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Survey1/26/07 10:02 AM
Anthony Corner | Watford UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony Corner
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Married almost 40 years. To God be the glory. May He continue to keep us humble and save us from pride.

We are grateful for the Old Testament scriptures that warn of pride etc and show the terrible consequences that befell Israel

Survey1/26/07 9:55 AM
Anthony Corner | Watford UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony Corner
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I download to my computer and then use radio transmitter to listen on my radio/CD player. Thank God for this wonderful facility to feed our soul and spirit!

Survey1/26/07 9:44 AM
Anthony Corner | Watford. UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony Corner
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Nearing 70 I consider this site to be the best on the web because of the huge quantity of solid Bible exposition available at no expense to the listener.
I hope it will be possible to have a similar facility for speakers of other languages such as Arabic, Spanish etc. they NEED to be able to hear the marvellous expositions in their own languages in order to help their understanding of what God has written.

My wife and I have been greatly blessed by listening to your recommended sermons.

May the Lord continue to bless what you are doing and provide for all your needs.

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