12 8:12 PM
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The Case For Theonomy
Elder Thomas Ray Floyd
“ Challenges both Church and State ”
Proves the modern "conservative churches" are liberal and PC-driven, denying the authority of scripture as much as the secular state. This is an awakening message, calling attention of the true condition of churches and government in the U.S.. Southern Baptists are criticized justly. Warns against Libertarianism and Statism as well as humanist Democratic philosophy versus God's moral laws and standards of "good" and "evil". God is unchanging. There is either theonomy or autonomy (arbitrary law) for moral standards.

Sermon7/1/12 2:39 PM
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“ Great Point, Justice Compromised! ”
Bad interpretation has led to a false "love", which in fact is not love if it tolerates sin and "loves" the wicked. If love is a summary of the Ten Commandments than love must not compromise God's justice but uphold it. Mercy is only for the penitent, not rebels or the persistently wicked. (Mercy implies contrition by the guilty party confessed). Part of the reason is that we no longer sing Psalms (like this one). Per 2 Chronicles 19: And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord."

Sermon7/1/12 1:09 PM
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“ Justice, Mercy, Love Taught in Psalm Singing! ”
This is a very important message that will likely be ignored by too many. Reformed and Calvinistic churches in particular should consider this excellent teaching. A false "sentimentalism", false "love", erroneous emotions have been taught for over a century by both traditional uninspired "hymns" and Contermporary Christian Music which distort and suppress God's justice and redefine "love" into something else. Worship anarchy and will-worship came in when new "hymns" replaced Psalm singing and introduced a New Evangelicalism since the days of Watts, Wesley, and Dwight Moody (who used Sankey's hand organ) to stir crowds into "revival" based upon sensual hymns and Sentimentalism. But the Bible plainly teaches Psalms are to be sung which teach right notions of what to "love" and what to "hate" (which you never hear in modern hymns). "Oh how I love thy law....therefore I hate every false way" (Psalm 119).

News Item6/27/12 2:40 PM
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Neil wrote:
Abolitionist John Brown ... it is not well known that he & his father were hardcore Calvinists, very familiar with the works of Jonathan Edwards. Funny, that Brown & R.L. Dabney could hold to the same theology, yet reach opposite conclusions about social equality.
What an awful lie and untruth! "It is not known" that Brown--America's first terrorist--was a Calvinist because it's not true! Brown and Dabney, the same theology? What an irrational and patently absurd assertion!

Brown committed blatant murder in his abolitionist fanaticism (see "What John Brown did in Kansas"). John Brown was involved in many murderers and cut off people's arms and hands who were slave owners! Brown led an Insurrection at Harper's Ferry, and was an advocate of Black Liberation Theology (which abolitionism feeds off of), and advocated insurrection, violence, murder--gross and criminal sins against individuals and States! John Brown was a madman and demonstrated the radical Liberation Theology of Abolitionism, similar to that which sparked the French Revolution. (Read about the Secret Six who sponsored John Brown).

Jesus never demanded abolitionism of slavery, nor does the entire New Testament, but rather upheld the Master-Servant relation.

News Item6/24/12 11:29 AM
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There has been a legal definition of "marriage" per Black's Law dictionary and common law since the beginning of time. To advocate passing an amendment is to grant something that is not true, i.e. that "marriage" can etymologically or legally mean something other than what it always has, the solemnizing of wedlock between a man and woman of legal capability (not of immediate family or incest, not coerced, of lawful age, not of the same sex, between male and female humans not beasts). It should not be granted that there is any other meaning, period, and if any states or municipalities perform such they are void of any lawful recognition and cannot be considered as such (and that includes the "marriage" of Mary Cheney recently).

Any "marriage" pretended that does not meet legal definition is null and void, and not recognized by law or jurisdiction. (E.g. Attempts to marry another in polygamy render the new marriage null and void, etc.)

It has never been defined legally as consisting of any other deviation from this in any civilization since the beginning of time. It cannot therefore mean something new today, nor is any amendment required, except to REDEFINE IT from the norm, which would never pass! Not even did Sodom and Gomorrah redefine marriage.

News Item6/21/12 2:33 PM
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Jozim wrote:
What difference does it make what colour of skin Fred Luter has? By saying he is the first black president of SBC the racial issues are kept alive. “But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, ... For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”” (1 Samuel 16:7, NKJV)
Yes, excellent point from a Christian bro in Africa! EXACTLY!

The New Southern Baptists have done exactly what America did in electing Obama, i.e. electing an Affirmative Action President, instead of the most qualified candidate. The SBC has bowed to Political Correctness in an attempt to distance themselves from their more godly (mark that) forefathers, who held better doctrine (i.e. doctrines of Grace, commonly called Calvinistic) and refused to bow to Humanistic reasoning on even the Master-Servant relation (per Colossions, Ephesians, Titus).

The SBC is a politically-correct institution that is ashamed of what the Bible truly teaches and continues to bow to Democratic Humanism (liberalism) and would persecute their own forefathers, as if they are more righteous. Feminism is also rampant within this PC denomination which will continue to shrink.

Sermon6/17/12 9:10 PM
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ A Needed Rebuking Sermon! ”
Come now, you "sovereign grace" charismatics and New Calvinists who call Pentecostalism or Charismaticism a "secondary issue", why stop short? Go into snake handling (abusing the text of Mark 16), like the West Virginia false preacher did just recently, who handled a timber rattler which struck him dead! If you cannot claim this miracle is for you, consistent with your erroneous teaching (instead of merely of the apostles, e.g. Paul, who had extraordinary offices and gifts as New Testament prophets), then none of the charismatic gifts are for you either. So don't stop with tongues, dreams, or prophesies and so-called "healings", go ahead, pick up the vipers too if you dare! Or else, be rebuked and cease your false teaching. John McArthur should know better who wrote one of the best refutations in Charismatic Chaos long ago, yet continues to join hands as if a "secondary matter." Jesus warned that false teachers would indeed do real apparent miracles in his name, cast out demons, but will still be told to "depart" in the end into perdition. Everyone else should "stand back" from these Korahites, who desire Egyptian magical acts.

Sermon6/17/12 4:14 PM
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“ Important Note! ”
More about New Calvinism by Chris Hand and other speakers will be addressed in the July 2012 School of Theology Conference at Metropolitan Tabernacle (see Sermon Audio ad). This has been addressed also in at least two previous conferences and is available on Metro Tab audio and video CDs for those "School of Theology" conferences. See their website for ordering those CDs on this important subject (from 2010 and 2011 too). Any church or seminary teaching Contemporary Church History should not overlook the subject and controversy of New Calvinism Movement which is far different than the Calvinist teaching and practice of historic Particular Baptists and Presbyterians, and certainly from the Puritans.

Sermon6/17/12 3:45 PM
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“ Mega-Church, Pop Calvinism Exposed! ”
There is a reason the Pop Calvinist churches are as large (and pastors paid hundreds of thousands) as the "health and wealth" or church-growth churches. It's because they, under pretense of orthodoxy (not!), use the same worldly methods of will-worship and cross-marketing strategies to entice "seekers" and unstable youth with "historic Christianity" while Pied Pipering toward Vanity Fair (i.e. Pilgrim's Progress). The result? Subtly, men creeping in unware (infiltration) "turn the grace of God is turned into lasciviousness" (Jude). This is really just a new updated version of the Hippy blue-jeans and bell-bottoms Christianity launched by the rebellious Youth Movements of the 1960s and 70s with a Makeover, to make Christianity "cool"--but entirely devoid of the "fear of God" which is the "beginning of wisdom"! 2 Tim. 3 warns of this in latter times, having a "Form of Religion but denying the power (regeneration, sanctification, holiness of life) thereof". From this and them we are commanded to "turn away" from instead of applaud. To be fair, traditional worship has used the same methods more subtely ever since Psalm singing without instruments was abandoned (Hear G.I. Williamson on Col. 3, Songs Spiritual) .

Sermon5/28/12 3:07 AM
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“ Important Sermon! ”
This message justly calls attention to modern false Christianity, even among Protestants, Baptists and even "reformed" churches which are marked by "free will worship", or will-worship. Note the mark of Babylon is sensual worship, including musical instruments, along with much merchandising of religion and works by which they think they glorify God, even when "conservative". Martin Luther wrote on Galations: "All religion whereby God is worshiped without his word and commandment is idolatry. And the more spiritual it seems to be in outward show, the more dangerous and pernicious it is". Presently there is reformed idolatry as bad as Rome's, which God hates and will certainly judge.

News Item5/20/12 9:32 PM
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Titanic story wrote:
... an attempt to patch the massive hole in the SBC's defective hull. This looming disaster was started when, in schism, the SBC left the broader Baptists (c. 1845) to support purchasing and chaining-down Africans [EDIT, not] American [citizens] so they could perform servile labor benefiting the white upper crust [note racist rant].
These Calvinist Founders, apparently unable to determine which way was up when holding their Bibles, never had a clue that their biggest tithers, while profiting from the whipped backs of their slaves, were daily engaged in crimes against humanity.
Rather, the New Southern Baptists, including the Piper-ites and New Calvinists, are bowing to the idols of Democratic Humanism and Political-Correctness which pretends to judge both the Laws of God and teachings of Christ as unjust, thus condemning the righteous blood of Jesus who was incapable of condoning sin. The NEW SBC, having been tutored under the False Christianity of Abolitionist Reconstructionism for 150 years now (largely of Arminians and Universalist Yankee Baptists, Socialists) must distance itself by having an Affirmative Action President, like Obama is. Thus they condemn the most godly men and patriots--Richard Furman, James P. Boyce

News Item5/20/12 8:59 PM
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lady liberty wrote:
When you chain a man down to your lilly white plantation and he eventually gains his freedom, don't you think he'll eventually want to provide freedoms to other oppressed people groups? The NAACP represents and campaigns for liberty no matter the colour.
Well, apparently the majority of blacks, who are not "lilly white", disagree with NAACP, Obama, and the homosexual lobby, and you. They do not concede it is a "civil right". Why does the NAACP resist the black majority's freedom and liberty to condemn homosexuality as evil and sin?

If you considered the Bible instead of your own amoral thinking you would see what Jesus taught about just who is "oppressed":

"He who commits sin is the slave of sin".

If America condones, accepts, preaches tolerance of gross sin, it will be aiding and abetting true bondage, slavery to passion and lust, and under the tyranny of an amoral homosexual lobby and absolute libertarianism, which breeds anarchy, which Jesus or his apostles never condoned, nor winked at as a "human right". Instead they preached "repent" and upheld the moral laws of God as revealed in the Old Testament, as the definition of sin, and true, regulated liberty.

News Item5/20/12 3:12 AM
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It has been well published since Obama's recent public support for homosexual marriage that the majority of blacks oppose same sex marriage. This puts both Obama and the NAACP in opposition to the majority of blacks who do not consider the so-called "marriage" of same sex couples as a "civil right" according to public surveys. So this will be greeted as a tyranny of a view being forced upon all blacks if the NAACP insists or it will lead to their rightful demise or change of leadership. (This is like union bosses endorsing a view most of the workers oppose).

The powerful LGBT Lobby though desperately needed the NAACP to do this since the majority of black clearly consider gay marriage neither "civil" nor "right"! Was the NAACP bribed to do this?

If same sex marriage is a civil right, by consequence, so could every other at least human but unlawful marriage be the same under the plea of "sexual orientation" (desire=identity). Polygamy, incest (all forms), minority age, etc. all could be claimed as "identity" (it's who I am). This they will deny, of course, but the line is then entirely arbitrary.

Meanwhile nature mates exclusively in male and female couples and within their own species. Procreation of course is impossible in these fake "marriages".

Sermon5/6/12 11:56 PM
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New Calvinism Examined
Chris Hand
“ A Warning about 'Cool' Calvinism! ”
Though this sermon/lecture is somewhat dated it is no less relevant today. Every reformed or Calvinistic church, whether Baptist or Presbyterian, should hear this. So should every seminary for its Contemporary Church History. The growth of a Calvinistic resurgence has been slowly building in America, yet it has not been recovered in purity but with New elements foreign to historical reformed Christianity, i.e. "another Calvinism or Christianity" is being introduced that embraces "cool" worldliness instead of standing against and separating from it. By it the church again is being infiltrated by the world, openly, without shame, "turning the grace of God into lasciviousness", not unlike the Rock n Roll 1960s, but with a different cloak. Today's "Christian hippies" are reformed and quote Calvin and Edwards! Chris Hand will speak on this subject again at the Metropolitan Tabernacle School of Theology in July 2012.

Sermon5/6/12 9:38 PM
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Just Warfare, and the Sixth Commandment
Elder Thomas Ray Floyd
“ Excellent, Relevant Sermon! ”
Must hear this in its entirety. Refutes arbitrary and unjust preventive wars, refutes modern notions about Israel (and supporting its wars), condemns scorched earth policy, etc.. American Christianity while condemning abortion justly is guilty of the greatest hypocrisy of advocating unjust wars (i.e. murder), "Crusades" under pretenses of "war on terrorism" into Islamic nations or "making the world safe for democracy" (Wilson, FDR), and reaching back to the so-called Civil War. AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY WHICH SUPPORTS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES IN PARTICULAR WHO ADVOCATE UNJUST OFFENSIVE WARS MUST BE REBUKED AND CORRECTED BY HEARING THIS SERMON. This will be politically-incorrect because it speaks plainly about America's sins of unjust wars instead of the hypocrisy of claiming "American exceptionalism" as a cloak for unrighteousness. The Law of God is still God's standard for righteousness contrary to both pacificism and unjust aggression. (Some disagreement with eschatology).

Sermon5/6/12 6:21 PM
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False Profession
Ken Wimer
“ Truth Sermon! ”
Many true things here that knock down false and politically-correct Christianity. The same people that make a ritual of praying over meals in restaurants publicly (esp. on Sundays, to be seen of men, Matt. 5) later turn up their radios with worldly music, sports programs and TV's with immoral programs, then later attend Bible studies, read theology books and even talk Christian-speak jargon of their own, but have never had any fear of God nor truly been convicted of their sins or made to flee the wrath to come. They love the world. False Christianity is a curse and is impotent to bring any real change or regeneration. Church membership is seen as righteousness when even the most conservative are corrupt and led by unconverted pastors. It's a "form of religion, without the power thereof" (2 Tim. 3), from which we are commanded to "turn away".

Sermon4/16/12 2:08 AM
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“ Against Crosses and Easter, Harlot Religion ”
Finally, a sovereign grace and Calvinistic preacher who warns about false religion in the display of man-made crosses as an unauthorized means of pretending to worship Jesus Christ, especially on Easter! The speaker asks why people do this. It's because the churches put fake crosses on their roofs and pagan-like steeples, and in their sanctuaries, for their modern Temples, to make a show of religion, a form of Christianity, otherwise others would not know. They must have a visible symbol, which the speaker calls what the Bible does, idolatry, and just like Rome does! This is False Religion, no matter their use of the Bible or confessions of faith. This is the makeup and paint of the Great Harlot, who must entice with sensual means instead of by faith alone of things unseen. The cross is a doctrine, not a symbol or idol, and like the Bronze Serpent which Hezekiah had to destroy because it was made into a superstitious symbol, like crosses today. False Christianity makes crosses for display, like the athletes wear who are not converted, but use it as a pretense of religion, while they are wicked.
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