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News Item9/17/17 4:57 PM
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The tithe was for Israel only. There is no command or example in the New Testament for continuing the tithe or using that as a basis for giving to the needs of the local church. The idea of tithing as a church expectation and requirement even started in the 19th century with the missionary movement which required tithes to support missionaries. Spurgeons view was the tithing was not a new testament teaching or requirement. So there you have it, there is no righteousness in tithing or expectation for that to be a commandment today. How many pastors love it and teach it, guess why?

Sermon7/30/17 4:45 PM
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An Earnest Call to Follow Good Men
Rev. Armen Thomassian
“ LISTEN! Very practical. ”
The speaker touches on a subject that I have never heard spoken on before but became evidently clear that was something that's missing especially among churches that are preaching free grace in their emphasis. He touches on a neglected subject, i.e. responsibility and effort in sanctification, and even a creeping error that is worth uncovering. Has the grace of God been turned today into licentiousness? What good men are worth following as examples today? What type of men should Christians esteem? Certainly not who the world esteems. The speaker contrasts today with good men of former years.

News Item5/14/17 6:16 PM
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The Smithsonian video attributes the building of it to Nebuchadnezzar II. But his timeline certainly does not match. Nor does it match the 3500 years ago which they speak of. So there is an error here somewhere

Nebuchadnezzar II was king of Babylon c. 605 BCE – c. 562 BCE, the longest reign of any king of the Neo-Babylonian empire. Wikipedia
Died: 562 BC, Babylon, Iraq

Sermon4/2/17 4:28 PM
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“ Sober talk to children ”
Wonder why society is like it is today, full of wickedness and irreverence and disrespect of authority? Because children have not been taught like this, nor do adults act any better! Parents should be rebuked if they have not taught this lesson or let their children run their own way, for it is to their danger if they're not turned.

News Item3/5/17 3:55 PM
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Yet their birth certificate and medical reports required say male or female. This spreads their gender dysphoria by repeating it publicly and causing confusion and delusion to spread like a contagion by what is called associative disorder. Not healthy for psychological stability of students!

News Item2/14/17 7:10 AM
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Freedom of speech is already lost in Canada. There are already many hate speech laws on the books. Most of which directly impacts Christian Liberty and opens people to government persecution

News Item2/12/17 9:42 PM
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Indeed not a good sign and Trump already knew this when choosing him. That is how we got John Roberts from Bush, too. Ivanka has Trump's ear and supports LGBT rights. Don't get too hopeful about Trump since he has no principles he holds to.

Sermon2/12/17 5:04 PM
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“ important subject ”
How early church before 300 a.d. interpreted music in worship, http://www.bible.ca/H-music.htm

News Item1/30/17 3:50 AM
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Now Trump has an opportunity to send a different human rights message with sanctions and by adding a Pakistani border ban temporarily for non U.S. citizens. The ruling is too sweeping to be credible on 115 suspects who were taken to court for some reason.

News Item1/29/17 10:18 PM
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Indicting ABC for this lack of previous coverage forced them to give major attention to it on GMA the morning of the rally. They were shamed of their obvious bias and being called out finally by a President.

News Item1/29/17 10:03 PM
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Beware of Black Liberation Theology 2.0 which has been brewing up again under Obama and this last year with BLM. (It began with abolitionist and terrorist John Browns false theology and violent insurrection and was revived under MLK and Malcom X. It is about violent social revolution and various forms of Anarchy to overthrow "privileged whites" government snd rule. BLM is present manifestation with cop killings.

News Item1/29/17 9:53 PM
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Interesting since the media has practically endorsed the new radical Pope Francis, as if they are religious minded. And he opposed Trump. "Catholic Spring" very interesting

Sermon1/29/17 9:25 PM
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“ Plain teaching on homosexuality and modern society ”
Needs to be heard. Much application when closing. Refutes typical modern errors. Many blame God, saying he made them that way. They ignore the doctrine of fall, Original sin, men born depraved. Much more.

News Item1/22/17 6:46 AM
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Inaccurate. John Roberts administered the oath. There might be a story as to the reason.

News Item1/22/17 6:40 AM
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No it continues the 20th century and 21st century tradition of using Baptist pastors as props for political convenience by Republican candidates to capture the Evangelical support that they desperately need. Trump is a con artist.

News Item1/15/17 4:28 PM
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I'm pretty sure that having an integration czar is contrary to British values and Constitution as originally intended.

News Item12/18/16 5:14 PM
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What qualifies a 9 year old to teach anyone else anything about anything whatsoever? or others to listen to a nine-year-old try to talk and teach others about something is ridiculous. National Geographic has vividly demonstrated their lack of ability or qualifications to cover stories about truthFul investigations whatsoever. This is not genuine anthropology which they used to cover in the past but an activist agenda they are using their publication to promote. National Geo. Has no integrity anymore.

News Item12/11/16 6:48 PM
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"...I have my own opinion that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and Him crucified, unless we preach what nowadays is called Calvinism. It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else. I do not believe we can preach the gospel if we do not preach justification by faith without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in His dispensation of grace; nor unless we exalt the electing unchangeable eternal, immutable, conquering love of Jehovah; nor do I think we can preach the gospel unless we base it upon the special and particular redemption of His elect and chosen people which Christ wrought out upon the cross. (Charles Spurgeon, The New Park Street Pulpit, Vol. 1, 1856).

News Item12/11/16 6:41 PM
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Limitless invasion is not immigration but a threat of conquest.

News Item12/11/16 6:36 PM
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Publishing and media coverage that calls, labels and maligns good decent people (whether religious or not) who oppose homosexual BEHAVIOR as wrong, vile and evil in society (as millions have considered it for centuries) AS HOMOPHOBES (a newly invented word implying irrational cognitive disorder) is BULLYING AND HATE SPEECH. Let the hypocrites admit that to start with. If not they imply their own moral superiority to excuse their typical "judge not" speech which they never apply to themselves.
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