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Sermon1/25/09 1:08 PM
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Was C. S. Lewis an Evangelical?
Rev David Silversides
“ Important Message ”
C.S. Lewis could not be a true Christian given the heresies and fictions he has published. Only his popularity and the fact that modern evangelicals have no discernment could cause him to pass for a "Christian". If you want allegory, compare his writings to that of John Bunyan, who was entirely scriptural in Pilgrim's Progess and Holy War. It is idolatry to remake the person or character of God and Christ into the works of one's own animated imagination (even mental instead of "graven" images), which is what he does. The works of C.S. Lewis should be denounced as mystical fantasy and heresies instead of Christian truth. His works are pure Fiction, NOT "Christian fiction".

News Item11/23/08 9:06 PM
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Mike wrote:
Wasn't David a man?
David was more than a man. David was a prophet, thus instituted Old Testament musical worship with instruments and inspired Psalms of the Holy Spirit. The prophets condemned those who were presumptuous and "invented to themselves instruments of music, like David". Thus scripture proves the restriction of worship even when instruments, under the Jews, were used.

There are now no "inspired" (truly) hymns or songs written by men since the close of Scripture. The Psalms contain all we need in perfect theological balance: "psalms, hymns, and songs--all spiritual (in origin)", for the church to sing and speak to one another, reciting God's lyrics from his own hymnbook from the Bible.

Sermon10/26/08 11:57 PM
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“ counsel for the soul ”
Hearing this read message from Owen astounds me of the wisdom of the Puritan Doctors (D.D.), who were *doctors of souls*, and write prescriptions to advise and provide remedy for lost and/or need souls. These physicians are not present in modern Christianity, even reformed, but only from these Doctors of old. They are not now sought much, because "only the sick need a physician", and few admit the disease of their souls, and are satisfied with "slight healing" (easy believism), as Owen puts it here.

Sermon10/26/08 9:25 PM
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“ Important Sermon! ”
Please read the Westminster Catechism on idolatry, which is the first, not the second commandment. The two are often confused, which the speaker did too. If idolatry is wrongly defined it cannot be prevented.

Survey10/21/08 5:04 PM
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It is the "mutual submissionists" (egalitarians) that are plainly "half-baked" (as Jeremiah coined, "a cake half turned") outside of scripture.

Paul to Timothy:

"For Adam was first formed, then Eve (doctrine of creation order).

"And Adam was not deceived (by the serpent), but the woman being deceived was in the transgression" (doctrine of the Fall and its order).

These two doctrinal appeals, while they are used in Timothy for the church, are two confirming witnesses much broader in that they prove and confirm "God's social order" (instead of Democracy's "new world order") for male-female relations, since creation and fall. (See Knox's Blast Againt the Modern Regiment of Women, against Queen Mary).

And Sarah Palin is no Deborah.

Meanwhile, the other 'Sarah' of the holy scriptures (Peter exhorts) called Abraham "lord". That Sarah is so politically incorrect today, yet she is the model held up by the Holy Spirit in the inspired writing of the apostle as an example:

"For in this manner in the old time the holy women also...being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him 'lord'.

Two Sarah's here, only one can be right as a model for Christians or God's social order since creation.

Survey10/20/08 8:06 PM
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Relevance? Two words: Sarah Palin

Sermon10/19/08 4:34 PM
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Where & What Should We Sing
Pastor Jeffery S. Smith
“ Thoughtful Message ”
The speaker addresses many of the arguments of exclusive psalmody forthrightly. For the sake of Christian liberty of conscience and true Christian unity it would be useful (especially among seminarians) to hear on this important subject among reformed baptists from another baptist who addresses many of the same points of this sermon from the puritan viewpoint which Spurgeon also practiced: "How Should our Churches Worship Today?", David Silversides (sermon audio)

Sermon10/13/08 4:49 PM
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Theonomy and the Westminster Assembly
Rev David Silversides
“ Important, Relevant Message! ”
Every pastor, seminary professor, especially of "Reformed" circles, must listen to this thoughtful, sober expose' of the errors of Rushdooney, Joe Morecraft, Gary North and other theonomists who quote and cite them in their sermons as authoritative. It is time to be discerning of all the ministries (from Chalcedon Foundation on to DeMar's/Phillips American Vision to Peroutka's The American View) that use and quote them, both in religion and politics, in which there is a large political following. Many are being led astray from the truth and must be corrected before the error produces the bad fruit and consequences evidenced in this message.

News Item10/12/08 10:29 PM
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Typical propaganda from SITE, a neoconservative front to foment and perpetuate the phony war on terrorism. They are a Private Firm, not part of the US government which never (for some strange reason) reports on this kind of intelligence information. They are the ones who release the phony "bin Laden videos" (including where his beard has apparently been treated with Just For Men, and he looks much younger and unsickly) which ABC and other MSM quickly parrot, usually during election seasons.

Clue: Read the article's interesting reason for why an "English speaking video" was released for a Muslim Pakistani audience. Then ask why Adam Gadahn (claimed to be an Al Qaeda translator in Pakistan) did not make the video for a Muslim Paki audience **in Urdu** instead of English (Arabic is not used there). If he is a Paki translator, as claimed, he should know Urdu, the primary Islamic language of Pakistan (not English) per this qualified source:


The "english speaking video" was designed for English speaking American and UK audiences (and news services) for propaganda purposes to perpetuate the "war on terrorism" agenda for World Democracy.

News Item10/12/08 9:39 PM
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B. Gabriel is a professional propagandist that fronts for the neoconservatives and their Zionist agenda for a "new middle east", and should not be considered as an objective or true Christian spokesperson. Research her for yourself. She is of the same "theology" as Hagee. She has DIRECT connections with neocons and Project for New American Century members and Zionists like James Woolsey.

Militant Islam is not a threat when compared to the Federal Fascism being erected over our heads, contrary to the Constitution. Tired of fake "Christian" propaganda sites playing their role--for filthy lucre--including sources with similar ties to neoconservatives like Jihad Watch, et al.

This is what is fueling the agenda for unjust and unconstitutional wars, and Homeland Tyranny here, on the basis of irrational, paranoid fear while the real threat of terrorism, statistically speaking, is microscopic!

Americans have more to fear from each other, and their government, and driving their cars, than this phony threat of Islamic terrorism (absent for 7 years), until election cycles.

The Bible commands true Christians to use discernment, "test the spirits" (including motives) when people speak, and "examine everything" carefully, lest they be led into hasty and mob-type errors.

Sermon10/12/08 9:28 PM
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Sarah Palin
Marty Tate
“ Great Sermon! ”
The dangers of Palin, professing to be a Christian in particular, running for VP are manifold (especially as unbiblical example for christian society) while the politically minded evangelicals roll out the red carpet and blow the trumpets. There is no such thing as Christian feminism, but this is precisely what is being paraded in Palin.

Sermon9/21/08 1:04 PM
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At Ease in Zion
Pastor Joseph LoSardo
“ Excellent and Needed Sermon! ”
This clearly laid out exposition moves from historical context and interpretation to contemporary application. Do we detect not mere teaching, but preaching here? What! How dare anyone preach to the contemporary church that is "at ease in Zion"! Israel was satisfied with its religious ritualism as their righteousness while God was sending wrath upon them. The church today is in the like position, even the reformed. This may awaken many from ease and slumber to flee the wrath to come, and not too soon.

Sermon8/31/08 5:35 PM
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Islam In The Bible Pt 2
W. J. Mencarow
“ Great Sermon! ”
Consider the symbols, decor, and oaths of Shriners in their Turkish rites and garb (swords, hats) with pledge to Allah as God, and it will be seen that Freemasonry makes use of this Division to break down Christian doctrine and laws in government and society through this "charitable" fraternity of which many politicians and influencers in society belong. One should also consider the Islamic training and upbringing of Obama who claims to be Christian while forwarding the plain elements of Humanism, Democracy, and Deism. (Bush did this too, even comparing God to Allah and calling Islam a "noble religion"--even while claiming to be Christian). U.S., State, and local governments are infiltrated by Shriners and other Freemason orders (and even Catholic Knights of Columbus) which blurr their colors but all put forward a Religion of Peace that makes war.

News Item8/31/08 3:54 PM
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The architectural setting represents Democracy. Greco-Roman (republic) or Greek Revivalist (democracy) architecture is the symbolism of the anti-Christian Deists and employed since the founders (i.e. Jefferson, Washington, Madison, et al) deliberately usurped power over Christians under the pretense of "freedom of religion" for all (but the suppression of Christian influence and doctrine in societies laws).

It is also of course Pagan architecture and symbolism, a type of governmental idolatry representing a plethora of gods.

America's Democracy will fall like that of the Greek Ruins, and will be replaced by full dictatorship, of which Lincoln and Bush are types. (Obama has been called the new Lincoln. Bush has compared himself to Lincoln, and so have constitutional scholars of his usurpations of power).

This is consistent with the Lincoln Memorial, where Lincoln is shown like a Caesar in similar Temple of anti-Christian government (like Washington's obelisk) all designed by Freemasons for THEIR government of Man as God (i.e. Demo-cracy=Man's Government; Theocracy=God's Government).

"...who opposeth and EXALTETH HIMSELF above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; SO THAT HE AS GOD SITTETH IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD, SHOWING HIMSELF THAT HE IS GOD"--2 Thess. 2:4

News Item7/20/08 3:44 PM
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Jesus warned of false prophets:

"By their fruits ye shall know them".


This is no new revelation or claim before this documentary, which only proports to provide more hard evidence to justify its conclusive title. The cover-up (damage-control) began from the top, including Rat-zinger himself, and gave way to additional abuses and obstructions of justice.

And remember Tony Blair is now Catholic, and Bush is considering same (perhaps due to his wife's hispanic influence)and has called called this Pope "his holiness" (blasphemy). The Popes and RC church have consistently been a haven for criminals, mafia, and corrupt national leaders because of its splendor and pomp, and mass-mongering for easy forgiveness of sins and crimes.

News Item7/13/08 4:17 PM
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This in light of recent news about Tony Blair and George W. Bush becoming Catholic! So this new Pope is deceiving the nations again to consolidate religious and political power. Slowly there has been a work to have an established religion endorsed by governments, as in history, that feigns to be "Christian". (Note the formal establishment of Christmas holiday by government, just like Rome and the Church of England, contrary to protestant and puritan history of resistance to it).

Meanwhile, many churches and christians in America hardly distinguish between Bible Christianity and the Roman Counterfeit, especially since the Ecumenical treatise of Evangelicals and Catholics Together--which included pastors like D. James Kennedy. A new Reformation is long overdue before tyranny is erected.

Sermon7/6/08 9:39 PM
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The Patriotic Christian
Jeff Noblit
“ question ”
So was the American Revolution against the government, Parliament, and King of Great Britain sin? Does this teach absolute, blind obedience to government as the "powers that be", as what taught by the doctrine of the absolute, divine right of Kings? Patriot Christians only supported lawful governments that abided by their Constitutions, and rejected the tyranny and usurpations of others. What if the government stops "punishing evildoers" or redefines what "evil doers" are so as to enslave? Clearly the text has evidence of conditions for government beyond which it becomes wicked, deceitful, and tyrannical.

Sermon6/22/08 3:05 PM
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The Fear of God #2
Albert N. Martin
“ Important Sermon! ”
The apostle Paul stated "knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men". This terror is largely absent, even among the most orthodox. Casual orthodoxy is unorthodox because it has no fear of God, and this is essential doctrine. That Christians should fear God's judgments has its place as the apostle John was afraid to be near a major heretic in his day, "let us flee (from him) lest we too be consumed". A fear of God's judgments upon certain persons, places, corrupt churches, etc., should cause of fear of being in their company or proximity. Christians in Christ's day were commanded to "flee to the mountains" when judgment came upon Jerusalem, and Lot was told to "flee out of Sodom". "Flee out of Babylon, let ye partake of her sins, and receive of her plagues", is a new testament warning, which Jon Edwards said was the anti-Christian church.

Sermon6/1/08 10:43 PM
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“ Important Warning Exposes Neo-Christianity! ”
This is all about exposing Ecumenical movement toward a "Masonic Christianity" of the Deists as recorded in the late 18th century, among whom were America's Deistic founders. Their Novus Ordo Seclorum (new world order) vision includes "the destruction of (real) Christianity" and substituting with this, which is sure to lead to persecution of the true Christian faith in a New Inquisition. It was actually realized in the 1960s and spread by Youth Movements and para-church organizations, like Campus Crusade, Young Life, etc., and separates youth from their parents in revolutionary form and fashion, fueled by false fanaticism and a "Christian world view". This is what "one nation (world government), under God (Supreme Being)" is really all about, and what the corrupted and infiltrated churches have largely fallen for among "evangelicals" of what can only be called "another gospel". It is a well financed religious, political, and corporate movement. Many of the "religious right" and persons named here are Freemasons which are leading an Ecumenical Evangelicals and Catholics (and Charismatics) Together under things like "experiencing God" and "Intimacy with God".

Sermon6/1/08 9:12 PM
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“ Important Warning ”
This message is more important and urgent that the title might appear. It could be called a warning against Ecumenical Religion and Mysticism under the name "Christian". Truly this dangerous Mystic Christian movement is well planned and long in the making as Bennett traces through time. The elements of the Mystery Religions are what is evidence, which is behind the "plot to destroy Christanity" as documented since the late 18th century by the Illuminated which conspire for a "Masonic Christianity", which Babylonian roots are also common with Catholicism, which springs from ancient Druidism. It is witchcraft and was introduced the "holiness" and "charasmatic" movements and even the more orthodox who now promote "Intimacy with God"! The "emerging church" is also part of this revolution, which really began in the 1960s. This is a must hear message in its entirety, as this conspiracy for global religion, which he shows is financed by corporations, marches on which will persecute true Christian faith.
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