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Sermon12/11/16 6:02 PM
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Idolatry is Stupid
Tim James
“ wow! ”
Modern idolatry in churches exposed! How people think of God in THEIR "imagination" despite using the Bible. Modern Christianity and it's false God exposed.

News Item11/27/16 5:01 PM
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Recommended reading, Tim Keller, Dangerously Influential


News Item11/27/16 4:55 PM
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The question is what kind of Christians are these that Tim Keller claims for? We are skeptical even as liberal personalities have seen visions and experiences and come to agree with conservative viewpoints claim to be Christians now due to attending his church while their lifestyles remain unchanged (e.g. Kirsten Powers).

News Item10/30/16 5:44 PM
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L. Lynch and her Dept. Of Injustice. Most corrupt and political DOJ in American history.

Sermon10/30/16 5:28 PM
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The Anger of the Lord
Mike Allison
“ Great Sermon on neglected truth about God! ”
This message is powerful, needful and worth hearing in its entirety with application made to indoviduals, the churches, and America as a whole. God will not be mocked, he will be revered. God is angry with the wicked every day and He has demonstrated his just and holy anger toward the world, Israel, and also churches as the scriptures mentioned here plainly teach, but have been largely neglected. When was the last time you heard A sermon from Zephaniah? He searches the scriptures and proves his point which clearly reveals a warning for everyone.

News Item9/11/16 6:42 PM
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NOSEM wrote:

You stated, "... denigrate an entire voter block ..." Hilliary stated, " half ..."

She's correct."

Nope. .. she even said so:


"Clinton backtracked on her "basket of deplorables" comment on Saturday.

"I regret saying 'half' — that was wrong," Clinton stated.

And a block can be a subset of any candidate's supporters, half or less. So much for your complicity with her denigrating comment.

News Item9/11/16 5:54 PM
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Timely article! This is the Radical Left View of Hillary Clinton precisely, and abuse of the term Christianity (redefined) which is involved in what Gresham Machen wrote about Christianity and Liberalism. It is The same radical left views which Hillary Clinton holds that are anti-christian and antagonistic to Christians as persons, and leading now to laws that will persecute Christians, not just in PC society.

IF ELECTED HILLARY CLINTON WILL LEAD THE WAY INTO GOVERNMENT PERSECUTION OF CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS, "framing mischief by law", as the Psalmist prophecied, which Obama already paved the way for. The Supreme Court with a strict Constitutional interpretation (freedom of speech, religion) are essential for preventing this!

News Item9/11/16 5:26 PM
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SteveR wrote. "Hypocrisy??

Women MUST have their heads COVERED in Church. Does your Church have that requirement? Probably not."

Yes and many churches still do.


It's troubling you cannot see the hypocrisy of such an antichristian candidate as Hillary Clinton as if she speaks with credible authority to others on the teaching of Micah or the Bible, or as a Christian. You had a pick with only a small portion of what was written. Covering the head is merely an outward symbol of humility. It is not only her appearance that lacks such.

News Item9/11/16 3:35 PM
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So says Hillary the self righteous one who a majority of a Americans who say they don't trust her and she lies. As if lying is not deplorable. Typical but shocking liberal hate speech, while they claim to not judge and be tolerant. This is a first in American presidential election history, to defame and denigrate an entire voter block with hatred while pretending to be so self righteous. Wow. She will be a big persecutor if in office. Only liberal speech and views are tolerated

News Item9/11/16 3:22 PM
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What hypocrisy. When did she ever do what Micah said? What would Micah say? Her idea of justice is not that of the Bible. And is she teaching Baptists? When was she ever humble? Women teaching in church Paul never permitted,nor with head uncovered. And what would Micah teach her about homosexuality and morality about lying, abortion? It was shocking to see and hear her arrogantly speak as if with authority in a church. As if she identifies with Christians whom she calls bigots and mocks.

News Item9/4/16 2:14 AM
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"But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that they commit acts of immorality"...Rev. 2:20

News Item8/29/16 10:42 PM
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Google, Starbucks, and PayPal and the Fortune 500 should take note.

News Item7/31/16 5:51 PM
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There is no legal justification for the creation of a Nation by taking the land of others away from them as in the so-called Balfour Declaration which has no lawful basis nor did the UN when they created the state of Israel. Most Christians have blindly and ignorantly support Israel which is a created state of the United Nations and not one of historic authorization.

God destroyed Jerusalem and Israel in 70 AD for rejecting Jesus Christ crucified him and persecuting his Apostles including the martyrdom of John.

Even Orthodox conservative Jews disagree with the creation of the Zionist state of Israel agreed that God did not authorize nor did any lawful order of the United Nations. Christians need to read how Israel was created before they continue to ignorantly support it while it actually persecute genuine Christianity and as a corrupt liberal state of secular humanism.

The unjust creation and displacement of Palestinian people to create an artificial state solely for the Jews based upon nothing has provoked them to not recognizing the state and retaliated against its forceful militarism within the region.

Would Americans approve of giving California, Arizona, and New Mexico back to Mexico along with Texas? no they would not and if it was forcefully created guess

News Item7/31/16 5:27 PM
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Very surprised to see Grudem take this public position as if "he who knows the right thing and does not do it for him it is sin..." means that those who do not vote for Donald Trump are sinning. Really? How open is this debate really and truly? Wayne makes the strongest arguments for Trump but consider this now:

Proverbs teaches that an open enemy is better than a false friend. Wayne's argument is For the false friend, that Trump is actually really good for the country. but consider a religious equivalent. Which is worse, an open proponent of Islam or a false teacher in Christianity? Proverbs says an open enemy is better than a false friend. An argument can be made that Hillary is the open enemy and Trump is the false friend.

Trump is advocating, proclaiming to be conservative while at the same time deriding and opposing Christian conservative social moral principles (LGBT agenda) which are the basis for Law and Order and if violated and changed would actually instead increase the persecution of Christians from within the GOP itself.

This is what makes Trump dangerous I believe is that he is infiltrating and changing the principles of the Republican Party and therefore leaving Christians no influence or Representatives of their views in Washington or state gover

News Item7/31/16 4:55 PM
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This is much the same way as Trump is advocating, proclaiming to be conservative while at the same time deriding and opposing Christian conservative social moral principles which are the basis for Law and Order and if violated and changed would actually instead increase the persecution of Christians from within the GOP itself. This is what makes Trump dangerous I believe is that he is infiltrating and changing the principles of the Republican Party and therefore leaving Christians no influence or Representatives of their views in Washington or state governments. This is more dangerous then an open enemy because it erodes conservative principles within the most conservative party up till now.

News Item7/24/16 4:03 PM
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NFL and NBA have both publicly derided opposition to transgender and homosexuality and therefore Christians. Yet professing Christians hold pro sports in high esteem as if there is no conflict of principles. Time to choose.

Fortune 500 companies and professional sports and media organisations are all in full agreement and are opposed to Christians Who oppose homosexual Behavior and are increasing their public activism and public persecution accordingly.

News Item7/24/16 3:46 PM
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then Donald Trump comes in and mocks and despises and absolutely ignores it and puts in a homosexual speaker name Thiel co-founder of PayPal to tear it all down. Trump will persecute Christians. He is liberal.

News Item7/24/16 3:40 PM
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Trump invited him to speak, it's his agenda.

News Item7/24/16 3:36 PM
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This is the result of Donald Trump's activism, it was his convention to organise and permit speakers to speak to his crowd. This reflects his agenda to make the GOP more inclusive, more liberal, just like he is. Now you see the real Donald Trump. The goal is to abolish conservative social principles at the minimum. It is also therefore a sign of persecution against Christians opposed to homosexual behavior.

Trump has infiltrated the GOP and taken over. Ted Cruz stood alone on principle and was derided for it.

Time to drop your PayPal account if you still have one. Thiel's business.

News Item7/23/16 7:47 PM
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Private property in a business, freedom of speech, and Liberty of conscience are all at stake in this. Isn't religious freedom the entire reason America was founded by Church of England dissenters? the Constitution defends absolutely freedom of speech and freedom of religion and if it's lost America is no longer Freedom for Christians. Instead it would become tyrannical an anti-christian in persecution for a new liberal Orthodoxy to which all must bow the knee. Christians will become the persecuted Heretics of liberal humanistic philosophy which must be punished by a new tyrannical government To which all must pledge allegiance.
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