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Survey10/15/07 1:51 PM
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Only God knows but His Word teaches us that there are many who will be deceived. I remember when I was first converted (and it was like a Damascus Road experience for me) when in my joy I began to tell friends and relatives about the Lord saving me, (and these were churchgoing people) to my great distress I realized they did not know what I was talking about. I got all kinds of stupid remarks such as "you mean you were not a christian?! I walked down the aisle when I was 10, etc etc" and it was obvious that they do not know my Lord.
One of my deacons told me when I remarked that I had never trusted Christ, that 'it was not the Lord that I had not been trusting, rather I had just not been trusting myself'. How sad, but my God is sovereign and Christ always called his followers a 'little flock.' His word tells us that 'we shall know them by their fruits' but there are so many who choose to think you can make a profession and live like the devil the rest of your life and when you die people say 'well at least they are saved and in heaven'.
One thing we can be sure of is that "What'er my God ordains is right" and He would be just to send us all to hell for that is where we all deserve to be. He is most merciful even if He saved no one. He is mighty to save all who come.

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