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News Item7/23/16 7:37 PM
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Pence is window-dressing for Trump to con Christians to support him. Some of his positions are good but the how he will do it is everything. Trump is a liberal who has infiltrated the GOP and tea party principles and Conservative Christian principles will be sidelined entirely. Don't be deceived, he's already showing his true colors, e.g. lgbtq speech at convention. Law and Order is good and necessary. But what kind of laws will he allow against Christians since he is liberal? Trade tariffs are not free market and end up penalizing American consumers and some serious trade Wars where Americans will lose.

Sermon7/23/16 7:28 PM
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“ important ”
Flattered by power and flexible on principles (he caved in to pressure against Religious Freedom Protection Act after first defending it) Pence has allowed Trump to use him as window-dressing to deceive Christians to support Trump for President.

News Item7/10/16 6:16 PM
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According to the CDC men who have sex with men are an increasing and High incidence rate of hepatitis. Yet the mainstream media will not issue the public health warning as in most other cases they do instead blaming it almost one hundred percent on illicit drugs.

News Item7/3/16 7:00 PM
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Ironically the decision of Boyce to allow Dwight Moody grounds for his so-called evangelism was very permissive of the inroads of PC Arminianism and of a man who relied on emotionalism and Sankey's organ music to get decisions. Moody was the Forerunner of Modern evangelism and not even a Baptist. That was a very bad decision and the beginning of a downgrade And theologically weak Christianity in practice. He succumbed to the fear of men which is a snare of being called a hyper calvinist so he tolerated Moody's tare-planting evangelism even though he disagreed with Moody's theology and paedobaptism.

Sermon7/3/16 6:40 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Includes prophetic meaning of Apocalypse and a sound refutation of Spurgeon's misinterpretation of the verse that God desires all men to be saved, Universally, rather than all the elect.

News Item7/3/16 6:24 PM
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And here the liberal fascists of the United Nations regarding child's human rights are absolutely silent. And instead deliberately Target Christianity in the UK as their objective to destroy. see the other article on the news to compare.

News Item7/3/16 6:04 PM
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Typical media hit piece. Of course it defies modern so-called science. The great scientists of the past like Sir Isaac Newton had no problem at all with the story of the flood or accepting it as true unlike today's liberal Scientists who have been indoctrinated into believing uniformitarianism.

News Item7/3/16 5:58 PM
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The Southern Baptist Association has become liberal and politically correct and tries to shame it's historic founders as if they are more holy than them which is ridiculous because they are far from it. Their hypocrisy stinks and yes all this under Al Mohler. their Calvinistic theology is inferior to that of their founders and the practices of the churches are grossly irreverent And unscriptural. Their empire is crumbling as they try to dictate PC policy to member churches like a Protestant Vatican. Their Founders would be ashamed.

News Item7/3/16 5:43 PM
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The government is erasing the definition of transvestite and you no longer hear it in the media. just like you no longer hear the word homosexual Or sodomy from the government. Transgender is the new transvestite fixed up for the public acceptance just like Gay was substituted for homosexual. It's Orwellian speak.

News Item6/22/16 6:28 AM
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Please note that Donald Trump met recently with the Evangelical leaders as well as this article here. So trumpet targeting as a strategy To court evangelicals which is completely unnatural to him as he expresses no true real Christian faith whatsoever. So why fall into his hands someone who is courting Evangelicals merely for the purpose of being elected? He is not trustworthy whatsoever. He is a pragmatist con man without any Christian principles whatsoever, or any constitutional or conservative principles whatsoever.

News Item6/5/16 5:05 PM
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This is a radical and brazen 'in your face' declaration. Obama is obsessed with forcing his agenda and belief on all!
Where is liberty of conscience and religious freedom of expression in America now? He is thinking like a King, not a President!

And I thought liberals did not believe in making laws about morality and dictating to others. Behold, the hypocrite!

Americans never complied with bowing to Kings or Usurpers of authority.

News Item6/5/16 4:43 PM
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The great American Patriot and Baptist Richard Furman wrote about this when communist heresy first began to justify and misinterpret the Bible on social matters.
"The Christian golden rule, of doing to others, as we would they should do to us, has been urged as an unanswerable argument against holding slaves. But surely this rule is never to be urged against that order of things, which the Divine government has established; nor do our desires become a standard to us, under this rule, unless they have a due regard to justice, propriety and the general good.

A father may very naturally desire, that his son should be obedient to his orders: Is he, therefore, to obey the orders of his son? A man might be pleased to be exonerated from his debts by the generosity of his creditors; or that his rich neighbour should equally divide his property with him; and in certain circumstances might desire these to be done: Would the mere existence of this desire, oblige him to exonerate his debtors, and to make such a division of his property? Consistency and generosity, indeed, might require it of him, if he were in circumstances which would justify the act of generosity; but, otherwise, either action might be considered as the effect of folly and extravagance."

Liberalism misinterpret s

News Item6/5/16 4:26 PM
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No surprise, Obama uses the Communist interpretation of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" which he grossly abuses as history has proven that others have done before him.

We are not to expect others to treat us without regard t justice, that is contrary to the laws of righteousness. We should not expect that our evil Behavior be accepted but condemned and frowned upon.

Trace the Communist principles which began with Nat Turner and the radical abolitionist John Brown comma who led insurrections and murdered others! in the cause of 'social justice' by abusing scripture in the same manner.

This is the doctrine of liberalism, the misinterpretation of love and Golden Rule, abuse of scripture to raise up humanist laws vs. God's laws.

"Judge with righteous judgement", said Jesus of the Bible.

Sermon5/29/16 4:46 PM
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“ Important Message! ”
Listen to this with patience, helps explain a key misunderstood passage by a former Bible Presbyterian who used to believe in dispensational premillinealism. Strong scriptural evidence that dates Revelation to around A.d. 65, relating to Jerusalems destruction, being under seige by the Romans for 42 months, as the prophecy states. This clarifies and is very helpful to understanding Revelation vs. Modern prophecy errors!

News Item5/29/16 2:43 PM
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I'm cringing already at what he will say, as if speaking for Christians while puffing himself up. It will not be good and the media will he all over this.

News Item5/29/16 2:37 PM
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Proof that Trump lacks good judgement and discernment regarding Christianity. Tapping this quack instead of collecting the 'best ezperts' shows this is an area where he lacks any wisdom. But it's not unexpected.

News Item5/22/16 6:00 PM
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It is wrong for modern schools and science to DENY the GREAT CHANGE, the historical truth of a Universal Flood which is corroborated by every civilizations history or legendary accounts, along with the once widely promoted and propagated evidence from geology and earth sciences regarding that Cataclysmic event, not based on theory, but historical testimony and written biblical account. Away with the science theory of Uniformitarianism that provides the premise for erroneous carbon dating, as if all strata represent time like measuring with a ruler, instead of layered sentiment and aging from a cataclysmic event in a short time span. Read THE FLOOD by Reywinkle and consider the Grand Canyon and Continental drift again.

News Item5/22/16 5:39 PM
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John MacArthur advocates passivity and separation from Christians contending for the truth, and reproving of immorality and irrational thinking and laws by politicians. What?! This is not what early American Christians did or would do! MacArthur is teaching that Christians should not engage in any political or social activism, under the half-truth of only some scripture, as if Christians have any RESPONSIBLE SOCIAL OR POLITICAL STANDING AS CITIZENS TOWARD IMPROVING THE COUNTRY LAWS OR REASONS, while he heathen brazenly rebuke Christians for lack of a false love and false Justice while they promote or support social anarchy of the most irrational and perverse kind! Where did Baptists or Presbyterians in early American history ever keep silent regarding their contention, political and social, when public morals or Christian Liberty were threatened! No, they would dispute loudly with MACARTHUR S wrong contention contrary to being salt and light, not merely as evangelists, as citizens in but not of this world!

..."When the church takes a stance that emphasizes political activism and social moralizing, it always diverts energy and resources away from evangelization. Such an antagonistic position toward the established secular culture invariably leads believers to feel hostile n

News Item5/15/16 5:41 PM
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The order is reported to have no legal authority or weight. It's a decree of intimidation.

Meanwhile Loretta Lynch is obstructing the FBI and prosecution of Hillary over her illegal server that circumvented government authority over classified info for personal power.

News Item5/8/16 4:39 PM
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Yet we are told continuously in the media and from government that social "shaming" is always wrong and harmful and a form of persecution and oppression. But here's the government hypocritically doing it pretending to be righteous And socially orthodox with their New Morality. Is that freedom of religion the Constitution requires them to uphold? Of course not, it's their Human Rights Religion they seek to impose.
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