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Survey1/5/09 1:52 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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With all the moderators, why do you allow people to post nonsense and turn the forum into a chatroom for 12 year olds?

This always happens.

News Item1/5/09 1:26 PM
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Tinfoil hat manufacturer wrote:
bbzzzzztttttttt fizzzzzzzzzz bbbbbzzzzttttttt pop
That is what will happen to our business if you guys do not get out there and force my mind control theories into peoples minds.
Larf, larf, larf, larf. Chirp. Larf yer dickey and soil yer nappies ol turnip.

More silly stupid nonsense from UK John and his friends who like to monopolize the forum with utter nonsense and drive everybody away and fill up the pages with their idea of humor.

What's your problem, JohnUK? What do you, over there in UK, have against some people on an American website having a discussion about things of interest in these last days? You used to post here before and you never had one single thing to discuss, posted utter nonsense, day after day, filling up the pages. Sermon Audio let you destroy the whole forum, and your tactics probably helped lead to the constricted format we now have.

Chirp. Larf yer dickey and soil yer nappies ol turnip.

News Item1/5/09 1:09 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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lyn wrote:
AntiChrist, what right do you have to come on these boards and continually be divisive? You who do not know how to speak truth! You claim to be a resident of the United States, then you tell some here you reside in Israel! So again I ask you, which country do you physically reside in? And why did you mislead some here?
Lyn, he said "in a sense," which means, as he said later, that he is part of the Israel of God.

Why can't you understand that. Why do you harass him so? What is your problem. Putting up a couple short posts back to back is not a punishable crime, no harm was done, and who cares? Why are you obsessed with this.

Just asking.

Why can't we have a discussion on these forums without people wanting to nitpick and harass and ridicule?

It would be great if we could have an actual discussion about what's happening to all of us in these last days. We need each other, and we need to put our heads together. All this bickering and ridicule and calling people liars and Nazis, chasing people around the board, is crazy, not very Christian at all.

News Item1/5/09 1:03 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Mike wrote:
According to the Bible, this man is a false prophet. He has been wrong, and therefore he is a false prophet.
He claims he gets his predictions straight from God -- and then they turn out to be 80 percent wrong.

Texe and Alex don't do that. They just tell us the way it looks like things are headed, and so they are 10 years of ahead of things.

Alex predicted 9/11 two months before it happened, but not because he got a vision; rather, it was because he saw the media hyping up bin Laden as the terrorist getting ready for an attack, the same footage shown constantly, on all the channels. So he knew the govt was up to something, and warned them on his show, I know you are planning on attacking the Twin Towers and blaming it on bin Laden, and don't do it.

Nothing psychic, just being aware of what's going on.

Texe Marrs is just as good at predicting what's coming.

News Item1/5/09 12:55 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Tinfoil hat not needed wrote:
It has been reported by various sources that in 1999 the IRS investigated Texe Marrs' ...the IRS determined that Texe Marrs was guilty of abusing his tax-free status, and subsequently revoked Living Truth Ministries' tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status!
I apologize to Lyn, hope you can forgive me for thinking you would behave this way.

Tinfoil hat person, and don't know who you are but your behavior is repulsive.

It is true that Texe has been audited four times by the IRS. They have never found one single thing to cite him for; rather, the auditors wondered why he chose to pay taxes when he didn't have to.

It was Texe's choice to give up his tax free status so he could be free to report the truth about govt corruption and secret societies. He's not looking to make a living, doesn't need to make a living, he's retired air force and university professor.

Nobody owns him, he's not tempted to sell out for money, is in a unique position to know what's going on, and he has a burning interest and talent for what he does. He's a good and decent and kind man.

News Item1/5/09 11:04 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
.. devil's schemes..tinfoil hats.. turned paranoid by some of these bizarre money-grabbing websites who just love filthy lucre, merchandising "Christianity" just like papa antichrist and his followers.
Stop slandering Texe Marrs, you, UKWayne and Lyn. Texe is not merchandising for filthy lucre. Should he offer his books for free and not try to cover expenses of his ministry? His independent ministry gets no tax breaks (because he chose to forego 501c3 status so as to be free to report the truth as he sees it).

His ministry, tho small, has a huge impact on the world, because his information is so valuable and documented; therefore qouted, passed around, shared 100-fold on the Net and in other publications.

Texe's ministry is a money-LOSING proposition because Texe will never be on Pop Christianity radio stations that get all the listeners and contributions. Texe is on shortwave or the Internet and that's it. Texe has a staff to pay and other ministry expenses. He takes money out of his pensions to pay for his ministry to support it.

Texe's first books were published by big publishers, huge hit. Later, Texe had to self-publish because they wanted to censor his work.

Even Paul charged people to repair their tents.

News Item1/5/09 10:40 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Tinfoil hat not needed wrote:
open your eyes and have a look around....
you're starting to sound more than a little unhinged....last night I was Michael Hranek,now I'm a woman called Lyn!!
get the tinfoil hat on....those mind rays are having an effect.Any black helicopters around the house?
You're Lyn, the one who calls people liars and chases them around the board and preaches about being honest and can't type very well.

News Item1/5/09 10:34 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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wayneuk wrote:
The Trin Bible Society who print the KJV wouldn't touch Marrs/Riplinger/Ruckman with a barge pole.

Start with 4 youtube videos by James White who is right about silly conspiracy trinity above

If the Trinity Bible Society and James White want to try to debunk the King James Bible that is their folly, not mine.

Jesus said not one jot or tittle would pass away, that heaven and earth would pass away before his Word passed away. Also it says Psalms 12:6, that God's word is very pure, as refined in the furnace of earth 7 times.The Bibles which came before KJB were pure, but the KJB is most pure. Bibles after KJB are CORRUPT.

I believe God is able and willing to provide me a Bible I can believe and trust. It is a matter of faith. If you have not this faith, that is your problem, not mine.

I agree with Texe Marrs on the King James Bible, on his teachings on Galatians 3 and 4 that Christians, not Jews, are God's Chosen. Texe is an expert on secret societies, and has a lot of government sources, people in the military, even in the intelligence agencies, a ton of sources.

He's completely independent, not 501c3, alternative media, shortwave radio, self-published, so you can trust him.

News Item1/5/09 10:20 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Tinfoil hat not needed wrote:
our good friend Texe Marrs the guy who believes only 7000 people are going to be saved,and who warned in conjunction with the satanic David Icke about George Bush,the illuminati and the jews having a midnight ceremony on 31 DEC 1999 in the great pyramid of cheops..should seal it for all but the non Christian anti Jewish conspiracy freaks,who are basically neo nazis in disguise.
Pretty outrageous of you to call me a nonChristian neoNazi when I expose the Nazis and 'love your neighbor' rather than 'kill him' as you do. Where are you getting these whoppers, Lyn? And what is this stuff about Texe saying 7,000 people will be saved? Texe is an orthodox, traditional Baptist, nothing special about his theology at all, other than he's not a Scofieldite Zionist.

Texe says salvation comes through belief in Jesus, not from being a Jew. I have never heard him speak of David Icke.

Are you making this stuff up yourself or are you getting this from one of your famous govt debunking websites designed to keep gullible people from waking up.

Why don't you just start posting as Lyn? Are you ashamed of what you're posting here? You SHOULD be!

News Item1/5/09 10:06 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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DJC49 wrote:
Freemasonry, Mormonism should be outlawed? All sensitive information re govt intelligence services should be transparent and open to the public???
Secret societies into devil worship,yes, outlaw them all, including intelligence agencies who all traffic in demons, mind control, sorcery, kidnapping, drug trafficing, torture.

DJC49 wrote:
Do you know the name(s) of the ACTUAL "secret" societies which partake in literal child sacrifice?
CIA, MI5 and 6, Mossad, FBI, Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, KKK, Opus Dei, more, intertwine, use same signs, symbols. Satan requires blood sacrifice.

DJC49 wrote:
And what religion(s) are you talking about which openly advocates rape, torture, and murder of children???
It's all one, Satan worship, started w/ Nimrod at Tower of Babel, spread throughout the world, in ALL Satani-worshipping secret societies/religions. Different languages but same gods, same hand signs and symbols, SATAN WORSHIP, requiring torture and human sacrifice. Bohemian Grove has a huge stone idol of Molech, and presidents, Congressmen, judges, corporates, media moguls meet in CA each year to orgy and worship Molech filmed, documented by Alex Jones.

News Item1/5/09 9:34 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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News Item1/5/09 9:20 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
From that, I take it there is no scriptural precedent. It's only a one-liner, Banned.
Take it to Sermon Audio if you think we shouldn't discuss things here. Tell them to get rid of the news items. If you really feel the way you do, why do you watch TV? Seems you like news about the world just fine, as long as it's from Satan's perspective.

You make NO SENSE AT ALL. You are all over the board, a total contradiction, don't know what you believe and want everybody else to be as confused as you are.

If you can't get people to answer your sophomoric questions, then you revert to acting silly and filling up the pages with total nonsense.

We are to be sober, vigilent, as the Bible says, to Satan's devices. It is a sin to be wilfully ignorant. We live in perilous times, and it is a shame to act the fool in days such as these, to hinder those who try to expose the works of Satan. The truth will set you free; the truth enables people to cut loose from the world, the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life.

Those hooked on the world, the Bible says, have not the love of the father. You seem to have a lot of tricks up your sleeve to wilfully keep yourself blinded and also to make sure nobody else ever wakes up ei

News Item1/5/09 8:51 AM
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DJC49 wrote:
Ever hear of something called the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, *mike of delaware*?
Faith comes from the heart, freely given, and it cannot be forced. Denying the Muslims a place of worship will just make them more committed in their faith and they will spread even more, same as if somebody took away the Christians' church buildings. They would just worship at home and find even more converts than before.

However, certain speech such as pornography, also the secret societies, should be forbidden, illegal. Freemasonry should be outlawed, also Mormonism which is also a secret society, just Freemasonry with a Christian patina. Anything that is not transparent and open to the public should be illegal, especially if it involves child sacrifice or occultism.

When a religion openly advocates rape, torture, murder of children, it should not be allowed to have chaplans in the military, hold services in buildings on Main Street.

News Item1/5/09 8:25 AM
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John UK wrote:
I have concluded that the answer to my question, "Wake up...and what?" is answered by "Wake up...and speak out!"
If any here can give me New Testament scriptural warranty for speaking out against governments, I will be happy to peruse them.
You really bug me. You do nothing for God, don't know what you believe, jump from one position to the next, and wag your finger at people for not being spiritual the way you are.

You advocate nothing but confusion and denial, to live in a coccoon of one's own making, inventing delusions as you go along to suit your own comfort.

You tell people not to watch TV but you watch it yourself. You demand people do your research and thinking for you and post it here where there's hardly room to say boo because you say you "don't have time." You won't search anything out, won't read links other people post. You demand people answer your endless sophomoric questions.

I know the UK fosters a socialistic mindset, but stop relying on everyone else to do your thinking for you, stop acting like a spoiled baby who thinks the world revolves around you, and stop trying to squelch any and all discussion.

News Item1/5/09 8:12 AM
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"Conservative Christian leader" Pat Robertson exemplifies the Matrix, that nothing is as it seems. Acting as gatekeeper, he ensured in 20 years of owning the Family Channel that not once was the truth of abortion presented, nor one Creation film offered as an alternative to TV's nonstop atheistic evolution propaganda nature films. Robertson publicly supports China's one-child policy and now tells us socialism will save America.

In this world the rich and powerful make a deal with the devil, the god of this world. Satan took Jesus to the mountain and offered him the world if he'd bow his knee. Robertson, Obama, our politicians, corporates have all bowed.

Jesus said he'd rather we be hot or cold, and will vomit out the lukewarm. Devil worshippers are hot for Satan, very religious, very spiritual, keenly aware of the source of their spiritual power, in tune with their god, and get renewed energy by honoring the high holidays of Satan.

They are many, and laugh at how easy it is to fool the rest of us. Illuminists get away w/ it because normal people can't conceive of such evil, of sacrificing children to Satan, worshipping a stone idol of Molech, being obsessed w/ numbers, ley lines, sacred geometry, pyramids and obelisks, or that anybody could be such frauds and liars.

News Item1/5/09 6:51 AM
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DJC49 wrote:
More words of wisdom from Banned (on gulags).
Just another little something one should keep in the back of his mind when reading anything posted by this..
I find it hard to believe you are oblivious to the concentration camps. Anybody who uses the computer has heard about this stuff, and it's not new info. Do you live in a coccoon, or are you playing dumb for some less than honest reason, or only use the computer to check the weather?




You DO know, I HOPE, that in two weeks Obama, a man, not even a citizen, groomed from infancy by communists and later the Chicago Jewish mafia, will be placed in power to rule over America and that his main handler is one Rahm The Cruel Emmanual, Mossad.

And you do know of Obama's plans for universal government service, 1 million man tattletale brigades, people hired by the govt to spy out their neighbors, small farmers and the like.

You probably like that idea, keep us safe from al Qaed

News Item1/4/09 9:21 PM
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wayneuk wrote:
'You should see Texe Marrs website. If he sells all his books and DVD's and 'insider information' he'll be off up the pyramid to join the world elite. There but for the grace of God go I.'The sad thing about Texe Marrs is that he has done more damage to that excellent translation the KJV than any other.
Texe Marrs is KJO. There but for the grace of God go you? Can you write books, do 20 years of research to compile books like Codex Magica? Texe has written probably 40 books, and I've read some of them, all excellent, fully documented and truthful.

His books and tapes are self-published, or books he's self-published for others, books you won't find at Barnes and Nobel or Pop "Christian" bookstores.

Texe has a staff to pay. He's not 501c3 so he can be free to speak his mind, and so he has to pay taxes. He's been audited at least 4 times.

Last year Texe lost money. He's retired military and formerly a college professor, so he has pensions he lives on. His ministry doesn't even pay for itself.

We're all going to the death camps eventually, but Texe's voice will be one of the first to be silenced. I'm thankful for having heard that voice, and he's never steered me wrong.

God bless Texe Marrs.

News Item1/4/09 4:29 PM
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Mike wrote:
There does seem to be a familiar similarity betwen Hamas now and the Nazis then. Destroy the Jews, with helpful denial from ignorant others.
Your analogy is completely backwards. Nazis are more likened to Zionist Jews, not Hamas or the Palestinians. The Jews have 400 nukes and the very best high tech planes, have already unilaterally attacked unarmed Palestine and conquered it, confined and cruelly occupy the Palestinians in misery in Gaza.

The Palestinians are denied food, water, medicine, the necessities, as Hitler did to his prisoners, the soft-kill, starve them slow and eliminate them eventually.

Second: Zionist Jews are like Hitler in is that both are racists and eugenicists. While Hitler looked for a Third Reich, the Jews are focused on a Fourth Reich; and the Zionists, as Hitler, seek to eliminate the unfit or noncompliant who will not serve their selfish needs in the New World Order. Both Nazis and Zionists consider themselves collectivly God, who deserve to own it all and crush the goyim.

Alex Jones says when you kick the last door down at the top of the pyramid you see Zionists and Nazis eating together.

News Item1/4/09 2:39 PM
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Tinfoil hat not needed wrote:
Israel doesn't want Gaza-get it into your head.They just want the nutters living there to leave them alone.
what about Texe Marrs then?Answer that!!
If you're basing your ideas on what emanantes from that over aged Hitler youth,you are close to being a heretic....if you aren't already.I would ask the Christians of SA to be very careful here.....there is a lot of new age claptrap getting thrown in here by this contributor.If you're in league with David Icke,you are tied up with Satanic forces.
Take nothing to do with it is my warning!!
Mr. Tinfoil Hat -- I see you are Michael H. Nobody else here begins his sentences pompously with "I would ask Christians" -- like you are some kind of important dignitary making a pronouncement.

And your ridicule is just plain juvenile, without humor of any kind, just pointless. What is your problem. I told you before to stop following me around the board with your juvenile cat calling. So you change your name and continue on as before.

You are a disgrace.

News Item1/4/09 11:24 AM
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Tinfoil hat not needed wrote:
And why are some who would have us believe that they were Christians so keen to lend their suport to them???
You forget that the people in Gaza are the rightful owners of the land the Christ-hating, supposedly "genetically superior" Jewish godmen stole from them.

Why would a Christian lend his support to people whose religion is occult blatant worship of Satan (Babylonian Cabala), who hate Jesus, hate Christians, and whose next step is to blow up the Dome of the Rock so they can rebuild their temple that Jesus cursed, and where Antichrist will reign and purge the earth of Christians and will make himself "like the most high God."

Or maybe you don't find it offensive that Solomon's temple would be rebuilt and animal sacrifices resumed?

You aren't offended that Christians are excluded from any favor by our own govt, can't pray in school or sing carols, but Jews get to have their own country at the expense of the Palestinians now being bombed away, and billion$ of American taxpayer dollars and high tech planes, bombs and nukes, American boys to kill and die for them. Whatever happened to the First Amendment, or don't you care about that in your zeal to support people who worship Satan and hate Jesus?

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