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News Item6/1/08 8:00 PM
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The Church of England has been corrupt for over three centuries, which is why the Pilgrims and Puritans came to America! The last chance for reformation was under the preaching of Whitefield, which led to a massive exodus. She has always been a "daughter of Babylon" that the Bible warns to "come out of...that you partake not of her since, and receive none of her plagues".

Historical ignorance leads many to still think it capable of being a "church", when it has always been a persecutor of true Christians by its close association with government, which stands as a great warning against National Religion called "Christian".

News Item6/1/08 7:51 PM
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Headline: Lone Tribe Found, UN and Bush call for "regime change". All must be apart of the "community of nations".

If the gospel Christian missionaries really preached was the true gospel than America would be a Christian nation in truth, instead of just word. Missionaries will be sent to conform them to neo-Christianity and a "form of religion" but "denying the power theorof", which will actually further political Democracy instead of biblical Christianity.

Americans should look first to converting themselves before they export more of American brand of Christianity from the corrupt churches. American culture is also increasingly becoming primitive while being technologically advanced. (More superstition and nakedness in Americans that in many "primitive"--i.e. technologically less advanced--cultures. Just turn on TV or visit a public school to see for yourself).

"Are ye not as the Ethiopian before me oh house of Israel?"

Sermon6/1/08 7:00 PM
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Oracles of Woe
William O. Einwechter
“ Sobering Sermon! ”
No psychological appeasement or playing of "peace, peace while there is no peace" here! Revival always has been accompanied by the preaching of the law and the warning of the reality of God's present judgment. The proud must be abased and the religious pride of those who even now cry "the temple, the temple", as if their church membership or baptisms or neo-reformed orthodoxy will save them from judgment must be humbled. Where are the preachers of Woe and Warning, and prophetic prosecutors with indictment? And let us not mistake, God is not bound by the means of judgment--i.e. external enemies are not needed when internal usurpers of government may also take captive, under pretense of being saviors of the country, and the "time of the Gentiles" has been fulfilled.

Sermon6/1/08 6:04 PM
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The Day of the Lord
William O. Einwechter
“ Needed Warning ”
Per the speaker's closing comments, Sept. 11th was a Day of the Lord as surely as apostasy frequently involved the "visitation" of the LORD in the form of tyrannical government or occupying powers. A previous Day of the Lord in America was the so-called Civil War or war of federal despotism, where the South's cities and churches (decorated in the pattern of pagan Democratic Athens in statues and architecture) were burned *with fire* (like southern Judah for idolatry) and 620,000 men killed, also transforming the government into Democracy, a Babylonian captivity--which judgment fits the crime.

Sermon5/25/08 7:36 PM
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Understanding Religious Fanaticism
Pastor Iain Murray
“ Important Message ”
The danger is that the fanatics of the past, identified here, are still in print which then can influence others today with the same infection of a false zeal. These are still quoted today, even on this website, and include such as AW Tozer, EM Bounds, and many others, past and present. The Wesley's when examined also fit this description, which gave rise to many modern hymns and the use of music in churches. Music is an important element of such fanaticism.

News Item5/11/08 3:12 PM
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The "emergent church" has gone viral (like the disease it represents) because of the corruption and apostasy of the impotent and decaying "established" churches and seeks to bring all together, under pretense of variety, in a great ecumenical union of Will-worship (which is its emphasis)--the mark of Cain's religion!

This is a continuation of historical anti-creedism, non-denominationalism, and a counter-revolution to "church growth" movements of America in order to destroy the old and form a national unity religion under Deism (and their Supreme Being) consistent with the Masonic founders and "Democracy", which makes "toleration" the mark of religion, instead of truth. It is the religion of Anti-Christ, another Christ, another gospel.

Churches need to examine not only their doctrines for biblical reliability, but their own government and worship practices (innovations), both of which have long departed from scripture!

Blog2/17/08 2:58 PM
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Zionism is here challenged and refuted. The main point of this article needs to be published widely!

Let us speak plainly. Zionism is a heresy and the church has been infiltrated by false prophets, herein named, which are being used to accomplish geo-political purposes of which the Zionist agenda can be seen in American foreign policy. Dare we say that it is plainly seen, most nakedly, by the neoconservatives, mostly Jewish, and Zionist propaganda fronts (like Hagee's Christians United For Israel) and their blueprint for a "new middle east" for which a "war on terrorism" has been declared for justification (launched based upon their unproven official story of 9/11). Both theological and political craft are being employed (evidence of conspiracy), largely to fuel support by the naive and apostate "evangelical" churches, for this geo-political agenda.

Sermon8/26/07 5:18 PM
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Heretics & Apostates
William O. Einwechter
“ Important Sermon! ”
"Heretic" has become a lost term since it was abused by the Roman whore and its daughters who persecuted true Christians under that brand. But if we look at modern American churches, compared to Colonial doctrine and practice, we see nothing but "departure from the faith": arminianism, antinomianism, fundamentalism, zionism, will-worship and holy-days, judaizing retention of abolished laws and observances, new offices and "ministries", and particularly "another gospel" that is preached today in McChristianity, we see that Apostasy is frighteningly the rule--but no one dare say so!

Sermon12/31/06 6:13 PM
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“ Christian liberty abused ”
Christian liberty has been abused and misapplied to give cover for everything from worldly conformity, doctrinal heresy, and church corruption, and to prevent principled stands for the rule of pragmatists. As Athaliah claimed "Treason, treason" when her unjust authority and usurpation was torn down, false brethren cry "Liberty, liberty" when legitimate authority, the justice of God's laws and the gospel of righteousness are making headway against modern apostasy. "Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness", it cannot and will not compromise truth for unity or general conformity.

Sermon12/31/06 4:50 PM
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The Vanity of Pleasure
William O. Einwechter
“ Great Sermon! ”
So true that modern Christians are epicureans, that seek pleasure within bounds of very broad and ever-changing "decency" (by world standards). The indictment is that modern church activities always use Christianized pleasure as a key element that no one dare speak of: retreats, youth activities, picnics, church decorations, movies, banquets are official activities where this is the central appeal, while they are given spiritual status. Vanity.
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