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Sermon7/10/11 9:14 AM
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Jesus Defense Of The Moral Law
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ A Very Powerful, Needed Sermon! ”
Though this message was preached some time ago it applies even more to this present generation which can only be described as "lawless", for "sin is the transgression of the law" (1 John). Yet modern Christianity has set the Gospel against the Law, Jesus against Moses, as if the law was bad for its judgment & strictness, while it is "just, holy, and good" (Rom. 7). Some are even teaching the gospel is a "higher standard", misunderstanding the Sermon on the Mount here. And Paul further adds, "Do we condemn the law through grace? Nay, we establish (or vindicate) the law"! There is no "good news" without the bad news of personal guilt for sin, which comes by conviction from the Law as God's Prosecutor. Also "Love" has come to mean acting contrary to the strictness of the holy law (i.e. leniency, "sparing the rod", not punishing it civilly, etc), instead of conformity to it, which preserves society. The "greatest commandments" (love God & neighbor) SUMMARIZE the law, they do not contradict or overthrow it! And Revelation speaks of true saints as those "who *keep the commandments of God* AND the faith of Jesus". The preacher convincingly refutes the heresy and clears the Law by Jesus' own teaching, life, and death.

Sermon7/4/11 4:16 AM
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Christ In The Psalms - Luke 24:36-49
Rev. G. I. Williamson
“ Importantance of Psalm-Singing, Part II! ”
Should be entitled, "Singing Psalms, Hymns, Songs--Part II". This absolutely refutes the idea that singing Psalms (as some have argued) "does not include singing about Jesus", and proves that view absolutely heretical by Jesus' own teaching. To the contrary, the Psalms magnify the true Christ, "who loved righteousness and hated iniquity" and "therefore was exalted" (Heb. 1:9) as a Prince and a Savior, and his necessary sufferings. This sermon stands against the heretical and sentimental hymn-writer Isaac Watts, who condemned the Psalms (especially impreccatory), as "contrary to the spirit of the Gospel", blasphemously! To the contrary, singing Psalms balances God's divine attributes perfectly (due to inspiration), and defines them rightly, i.e. both Justice and Mercy, which sentimental modern hymns absolutely abuse and destroy for a Universalist, Arminian "love" and self-exalting praise, which knows nothing of the Justice of God, without which there is no true Mercy. Neither is the Hatred of God toward impenitent "workers of iniquity", idols, particular sins, consistent with the Law of God, made to shine as in Psalms which Jesus and the Gospel vindicate, as "just, holy, and good" (Romans 7), but which modern hymns hold in contempt.

Sermon6/26/11 9:50 PM
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“ The Answer is Deceit and Propaganda ”
To answer the question of the title, it is also because we naively believe what the media portrays. A study just concluded that only 2 percent of Americans identify themselves as homosexual or "gay"--contrary to the propaganda that brainwashes everyone! In other words, we are being subject to a "virtual reality" that appears like a majority, which is NOT TRUE, but the LGBT lobby screams loudly and gets the help of media, which also treats them as if they are a persecuted minority, while it is their *behavior* that is being opposed and condemned justly. Also Christians are to fearful to speak out against this virtual reality, and total myth, which is being forced upon everyone. Cowardly Christians must confess their guilt as well then, for not speaking up, for that is how any societies mores are formulated. The morality laws that West Virginia just discontinued in 2010 were a legal prevention of advancing their unjust cause, which is now cleared away, since the government in law already "discriminated" against "lewd behavior" and "cohabitation". These laws should be reinstated, as well as making a law against beastiality as Florida just did.

Sermon6/26/11 4:13 PM
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America Accepts Homosexuality
Bill McDaniel
“ Timely, New York Passes Gay Marriage ”
Let us lament and complain very loudly, and protest against the New York legislature's passing of "same sex marriage" on Friday! Has American gone completely out of its mind, and insane? This is a first in human civilization, the pretended "marriage" of same sex couples. The entire animal kingdom, which mates by both species, and only in heterosexual pairs, will stare in astonishment and the weird and unnatural perversion contrary to the plain and self evident design of God! Will this not provoke His judgment further? Has American become like Sodom?

Sermon6/25/11 4:33 PM
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The Destruction of Jerusalem
Bill McDaniel
“ Powerful, Important Sermon ”
It has become politically-incorrect to speak plainly what the scriptures teach about the Jews being guilty of crucifying Jesus Christ. A new persecution is mounting up, whereby the ADL (which authors hate-crime legislation) and other Zionist organizations call it "anti-semitic" to preach this. But should we be surprised? Who killed not only Christ (albeit by the providence of God), but also Stephen, and the apostle James (Fox's Book of Martyrs)? Who "took an oath" to kill Paul in Acts? Jesus replied to Pilate, when asked why he made no answer: "You would have no power unless it had been given you from above, FOR THIS REASON HE WHO DELIVERED ME UP TO YOU HAS THE GREATER SIN"--i.e. Judas, and the conspiratorial Sanhedrin under the high priest Caiaphas, "who sought to kill him", which is repeated frequently thru the gospels. Israel, the Jews, must acknowledge their sin and repent, as Peter preached, before God will restore their land (see JewsagainstZionism.com). But also, Paul tells the Gentiles, "Be not high minded (that the Jews are cut off), BUT FEAR, for God is able to graft them in again". Has the "time of the Gentiles been fulfilled", is it time for judgment to come, as was done to Jerusalem, for Gentile apostasy, and apostate modern Christianity?

Sermon6/20/11 5:23 PM
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“ Would Apostles or the Puritans Use Facebook? ”
The open controversy needs to begin, as T. Challies makes this all too "normal" for Christians, where the line between world and church by this medium is indistinct. Under the pretense of "Christian liberty" and threats of "legalism", dissenting Christians are being marginalized by those who quickly are conforming to the world, in *not only the technology*, but the WORLDLY CULTURE, LANGUAGE, GOSSIP, NARCISSISM, HEDONISM, AND IRREVERENT SPEECH that comes w/ "social media". Should churches be using Facebook and Twittering to the world? Remember when Christians never would let children have their own phone at home? Who thinks that Spurgeon, John Gill, or the Puritans would be using Facebook or Twittering each other publicly, for all to read? They were always careful what they sent to the Printing Press, and warned against indiscriminate socializing. "BE QUICK TO HEAR, SLOW TO SPEAK" should be a clue that saying everything you do, or think, is contrary to what scripture teaches, while a "fear of the Lord" is missing entirely as theological issues are discussed superficially and lightly. This is breeding a Pop Calvinism and furthering Pop Christianity, both worldly in lifestyle, "minding earthly things", even with religion mixed in.

Sermon6/20/11 3:02 AM
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America Accepts Homosexuality
Bill McDaniel
“ Powerful Preaching! ”
The bold sermon refutes PC churches who fear saying plainly what God abhors, and is worth hearing in its entirety as he compares and traces the condemnation of this provoking sin against God throughout scripture, recalling that Sodom was "an example" for us to heed. This strong message is even more relevant in light of this last weeks UN Resolution on Gay Rights (which the U.S., without our representation in truth, affirmed) and because of Obama's attendance this week at a homosexual-activist event in New York (as President, who claims to be Christian) on June 23, 2011, in which the New York Times writes: "This week, he will headline a $1,250-a-plate “Gala with the Gay Community” in Manhattan, his first such event as president; *on June 29, he will host a Gay Pride reception at the White House*. "Hate evil, you who love the Lord", writes the Psalmist.

Sermon6/19/11 11:43 PM
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Does God Love Everyone
Bill McDaniel
“ Powerful, Needed and Rare Sermon! ”
A powerful and clear sermon that proves the heresy of modern Christianity and it's False Gospel of "God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life" (made popular by the Four Spiritual Laws tract from Bill Bright's Campus Crusade for Christ, which infiltrated a generation ago). The new gospel ("another gospel") of "God loves **you**" is an unscriptural innovation, not found in New Testament preaching, *presumptuously proclaiming something certain toward all individuals*, indiscriminately, universally, and equally, that only God would know in his secret Providence--i.e. Jacob vs Esau! Jesus said he talked in parables, to hide the truth from some, "lest they hear and be saved", did he not? Before this late 20th century innovation, "God is angry with the wicked every day" and "*hates* all workers of iniquity" (Ps. 5:5) was preached, and "unless you repent, you will all likewise perish", faithful to scripture. Telling the sinful, openly wicked, or self-righteous, that "God loves you", is not only presumptuous, but countenances them in their sinful way to destruction! It is the very premise of that heresy, Universalism! The speaker makes short work of this heretical foundation, proves it to be false, comparing scripture with scripture, with boldness and clarity.

Sermon6/14/11 4:40 AM
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Satan's Computer
Joey Faust
“ Facebook Christianity Challenged! ”
"They have sought out many inventions". "If you right eye offends thee, pluck it out". Before people seeing the title of this sermon begin to hurl the epitaph "legalism" and "typical fundamentalist" to this important subject, they should give a fair hearing 1) to the excellent scripture texts used in this message, and 2) the speakers talk of "abuse" of these and "maybe" instead of absolute condemnation of all such technology, and 3) history of these inventions. If an honest poll could be taken, what percentage of Christians would say that they have abused their cell phones or computers and sinned for a period of time, or struggle with particular sins because of these devices? Temptation comes by use of means, and Christians are to avoid temptation. The Amish refute every day that these things are "necessary" for living, which makes a point. This a great counter-balance to a Featured Sermon this week from a popular Free Presbyterian Church which PRESUMES EVEN ABOVE PARENTAL AUTHORITY that teens and children still under their parents have almost a Universal Conformity to the World--among "conservative" churches--without shame in having their own devices! Remember when the TV was called the Boob Tube, by Christian parents? Is it really necessary?

Sermon6/12/11 9:16 PM
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The Fear of God #1
Albert N. Martin
“ Irreverence: The Mark of Modern Christianity ”
Mark this, that after 40 years since this was first preached, to a previous generation--just after the rebellious 1960s, when a false and loose Christianity infiltrated through youth movements--this present generation is even worse! Truly, "there is no fear of God before their eyes", even in churches and among professing Christians. The speaker marks that only those who have a fear of God are his true children, true Christians in scripture! This is what is wrong with Modern Christianity and more noteworthy in New Calvinism. Where is reverence of God and authority in these days of disrespectfulness, loose or silly talk and dress, and disobedience to parents, or parents acting foolish and childish, a virtual anarchy in society, even among Christians? "The fear of the Lord, which is (only) the beginning (not the end) of wisdom". Irreverence is a mark of hypocritical professors, the unconverted, and a sign of apostasy. Should we keep company with such, or call them true churches or "brothers" then? A sharp contrast is made in this message, and there is reason to fear how prevalent this is.

Sermon5/30/11 6:43 AM
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The Errors of Modern Evangelism
Pastor Joseph LoSardo
“ Relevant, Needed Sermon! ”
This is as relevant today as it was in 2006. Mark and consider how altar calls and hand raising (says the speaker) has replaced the evangelical ordinance of Baptism of those who repent and believe! (How did the Ethiopian know he ought to be baptized unless Philip included it in preaching the gospel, and that from Isaiah! Neither did Philip require baptism to be delayed or held inside a church meeting place.) New innovations (for another gospel) and "traditions of men" have been invented for evangelism, replacing God's methods and ordinance. Now what about today's New Calvinism emphasis on "church planting" and cell groups instead of evangelical "foolishness of (authoritative) preaching", like we used to have in times of awakening, which must be necessary to bring about true converts, and a true church? Why are even 'reformed' churches seeking to organize and "plant churches" (as if they are institutions, instead of called out converted saints), instead of by the biblical methodology of preaching publicly outside of church? This is entirely different than the churches planted in the book of Acts, the inspired pattern. The speakers point about how the Bible words used now mean entirely different things in modern Christianity than previously, i.e. grace, believe, gospel, sin

Sermon5/29/11 8:24 PM
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Numbering Our Days
John Scheffer
“ Sobering Sermon! ”
This is a rare sermon with melancholy tones in these days of modern happy-go-lucky Christianity and a contrast to New Calvinist sermons which talk of "Christian hedonism" as if Christians walk with the world in pleasures instead of with gravity, sobriety, and godly sorrow, as did Moses contrasted here. Here is a sermon that teaches Reverence and fear of God, and dares to go into "who understands the power of his anger?" with thoughtful consideration! Not even holy and humble Moses was permitted to enter the promised land because of his act of self-exalting anger (though provoked sinfully by Israel and just in principle)! Sin has consequences: "Fools because of their iniquities are afflicted". How have we witnessed the power of God "sweeping away" many, by his Providence, through nature by earthquakes, tsunamis, the targeted fury of tornadoes, even in Virginia as much as Missouri! Yet how few tremble soberly at "his anger", being insensible and ignorant of it? Sickness, plagues, accidents, natural disasters, economic poverty, and death, etc. come in a moment. But who considers death beforehand, as the Puritans did, instead of this 'whatever' generation? To not "number our days" appears to be a practical atheism too common today.

Sermon5/17/11 4:23 PM
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“ Relevant and Convincing Message! ”
Draw around, especially all you churches who claim to be "reformed" and proclaim the "sovereignty of God" while rejecting his sovereignty over what to "speak to one another" through singing in church! Did the Lord Jesus not give strict commandments for worship in his churches through his apostles? Did he really intend us to sing Watts (who condemned the Psalms), Wesley (who was heterodox) or sentimental Fanny Crosby, or contemporary "Christian artists", even Rappers, as "psalms, hymns or songs" as if they are "spiritual (God-breathed)"? This scripture text, as the respected Mr. Williamson proves, refutes will-worship in what is sung, and shows the "means of grace" being missed! This is practiced by Presbyterians in Scotland to this day, as it once was by Spurgeon. Come modern Baptists, and hear the same position as John Gill! What a breath of gentle, refreshing air, a soft breeze that so easily blows away the clouds of worship confusion through this neglected or abused text, that few are willing to obey, because it's contrary to their conservative "traditions" or contemporary man-pleasing.

Sermon5/16/11 3:25 AM
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Broken Britain?
Rev Allan Murray
“ Important Sermon! ”
"Democracy is not working" is absolutely true and Americans should pay attention to this message too. The UK is a pattern of what is coming to America next, and where the legal persecution of Christians (for speech, press, religious freedom) has already begun. Democracy has replaced Christian theological principles with "Secular Theocracy". It is a universal agenda being waged, and imposed upon all, that is described in Psalm 2, to "break His bands asunder and cast His chords away"--i.e. God's laws from being applied to men's consciences, that is a tyranny to not only society, but individual Christian liberty.

Sermon5/16/11 1:19 AM
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Does the Bible Condemn Slavery?
Franklin Sanders
“ Important, Relevant Message! ”
Biblical truth vs Political Correctness 101 during this time of remembering Christian truth on the 150th Anniversary of the so-called Civil War (a precursor to "civil rights" commotions later). God has a social order and the Master-servant relation is justified as much as husband-wife and fathers-children (Colossians, Ephesians, 1 Peter 2), as part of Christian social order for all society, and the Bible instead of abolishing it, establishes, regulates, and enforces the proper relations of each to one another. To say otherwise is to condemn Moses, the law, the prophets, Jesus Christ and the apostles (i.e. the entire holy Bible) of sin, and would render the precious atoning blood of Jesus (who upheld the master-servant relation) as (blasphemously) impure by implication. What IS sin is the slandering of an entire people or a divine institution, yea God himself by implication, as evil, wicked, and sinful, contrary to God's holy testimony, which is incapable of deceit. As the speaker says, there is no sin of "racism", contrary to Human commandments--a legalistic tradition of men. Beware of "the fear of men, which bringeth a snare"--i.e. wrongful public opinion that is now in majority, even among professing Christians. Wilberforce and Spurgeon were wrong!

Sermon5/11/11 1:25 AM
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The Sin of Irreverence - Mal. 1:6-14
Timothy J. Worrell
“ Casual Christianity Condemned! ”
Irreverence in life or worship, even while being orthodox in doctrine, is heterodoxy in practice and dishonoring to God. This indicts today's Bumper-sticker and T-Shirt Christianity that is marked by lip-service while the means and actions speak without gravity and reverence. And when the speaker rehearses the text about the Sabbath, "oh what a weariness it is" (as God mocks Israel's irreverent attitude), it reminds one of Sunday-Only Christianity--i.e. dress up then dress down as soon as church is over, the race to watch TV or sports, as if being a Christian, who ought to fear God always, is not 24/7, or as if reverence is only a show for church meetings, then afterwards God is not feared. This was the "hypocrisy" of Israel that God indicted them for--temporary pretense, preferring other things! Isn't that the kind of Christianity most of us were raised in, wrongly?

Sermon5/8/11 3:22 PM
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Historical Survey of Worship
Daniel Chamberlin
“ Very Instructive! ”
The changes under Constantine are highlighted and prove how Romanism brought in sensual worship, and that instruments are Judaizing. Also interesting is how that instruments were justified later on for evangelism and youth appeal. The 1960's youth revolution has had a long effect on America to this very day, whether "contemporary Christian music" or bluegrass, with its emphasis constantly on "culturally-relevant" worship styles, of which the New Calvinism movement imitates and echoes, instead of being a "new reformation". Scotland's Presbyterian churches today sing only Psalms without any instruments and with just a song leader. Some Primitive Baptist churches also do not use instruments. It would be instructive to include the Debates about what churches are to sing from history and the Reformers, and what "psalms, hymns and spiritual songs" really are, which has opened Pandora's Box for the "music revolution" as well.

Sermon5/5/11 5:54 AM
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“ Important & Relevant Message! ”
It's about time someone laid the axe to the root of this tree of modern worship! Modern churches and many Christians are marked by IRREVERENCE and WILL-WORSHIP (self-willed worship, either contemporary or traditional) which the speaker proves God hates and despises, and even threatens against in the Law (2nd commandment) and Prophets. Modern churches and Christianity are marked by Worldliness and Music has a great deal to do with this as this speaker proves. There is a Scriptural counter-culture that God requires for Christians and churches -are to be well-ordered according to command and example. It is observable that ALL Mega Churches (including "New Calvinism" churches, per Dr. Peter Masters) are ALL marked (and populated) by Music innovation and Will-worship which would astonish our forefathers. John Piper's church is called out as a bad example most justly. The speaker proves these are not "secondary" issues to God.

Sermon4/24/11 7:29 PM
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What a Man is Not
Paul Washer
“ Awakening Message! ”
Contrary to the modern saying that "It's all good", the speaker is right, "It's all wrong"..."It's all bad"! Oh how politically incorrect, but true! The destruction of the 5th commandment has been the degradation of society, and the loss of God's Social Order has left us in chaos. All has been replaced by Equality, Education (government schools) and Entertainment (indoctrination thru TV), and all by design of the "powers that be" for a democratic new world order which hates traditional authority. The speaker mentions history, and the Civil War began the revolution. For it was there that strife began, the 'master-servant' relation was severed as wrong; then came the 1900s Feminism (husband-wife, man-woman) on its heels; then came the 1960s Generation Gap (fathers-children) and anti-authoritarianism; and now the homosexual agenda based upon pretended "equality" and "human rights" as well. *Democracy and communist principles have destroyed Christian biblical social order for the last 150 years*. America has had its own French Revolution that has destroyed the moral and social foundations of family, church and society. Real Christian men will not conform to this generation, but justly resist and expose it, even though it be politically-incorrect.

Sermon4/11/11 3:08 PM
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Why Will You Die?
John Scheffer
“ Powerful Sermon! ”
This was an effectual sermon, by the grace of God, that scored an effectual hit upon a poor despairing sinner, "pining away"! (Note this faithful preacher at the end, spoke of "firing a shot at random", just as the King in the OT was struck, 1 Kings 22:34, by Divine Providence. Praise be to God, that he in fact "takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked" (even in despair, even if they thought they were righteous), but permits them, nay *commands them*, if they hearken before too late, to "turn, turn" in repentance and confession "from their evil ways"! Note God's message, "Why will you die oh house of Israel" was directed to God's people, who were "pining away" in sin, because they had provoked a righteous God, who had been kind to them in giving them his word and oracles, but who had sinned against light. Therefore, it is a sermon for church members and common professors, who feel sensible of their sins, to not delay, but to "turn, turn" before they die the death.
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