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Sermon4/15/12 6:24 PM
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The Twelfth Apostle
James R Hamilton
“ Surprised! Objections ”
Very surprised to see this view. Only very few, relatively modern commentators, since the late 18th century, have given this view. Objections: 1) Peter acted per Jesus command, "feed my sheep", not "impulsively". 2) The scipture demonstrates the Holy Spirit's leading through the apostles in this meeting. 3) Casting lots was God's means prior to Pentecost (shortly to come) for God-led decisions. 4) The qualifications of apostles as eye-witnesses of Jesus entire ministry, from baptism to resurrection, are given here, Mathias qualified candidate. 5) Paul calls himself "apostle to the Gentiles", not primarily to Israel which 12 signifies. Paul being called and sent to Gentiles, yet formerly a Jew, as a "light to the nations" per prophecy. 6) Was Peter a false teacher as an apostle? No, but an inspired prophet too!

Sermon3/25/12 5:44 PM
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ American Corinthianism Rebuked, Judged ”
Very helpful insight into the Corinthians situation where Greek philosophy and mixed in the church, causing them (blindly, temporarily) to be "puffed up" with tolerance (as is preached today by similar philosophy), as if there is "Higher Law of love" such as to overlook sin. Sound familiar? False love is "tolerant" while true love is consistent with God's moral laws in 10 Commandments, which defines how to love God and neighbor ("love does not rejoice in unrighteousness"--1 Cor. 13). The preacher shows the moral Law of God is not to be rejected by the church but upheld and all sin condemned. "Tolerance of sin is conspiracy with crime"--Spurgeon.

Sermon3/18/12 6:06 PM
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Affections that are Not Proof
Stephen Gambill
“ Relevant: Fanaticism, Faith, or Sentimentalism? ”
This is a helpful consideration of true vs. false religious affections, showing they are not an infallible proof for assurance of conviction, salvation or true worship experience, but also could be. This applies much more than just against modern charismatics, but also applies to conservative and reformed Christianity. There is a "faith" today that is really sentimentalism, emotionalized notions, e.g. "I love Jesus". This should even be considered in evaluating the use of instruments in church and uninspired hymns which can manufacture through artificial music (as opposed to heart melody) and men's lyrics a sentimentalism to be confused with true worship or faith. Old Methodists used to fanatically sing very loud, to work up "faith". Modern Christianity works much directly upon emotions through the use of either old hymns or contemporary Christian music to excite the people to a "love of Jesus" that is false and sensual instead of true and spiritual. Preachers that seek to MOVE their audience by example, wavering voices, painting a detailed picture of Christ crucifixion (which the Bible does not) *to appeal directly to human sympathies* (rather than mindful consideration of Christ's suffering as an atonement), should be considered carefully too.

News Item3/18/12 4:57 PM
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Hodge, the last defender of orthodoxy? Think again! From this book review, by John W. Robbins online:

The Trinity Foundation is
scheduled to release a new book, 'Sacramental Sorcery:
The Invalidity of Roman Catholic Baptism', by James
Henley Thornwell, a Southern Presbyterian theologian of
the mid-nineteenth century. Thornwell wrote the book in
response to Charles Hodge’s attack on the decision of the
1845 Presbyterian General Assembly (Old School)
declaring that Romanist baptism is not Christian baptism.
Despite the General Assembly’s Biblical declaration,
**Hodge, who was very sound on other doctrines, continued
to teach his erroneous views on Romanist baptism in his
classes at Princeton Seminary, and his soft-on-Romanism
approach shaped the minds of the Princeton students who
occupied Presbyterian pulpits in the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries. It was Hodge’s error that became the
majority view in Presbyterian churches in the twentieth
century**, and contributed to the ecumenism and apostasy
of that century.

Sermon3/18/12 4:29 PM
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“ Extremely Relevant Sermon! ”
FAKE LOVE REFUTED! Exposes the lies that sprang up in the 1960s that have infiltrated Christianity making God's holy laws as bad thing and redefining love into a False Love that is contrary to God's moral laws. This could be entitled: TRUE LOVE vs. SENTIMENTALISM. This refutes the false love of antinomianism (lawlessness), which is anarchy before God. How can someone love God or their neighbor while disobeying or discountenancing his commandments? What kind of Love (and false Jesus) came up from the hippie culture of the 1960s? A false "love of Jesus"..."intimacy with God"...hogwash and false love that is licentious, that does not obey God or keep his commandments, but despises them. This has affected how parents treat children, neighbors, and why the world calls adherence to God's laws falsely as "hateful", "judgmental", etc. John says "sin is lawlessness" and in Revelation describes believers as "who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus" (the two are not contrary).

News Item3/8/12 4:30 PM
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The atheists are actually quoting this verse correctly, according to the true meaning of "servants". This billboard actually repeats the Old Abolitionist claims of 150 years ago and is the consequences of Socialism infiltrating Christianity (beginning with Wilberforce) not dealing properly with the Bible's teaching on the subject of slavery, and bowing to political-correctness instead. Modern Christianity, Southern Baptists and New Calvinists in particular are ashamed of our more righteous forefathers and greatest theologians (Edwards, Charles Hodge, Thornwell, Dabney) who all taught that scripture *upheld but regulated slavery*, as in this very verse--i.e. "Masters, render to your slaves justice and fairness"--instead of Abolitionist distortions of slavery being sinful and evil. The Abolitionists' equating of all servitude (Master-servants) or submission required in the Bible as "abuse" is what paved the way for Feminism (husband-wife, man-woman), and the 60's rebellion Anti-authoritarianism(Fathers-children, Government-citizen) which has sent today's society into chaos and make many Christians afraid of speaking the truth.

Sermon3/8/12 6:47 AM
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05 - Hodge/Thornwell Exchange
Dr. C. N. Willborn
“ Interesting! ”
Will this lecture be available online, by podcast, or SermonAudio for those unable to attend? It should be made available somehow because there are many who cannot possibly attend. Will this exchange be limited or will the subject of slavery also be included in this "exchange" lecture? The views of Hodge, Thornwell (Who wrote The Church and Slavery), and Dabney all recognized the historic view contrary to most reformed pastors and churches today, especially New Calvinists (e.g. Piper) who make the historic view a virtual heresy, contrary to these better theologians. And didn't Charles Hodge actually call R.L. Dabney "America's greatest theologian"? It seems like the defenders of orthodoxy were largely in the South.

Sermon3/4/12 11:18 PM
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Judge Not: The Antinomian's Taboo
Pastor John Ashwood
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is strong, refutes a common false teaching and takes young Christians and hypocrites to the woodshed. Must hear the entire thing, shows what true love is,contrary to sentimental notions; much to say to parents and children, youth in church.

Sermon3/4/12 8:10 PM
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The Tenth Commandment
Jim Butler
“ Powerful sermon! ”
The forgotten 10th commandment. This is the one Paul said killed him for it is a law for the heart and mind. This is what sent the rich young ruler away as an unrepentant unbeliever. It indicts lust, materialistic living and American Idol and narcissistic Facebook self seeking. It affects how we dress, what we buy, how we use our time, and what we value. God interposes a law for the mind of all men forbidding all to break it, which Christians above all cannot ignore. It also rebukes the sinful desire to get Government to take from others to give to you or others instead of personal responsibility! Communistic socialism is Coveteousness by forced sharing from envy, which is legalized theft, not virtue or truly liberality from heart.

Sermon2/27/12 12:36 AM
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The Sixth Commandment & Self Defense
Elder Thomas Ray Floyd
“ Needful and Relevant Sermon! ”
This is a very good sermon that helps define the Commandment of God, refuting pacifism and passive self-murder on one hand and arbitrary or aggressive wars, personal revenge, arbitrary killing, or ruthlessness on the other. Very balanced sermon that also shows mistakes common about the Law in general, which is defended (not refuted) by Christ's gospel as God's standard of righteousness. One objection could be made in reference to Abraham and 'vigilantism' toward end. Abraham was acting as Father, Chief Magistrate, Lord, and Ruler of his tribal nation (God's appointment), and nephew Lot was in the government (seated in gates, Mayor?) of Sodom, thus an alliance (despite Sodom's wickedness) between governments by kinship and 'just war' to rectify and rescue their entire nation for Lot's sake *from an axis of evil kings bent on imperialism*. This also brought the praise of Melchizadek to Abraham, all very different from vigilantism's true definition, i.e. acting as if no laws exist.

Sermon2/19/12 8:23 PM
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If A Woman Be Not Covered Pt-1
Pastor John Ashwood
“ Insubordination: Mark of a 'Disorderly' Church! ”
This is first in a 3 part series on the most politically-incorrect and neglected scriptures of the New Testament that distinguishes and reveals the disorderliness of most all churches. Note that this is inspired holy scripture from the apostle Paul, not a cultural opinion! The principles underlying the commandment is not "cultural", but upon the doctrines of the Trinity, the rank and order of God the Father and Son (see the text), and the doctrine of Creation. So woe unto the modern pastors and *false teachers*, especially 'reformed' or 'sovereign grace' that call this a "secondary matter"--a matter which they hate because they follow the worldly philosophy of Democratic Humanism instead of the Bible! It is a Spiritual Disorder in any church not to obey the inspired teaching of the apostles.

Sermon2/19/12 7:52 PM
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Assurance Based On Obedience
Elder Samuel Ashwood
“ Excellent Sermon: True Assurance vs. Presumption! ”
This is an excellent, clear, and relevant message for today and refutes much of the errors of modern Christianity! This young pastor makes clear and distinguishes between true assurance of salvation for true believers and dangerous presumption of nominal Christians so prevalent today. This message does not take any detours or attempts to ear-tickle listeners with entertaining illustrations or quotations, but simply a thorough exposition of 1 John within its full context and comparing scripture with scripture. THIS IS TRUE TEACHING THAT CONTRADICTS ALL FALSE CHRISTIANITY, INCLUDING MODERN EVANGELICALISM (EASY BELIEVISM), CATHOLICISM (WORKS SALVATION), AND NEW CALVINISM FALSE'S TEACHING OF "GOSPEL SANCTIFICATION" AND "GOSPEL CONTEMPLATION" THAT IS CONTRARY TO JOHN'S TEACHING OF OBEDIENCE TOWARD GOD'S COMMANDMENTS (REVEALED IN THE LAW) THAT PROVES SANCTIFICATION AND INCREASES ASSURANCE OF A TRUE FAITH.

News Item2/19/12 5:49 AM
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Russ wrote:
didn't Paul give instructions here: "speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; (Ephesians 5:19 NASB) and here: "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16 NASB). If we were only to sing Psalms why does he also say hymns and spiritual songs?
That is exactly the scriptures that are being interpreted erroneously. They refer to three types of "inspired" or "spiritual" (prophetic, inspired by God not men) psalms. Proof? Listen to this excellent sermon on this very point here for what the apostle Paul actually meant:
Singing Psalms, Hymns, and Songs Spiritual- By G.I. Williamson

Sermon2/5/12 7:06 PM
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Exposes Disorder in Today's Churches ”
This bold sermons is an excellent and thorough examination of this very relevant subject, which also includes the roles of men and women and therefore not a "secondary issue" whatsoever. The preacher teaches persuasively that this passage, as well as historic Christian teaching, is not being kept in modern churches largely because of the rebellious philosophy of anti-authoritarianism and Feminism brought in during the 1960s. He makes reference to the 1689 London Baptist Confession while most Reformed Baptists continue to be what Paul calls "contentious" about this subject and while churches remain disordered socially as much as society around us. (You won't find the New Calvinists touching this subject either because it does not meet their criteria, like the world, of being "cool"--i.e. which may be more accurately a coldness toward God).

Sermon2/5/12 4:27 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Some of us who are older can remember our mothers and grandmothers wearing ladies hats to church, especially those who attended reformed churches. It use to be politically-incorrect for women NOT to wear hats in church and the fashions of the first half of the 20th century still reflected the scriptural norm (and why men removed their hats publicly during prayer). The change is only evidence of apostasy, taking scripture lightly, and proof that both worldliness and feminism have infiltrated most all "conservative" churches with its democratic, humanistic philosophy of an impossible "equality".

News Item1/18/12 8:44 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
just to remind people about the thread at hand –[URL=http://www.gty.org/blog/B110412]]]Rob Bell: a Brother to Embrace, or a Wolf to Avoid?[/URL]
Yes, Wolf indeed, and this helps prove it. When did Hollywood every embrace a God-fearing preacher who does not compromise? But this is where he belongs, not in a church. This is his true home now. Like Demas he departed to the world, for he never really left it.

Beware of any pretended pastor when Hollywood runs to help them, and make them a lot of money, to spread their propaganda through allegory (allegorical teaching is what TV episodes are really about; for indoctrination), for mass consumption to a lascivious world. He did not waste a New York minute in running to Hollywood for fame and fortune either. His dangerous influence will spread and could lead to persecuting Christians who preach the true doctrine of hell, probably under PC "hate laws". He's just popularizing the new morality of Political Correctness which hates the truth under the pretense of "love". If doctors treated us that way (spared the truth to not disturb us) it would be a crime.

Sermon1/15/12 10:31 PM
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“ What's Missing in Modern Christianity ”
Edwards proves that "without holiness no man shall see the Lord" but also that true "love (charity, 1 Cor. 13) is the SAME thing" (says he) as holiness, "for it includes the love of God", who is holy and hates sin perfectly. He shows God's law is the standard of holiness, which fulfills love to God and others, which today's false 'love' hates (as if it were bad), contrary to Psalm 119 where David *delighted in and loved God's law*. He concludes this is the identifying mark of a true Christian--holiness, mentioning "strictness" of living, which is true love to God--and no other! He shows this ONLY is the way of *true and eternal happiness*. What a refreshing contrast to today's Christianity! Here the Sovereignty of God and the Responsibility of Man meet. Here the "Christian lifestyle" of *true justification* (salvation) is distinguished and the (now neglected or confused) *doctrine of sanctification* strongly asserted against today's heresies, from antinomian evangelicalism to New Calvinism, and against all false cries of "legalism" (as if we are free to sin and transgress the Moral Law in the 10 Commandments). Look at the stats: People are 'pressing in to hear' this historical, internet sermon because of its awakening power, clarity and rarity in pulpits today.

Sermon1/8/12 8:30 PM
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The Future of the Jews
Brian Schwertley
“ Relevant Message for Discernment ”
For more on this relevant and important topic see the sermon audio "The Hagee Heresy" which proves the heresy of John Hagee and Christian Zionism which is being used for political propaganda and blind support for modern secular (not Scriptural) Israel in order to get Christian political support for militant Israeli and U.S. foreign policy for a "new middle east" (which politicians are made to bow down to). The neoconservatives in Washington (very influential in the Bush administration) are almost entirely secular Jews, along with AIPAC, who pushed America into war against Iraq based upon falsehoods. (See jewsagainstzionism.org to see orthodox Jews protest against Israel). Meanwhile the Jewish ADL is aggressively promoting "hate laws" which are persecutory toward Christians and Christian liberty and speech for the liberal and LBGT agenda. Jews have historically persecuted Christians and have used government to do so.

Sermon1/8/12 6:53 PM
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“ Real Religious Threats to Christians ”
It's amazing how popular it is now for Christians and apologists to talk about Islam, since 9/11, as if it in particular is the most existential threat to Christians and America, while modern Christianity itself has descended into political-correctness, apostasy and increasing liberalism. Why not the Biblical history of Jewish opposition to Jesus, the apostles, the early church, and Christianity historically? The Bible has much more to say about the Jews persecuting and seeking to kill Christians (read the book of Acts), and leveraging Government to persecute Christians, than any obscure allusions to Islam (a hybrid religion of Mosaic Judaism, Christianity, and paganism). The Israeli Lobby influences U.S. politics more and the Jewish ADL is passing legislation against Christians ("hate laws") that are increasingly turning government against Christian liberty for a liberal agenda. The Bible warns more about a false Christianity, a "synagogue of Satan", and a pretender anti-Christ, in subtlety, than any other militant religious threat.

Sermon1/8/12 5:44 PM
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“ Relevant Debate ”
Ron Paul unfortunately does not fear God and bows to political correctness, particularly on homosexual behavior and their pretended "marriage". That said, however, he would do the most to demolition the big government bureaucracy that supports the social activist system. He is being marginalized by both the media and the Republican Establishment largely because of his foreign policy against Militant Global Democracy. Santorum actually mentioned in a debate that "gay rights" was a reason to bomb Iran! Santorum obviously does not believe in the Christian Theory of Just War (self defense only), but is like the other CFR candidates, neocons, and Israeli Lobby, that want to use U.S. muscle for a "new middle east" (Democratic imperialism). Unjust war is murder and national sin, even more than abortion (killing thousands without just cause). Ron Paul hates active Christians because his Libertarianism reflects anti-authoritarianism (which he often speaks of). Libertarianism is an anti-Christian liberal philosophy as much as the Conservative Imperialist Establishment RINOs who do not defend "individual liberty" in truth over Big Government. Unfortunately he is the only one who could bring real "change"--a downsizing to limit the activist, rogue Federal government.
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