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News Item5/2/16 1:41 AM
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Historically speaking cremation is and was a strictly pagan practice (e.g. funeral piers) and burial a distinctly Christian practice universally, continued from the Jews. To burn a body intentionally is no show of respect, but was often a means used by conquering armies to desecrate the Graves and dishonor their foes.

It has notably increased since the immigration of Asians to America since the 1960s as a custom brought with them (along with martial arts for youth; Kung Fu shows, acupuncture, meditation, yoga, etc) consistent with Buddhism and Hinduism, as well as from American Indian practice.

News Item5/2/16 1:26 AM
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More here about that man!

"His thoughts are very good; his language is thoroughly Feejeean, and well understood by the natives. He obtained an extensive knowledge of the Feejeean language, and had a peculiar aptitude to translate, write and speak most intelligibly. He delivered these lectures to several students five days a week, at six o'clock in the morning..."


News Item5/2/16 12:46 AM
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Great history regarding Fiji in the 1800s. Christianity gets a bad rap today as if it does nothing good. Look here and see how it transformed an evil and murderous Society into true civilization. Also read about how baptism was conducted and what happened during it. talk about conversion! Then consider the Present social Anarchy of our day today in modern America.

News Item5/2/16 12:39 AM
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In addition to not shopping at Target anymore I closed my PayPal account today also due to their unjust corporate activism, switching to Skrill. We have better options available.

News Item4/24/16 4:34 PM
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The pattern historically has been that only presidents and founding fathers were on our currency. So how does she fit that pattern? Obviously not. It's the equivalent of putting the radical abolitionist, insurrectionist and terrorist John Brown, hung for treason, on the bill.

Her presence will only serve to justify increasing Anarchy and insurrection already present in the black lives matter movement under the pretense of social justice. It's Obama's agenda as the community organizer without approval of Congress.

News Item4/24/16 4:20 PM
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ESPN is owned by Disney, that accounts for their fantasy and dictatorial and intolerance of normal thinking. Fantasyland. Christians need to see what Disney has always been about. It's very antichristian. They brainwash from youth. Their amusements are not innocent.

Pilgrims Progress warned against Vanity Fair. Today`s Christians flock to it!

News Item4/24/16 3:55 PM
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Fascism is dictatorship by union between government and corporations to establish dictatorship under threat of law and economic coercion.

"...and no man could buy or sell unless he had the mark"....the MARK OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS

News Item4/24/16 3:36 PM
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Let Target know you will take your business elsewhere. Watch their stock drop. That will underline Hams message.

Target needs to know you take this seriously and the other activist corporations should stop their fascist assault against both traditional heterosexual morality (which non Christians even observe) and Christian ethics and beliefs.

Retailers should be careful who they offend. Add Amazon, Starbucks, Paypal and others to the list.

News Item4/24/16 3:25 PM
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A president nor congress can make no law compelling all to abide by their anti religious beliefs, nor dictate to the states, per the 1st and 10th amendments. The last time that was done there was a great civil war.

The president is not a moral dictator and the activist corporations are setting up a new type of fascism of public coercion with economic threats. And should we continue to patronize or do business with them?

News Item4/18/16 12:53 AM
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Sanders is both atheistical and anti Catholic is what the pope is trying to say and has no intention of meeting him. And didnt. He shunned him. Sanders attempted to use him as a political prop.

News Item4/18/16 12:47 AM
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Note the Q stands for queer, really. So you can justly say it now since they do.

News Item4/18/16 12:41 AM
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The answer is he is among the atheistical Jewish communists like Karl Marx and the Illuminati philosophy who pretend to advocate for the common vs. Upper class by a base appeal to depraved envy and greed to stimulate political,antireligious, economic and often violent "revolution" (A word he uses frequently ) that under the guise of "equality" and "social justice" destabilize both government and society. He is a divider and potentially dangerous communist revolutionary in classical fashion. It's of the same philosophy behind Russian and French Revolutions just as Winston Churchill warned about in his speech on the "International Jews".

Sermon4/10/16 5:18 PM
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Resistance To Tyrants, God Opposed To...
William Roberts (SWRB)
“ sermon error, but still relevant ”
He sermon is scriptural until the end, disregarding scriptures, both old and new testaments where God authority regulates and does not abolish masters and slaves and their respective duties, among which are found in Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, 2 Timothy,etc, thereby refuting that a higher law of God does not exist and selectively using only other scriptures and ignoring and wrongly dividing others. However regarding We the People in the US constitution the error is found where a licensing liberty and now tyranny of licentiousness must be tolerated and upheld by all, contrary to God's law. The man of Sin is called the Lawless One, an antichrist of a false freedom and wicked liberty has now taken power, and it's government seat is plainly in the U.S. where it's government of the people, not God, has been erected, and is now beginning to persecute.

Sermon4/10/16 4:56 PM
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Resistance To Tyrants, God Opposed To...
William Roberts (SWRB)
“ Amazing Sermon! ”
Wow this might be the most thorough and clear sermon expounding difficult scripture about government and the ordinance and power of God. It is particularly interesting and relevant in our present history and presidential election season, though delivered in the 1800s.

News Item4/10/16 2:19 AM
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They should read this first:

News Item4/10/16 2:05 AM
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Must read and pass on to state legislators! Reject promoting gender dysphoria and transgender propaganda as normal. It's dangerous for children:


News Item4/10/16 1:00 AM
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Support North Carolina! Sex on birth certificate is the only legal gender authority backed by science. The protests are irrational.

Boycott the hateful corporate activists who hate the truth and promote socializing gender dysphoria on everyone: PayPal, Apple, Google, Star Bucks, etc al.

News Item4/10/16 12:54 AM
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All Bible documentaries or movies on TV are awful and deceitful propaganda. History Channel is the worst on Bible and Bible subjects! BBC is too! Don't let your children watch, except to refute them with you present.
It's all false indoctrination for the lazy and illiterate who will not read the Bible for themselves or their families. If people believe these documentaries without question they will despise the Bible and true stories and doctrine.

News Item4/10/16 12:46 AM
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Persecution disguised as protests. If Christians disrupted homosexual events they would be called hateful. Who really hates who? Are they tolerant or civil?

News Item4/10/16 12:42 AM
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Yes and we need a president who will restore Christian Liberty and Liberty of conscience from persecution by government particularly regarding so called gay marriage and radical social issues. Only Cruz would stand up for Christian Liberty and appoint better constitutional Supreme court justices.
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