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Sermon7/25/10 8:36 PM
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Free From What To Do What
Gary Shepard
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a needed and well timed sermon! There is little preaching about salvation FROM SIN and its tyrannical dominion, only salvation from wrath. Here is the slavery which is tolerated so well today (while condemning the master-servant relation of scripture), the slavery of sin. Sin is a demanding task-master, and Christ preached a gospel of salvation FROM SIN, its power and dominion, as well as its penalty. There is an irrationality to sin, a form of madness, a psychopathy, for all act contrary to reason as well as contrary to revelation of God's laws. Homosexuality shows the depths of this slavery, as well as all immorality--sin is debasing and "inconvenient". Jesus preached a gospel of salvation from sin, a real emancipation -- "Thou shalt call his name Jesus, for He shall save his people FROM THEIR SINS". "He who commits sin is the slave of sin", Jesus said. So why is it that professing Christians and churches appear as sinful as the world? Is it all just "remaining sin", or lack of regeneration? We don't believe in perfectionism, but something is entirely missing. This doctrine has been neglected, as well as the doctrine of mortification of sin for sanctification, as modern "salvation" is preached, but not the "doctrine that is according to godliness".

Sermon7/25/10 7:41 PM
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Jesus Christ the Same
Gary Shepard
“ Needed Message! ”
What a timely message. Many churches along with the world deny this foundational truth, that the holy Trinity 'changes not'. The verses cited are emphatic! Neither God the Father nor Jesus Christ, the incarnate eternal Son, are capable of "change" in their being, for that would deny God's holiness, righteousness, immutability, sovereignty, eternal decrees, foreknowledge and election. The only thing that God changed was the "testaments", the older covenant "shadows" of Israel for a New and "better testament" (Heb. 7-9), yes a change of dispensation and "times", yet consistent in terms of being justified in God's sight 'by faith' (Habk 2:4), and the gospel plainly revealed through Christ's appearing. Truly this a mystery that requires revelation of scripture, not reason of man. Hebrews 8:9-13 proves a radical change in covenants, times, testaments, as did what happened in 70 A.D. to Jerusalem, and also Pentecost when Peter said Joel's prophecy was fulfilled, a mark of something new. The confusion comes due to errors and heresies in misunderstanding the old and new testaments, covenants, and changes, as taught by Jesus: "This is the *New* Testament in my blood, drink this..etc", while the "old waxed away".

Sermon7/25/10 6:16 PM
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“ Important Series ”
This is a needful subject during the times of today's redacted 'gospel' (entirely watered down on details) where "according to the scriptures" is never plumbed in depth, by a generation that hates the Old Testament and its "shadows" and types. This proves that "New Testament churches" need the Old Testament for gospel understanding--the gospel according to Jesus! Benjamin Keach's "Marrow" messages go along with this well, and prove that modern man is ignorant of the Revelation and Mystery of the gospel, which is only understood "according to the scriptures", when opened up, as Christ revealed it to the apostles (as this sermon shows), before he left the earth; then later to Paul. Keach says man without *revelation* of this "mystery of the gospel" is in the dark, and will only rationally seek salvation by amendment of life, or works of some kind, which is why it is "to the Greeks foolishness", above their reason. Therefore "according to the scriptures" is the Light that opens the Gospel Mystery, and must be preached for salvation, instead of the superficial modern pseudo-gospel, that does not look to the Old Testament and their fulfillment in Christ's death--"to the Jews a stumbling block".

Sermon7/23/10 5:22 PM
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Witnesses of Repentance
Peter Nortier
“ Needed Sermon for the 'Reformed'! ”
The speaker refreshingly cuts to the chase in the first minute, telling what is wrong with Sovereign Grace churches. You can add Reformed Baptist and Reformed Presbyterian churches to the list. Doesn't anyone see that there is something wrong with modern neo-reformed Christianity and particularly Calvinistic churches? Yes, including the pastors? Why are the churches dwindling in America? How many are truly converted, who are orthodox? Why the impotence of modern, even reformed, Christianity to make a difference? It's time to look in the mirror instead of pointing at the world. Like he says about those who talk after church, "they won't talk about it", and "all churches are about the same". True! What good do all the reformed books do without conversion? Why are the most orthodox churches who teach the doctrines of grace NOT REALLY REFORMED OR LIVELY? "No one was ever saved by [knowing, believing] the doctrines of grace". Maybe that will get everyone's attention. Unfortunately the modern reformed or sovereign grace Pharisees will be offended.

Sermon7/18/10 10:27 PM
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“ Needed Sermon for Today! ”
With all the talk of "justification by faith", sola fide, etc., Keach presents it all so much differently than modern pastors and theologians. More than this, he exposes the error of the Puritan Richard Baxter, which he proves to be a heretical and false doctrine (and quotes John Owen to refute him also). Must hear all 4 parts. Also, after reading many Puritan works about seeking salvation (which Keach does not contradict entirely), it can be observed that "decisionism" and "making covenant with God", etc. by the Puritans, pre-dated the modern ideas of "making a decision for Christ", the "sinners prayer", etc., which now prevail. Could it be that the doctrine of justification and the New Birth has still entirely been misrepresented and distorted for a very long time, by the most orthodox? Ben Keach is a breath of fresh air, and provides good personal counsel for true seekers so as not to have either a "presumptuous faith" (easy believism, mental assent), but also not a "preparationism" faith, which turns "means of grace" (so subtely, for Keach does not deny the use of means) into a form of "works" for salvation. Is the new birth not truly a mystery, and wrought of God, like the "wind that bloweth where it listeth"? This is the Marrow of Evangelism lacking today.

Sermon7/18/10 9:49 PM
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Christ is All, and In All
Hanserd Knollys
“ Great Corrective Sermon! ”
This sermon from a worthy historic Baptist preacher sets straight the true teaching and refutes the modern day error and heresies based upon this much abused text, which people have quoted as their basis for the Humanistic philosophy of "equality" for "all" (as if to remove all distinctions, races, sexes, and stations in persons) and Democracy's "equal rights" which takes "no difference" universally, and over-literally, missing the sense entirely. This sermon refutes those Socialistic errors which first appeared in the 19th century and are still believed in churches today by defining who "all" is, and the what the passage actually teaches. (R. L. Dabney refuted these same errors in his Anti-Biblical Theories of Rights using this text). The end of the sermon is even more helpful, demonstrating and instructing in how to seek salvation in Christ, contrary to evangelistic notions of modern Christianity.

Sermon7/18/10 8:06 PM
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A Church's Dangers and Aims
Dr. Peter Masters
“ Timely Message! ”
This strikes the church and modern Christians a good blow. It's time to wake up! For even as Jude has warned that false teachers who are subtle, " crept in unawares", who yet appear "orthodox" or "conservative", yet are "turning the grace of God (redefining 'grace' sentimentally) into lasciviousness". The mark of modern "changing churches" is not so much reforming or improving, but being "tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine", largely that of democratic and humanist philosophy, relabeled in Christian colors, which is evidence of heresies among us, even by popular leaders. The church has adopted worldly example and doctrine as a Democratic Neo-Christianity has emerged. This is true of both so-called Evangelical Christianity and the "reformed" New Calvinism, both of which our historical forefathers would abhor as anti-Christian in truth. There is a blindness to the new politically-correct "traditions of men", which Bible Christianity is not permitted to touch, because they are held by the majority in error, even the most "conservative".

News Item7/5/10 9:08 PM
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Well, their problem began with woman elders which the New Testament clearly prohibits. In Revelation the apostle John warns of "Jezebel" who "teaches others to commit fornication". This sounds similar, like a woman having HER WAY with the church, even as Jezebel had her way with King Ahab (and controlled him).

The candlestick of the PCUSA church is about to be removed.

Christ walks among the candlesticks (churches) and warns them if they do not repent they will be removed. The politically-correct have the "fear of man which bringeth a snare", instead of fearing Christ, for they teach a different Jesus, not the one who "loved righteousness and hates iniquity".

Sermon6/28/10 12:18 AM
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“ Other Considerations ”
Hope this second comment will be worthwhile, for this is an important subject. There certainly is anti-Christian principles in Locke, Jefferson, and the Deistic founders, many of whom were in secret societies. However, strict Calvinists, like Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and Patrick Henry, also were anti-federalists, who saw a usurpation in the Constitution, and opposed it on just grounds. Yet they also resisted the tyrannical, and ecclesiastic rule of the Church of England (many of them of persecuted Puritan heritage) in the American "revolution", which they saw as a "restoration" of their right to religious liberty to obey God and worship him freely, which was denied to their Calvinistic fathers, and drove them to the New World.

Sermon6/27/10 11:59 PM
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“ Interesting, Relevant Lecture! ”
So the question is (and appears to be answered by American history and the U.S. Constitution), were Christians duped into supporting the Deists, like John Locke, and the "founding fathers", who were Masons and Deists, to establish THEIR IDEAL government and a Novus Ordo Seclorum? Democracy is Humanism, and a government philosophy that does not recognize God, which actually led to the so-called American Civil War, Northern Liberalism vs. Southern Calvinism (which too much admired Greeks, ironically, with idolatry, architecture, and philosophy), which let to the Babylonian Captivity of the South by the Yankee liberals and humanists crying "emancipation". Abolitionism then led to feminism, all of which are communistic philosophies, which Democracy actually is. Democracy is the political philosophy of the UN which is anti-Christian, but is based in New York City, America's Babylon and power center.

Sermon6/27/10 11:33 PM
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Q&A Sessions
Various Speakers
“ Relevant Doctrinal Q & A by Pipa! ”
During the second half of this Q and A Joseph Pipa answers and discusses the topic of Justification, Forgiveness, and imputation of righteousness (Christ's righteousness), where he draws a hard line against others in view, i.e. Steve Wilkins, et al. The Sermon Audio messages by Benjamin Keech, a four part message on the "Marrow of Justification", which deals with the imputation of Christ's righteousness, which is different than remission of sins (and raised its head first among Puritans, Baxterism, etc.) would be well worth listening to. And yes, that excellent Baptist Keech provides the great help to Presbyterians who ridicule anti-paedobaptism, even though Pipa says he does not recognize infant baptism of Catholics or Russian Orthodox, which is more consistent with the scripture, and Baptists, who insist that Faith is necessary for true baptism to mean anything or be a baptism into Christ.

News Item6/27/10 9:31 PM
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Passing out Bibles is not consistent with the wisdom of Jesus who said "cast not your pearls before swine....lest they trample you". (Matt. 7)

If he wants to evangelize (as free speech should permit him) he will necessarily "cause a disturbance", or rather the impassioned mob of Sodomites with be disturbed from their tranquility as government-defended moral anarchists (which is contrary to the purpose of government; Rom 12).

Better to "cause disturbance" by really speaking, evangelizing, calling to repentance, than casting Bibles to those who wallow in filthiness and are not ashamed.

News Item6/27/10 9:18 PM
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Perhaps one of the reasons prayer is disdained is because it is done as a Formality or with great Hypocrisy, as if to justify what is done, which in that case God would himself hate it, and the practice would be a mere superstition (like praying before an ungodly sporting event, as if God countenances such, as modern Churchianity thinks).

His decree could in fact, as by Providence he is "Lord Mayor" (though he be Beelzebub's servant), a sign of GOD'S JUDGMENT, as the verse says,

"It is time for judgment to begin with the household of God", which is what persecution in fact does, sifting all Christian professors.

This does not nullify that "rulers are to be just ruling in the fear of God", but rather strengthens it, by punishing hypocrisy in the modern antichristian church of "broad way" professors.

News Item6/27/10 6:54 PM
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The G-8 and G-20 globalist summits were going on there, and Obama is there too.
God's wrath on global democracy of the Illuminati (that deifies Man and "civil rights", but denies God's rule and his Divine Right) as they setup up global hegemony and call God's moral laws "evil", and homosexuality and wickedness "good".

"Why do the nations rage and the (democratic) peoples imagine a vain thing? The kings (and presidents) of the earth set themselves (obstinately), and take counsel together (conspire), against the LORD, and against his anointed (i.e. Christ, and those who bear his name in truth), saying:
"Let us break their bands (God's laws and covenant) asunder and cast away their cords (those "old" laws) from us (i.e. God-haters, the wicked).

He who sits in the heavens laughs, the LORD *WILL* have them in derision...speaks unto them in wrath, and [will] vex them in his sore displeasure." (Psalm 2)

Sermon6/21/10 3:21 AM
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The Mystery of Israel
Rev Maurice Roberts
“ Relevant ”
As a secondary comment, we must be cautious about comparing Zionism and the modern Secular State of Israel, carved out by force, not gracious convincing, upon decree of the anti-Christian UN, by the persuasion of atheistical Jews. *Strict Orthodox Rabbis* do not support Zionism, but protest against it, saying Zionists are disobedient to God, and are not "Torah Jews"! http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/ The Zionist state is more an evidence of Anti-Christ than of a revival to belief in Christ. It is Scofieldism and Dispensationalism that supported Zionism, not reformed or Biblical Christianity. The Puritans like Owen spoke very sharply against Jewish hard-heartedness and their false religion of the Mishna .

Sermon6/21/10 3:10 AM
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The Mystery of Israel
Rev Maurice Roberts
“ Important Message! ”
The sobering, even frightening thought, following Paul's teaching in Romans, about the "grafting in of the wild olive branch" (the Gentiles), is his continuation, from which the speaker draws: "Be not high minded (you Gentiles), for if God spared not the natural branch, neither will he spare you...for God is able to graft them in again" (the Jews). And scripture speaks of "until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled", implying that God will cut off and close the door (likely dramatically as he did with the Jews in 70 AD), as Gentile churches apostatize, and en-graft the Jews again! ARE WE AT THAT POINT NOW? ARE THE GENTILES DONE? Look at the churches condition (since the "downgrade" a century ago), and fear! The Pharisees would not accept Christ's rebuke, thinking their religious heritage made them righteous, "we are the seed of Abraham". "Behold the goodness and severity of God"!

Sermon6/5/10 5:51 PM
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5 Gains Of A Departed Saint
Jeff Arthur
“ Relevant Sermon! ”
This is relevant because locally in West Virginia a Universalist and "no-heller" author was interviewed who is reviving the heresy that there is No Hell, and even worse, that Christians who teach about hell are "abusive" guilty of Spiritual Terrorism--which is the title of his much-publicized book. Local Radio interview in part here: http://www.box.net/shared/ry2ug9basu

News Item6/2/10 3:02 PM
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This of course is typical of Ambitious pastors, who merely want activity and money, and take that to be as "fruit" (fruit for themselves). Unfortunately it works, they Demand a higher standard (like ravenous wolves demand more fleece and meat from sheep), to support their ambitious "ministries" in their "purpose-driven" organizations called "churches". It is typical of Cults that follow Men.

The wise see this demand as abuse, and hopefully many will come out of his Fake Church, and "flee Babylon", for a biblical church, where repentance and faith are found evident (if they can find one).

Sermon5/31/10 10:50 PM
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“ Interesting ”
Aside from the present Religious wars, where the speaker rightly uncloaks the Jewish Neoconservatives (whom Pat Buchanan opposes) and Israel (supported by the heresy of dispensationalism and Scofieldism among Christians), who are fomenting wars upon Islamic countries (for Greater Israel, beginning 9/11), a major omission is made: *Democracy* has become the major cause (with its Religion of Humanism), and under the banner "making the world safe for democracy", of ALL the world wars of the 20th century, and construction of the United Nations, up to the present. Bush I and Bush II employed this as much as Wilson and FDR, i.e. Democracy=Freedom as the mantra.

News Item5/5/10 6:03 PM
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Welcome to Nominal Christianity, where everyone has a Christian opinion but the vast majority hold no particular doctrine except "The Bible" while the vast majority are biblically illiterate. No wonder the world does not listen to Christians, who largely employ themselves as "lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God".

Why do we have missionaries, instead of viewing the modern churches as the mission field of the lost? Jesus and the apostles first went into the corrupt Jewish synogogues, where the "oracles of God" were read, but not taught correctly or obeyed. Apostasy is here, and things are now full circle, those who teach against modern False Christianity will be persecuted by all.

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