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Sermon4/17/2022 3:35 PM
Ben | NY  Find all comments by Ben
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Media And Christians
Zach Dotson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Zach great meditation Thanks!

News Item12/19/2020 8:28 AM
Ben | South Carolina  Find all comments by Ben
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Wow, I am honestly quite astounded by the comments here! Of course it is true in 1 Cor. 7 that a Christian should try to live in peace with their unbelieving spouse, but this in no wise negates the clear teaching of Paul on church discipline—both passages are true. 1 Cor. 7 is clearly primarily addressing Christians who came to Christ out of the gentile world but whose spouses did not. Although I have not listened to Piper’s podcast yet, I believe I agree with the premise. If a Christian knowingly disobeys God and hardens their heart to marry a non-believer, they must repent of their sinful rebellion. I don’t think this would mean divorce (in light of 1 Cor. 7), but it should mean a complete change of heart about their high-handed rebellion against the Lord. The goal in church discipline is always repentance, and the motive is always love. But love requires hard, right, and Scriptural things.

News Item11/30/2020 9:55 PM
Ben | South Carolina  Find all comments by Ben
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First of all, I listened to the podcast and can say that he did not defend critical race theory! He condemned it for being biblically and philosophically erroneous. Yes, he did do it in a kind and respectful way, as all Christians should do. Please don’t accuse a brother based on something on the internet. Look into facts first my precious brothers and sisters.

News Item7/27/2020 11:56 AM
Ben | Massachusetts  Find all comments by Ben
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The only Biblical reason for disobeying governmental authorities is if they command us to do something that is in direct violation to God’s command (Acts 5:29). I still haven’t heard how meeting outside as a church is prohibited in Scripture. I’m not wishing to start an argument but rather loving discussion about this. I appreciate Dr. MacArthur for many things, but seeing their church meet with with almost no social distancing or masks is a direct violation of God’s Word, isn’t it?

News Item5/6/2020 11:07 AM
Ben | Massachusetts  Find all comments by Ben
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This pastor is a friend of mine. He is being very meek and respectful in this situation, for which I am so thankful. We may not all agree with him in what to do in this pandemic, but please do pray for him and his family. Thanks!

News Item4/13/2020 10:34 AM
Ben | United States  Go to homepageFind all comments by Ben
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Hello, guys, this is a good post here.

News Item8/28/19 5:53 AM
Ben | Sydney  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Ben
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thank ou for the info

News Item8/28/19 5:47 AM
Ben | Sydney  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Ben
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ohhh, it looks like it will never end

Sermon3/11/19 9:43 PM
Ben  Find all comments by Ben
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good job!

Sermon1/31/19 7:43 PM
Ben | Greensboro  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ben
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“ Great Teaching Brother Eric! ”
Great to hear again. I loved the corporate worship! Thank you Eric!!

Sermon1/9/19 9:12 PM
Ben | Greensboro  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ben
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A Voice to Calm Any Storm
Neil C. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! The Lord used you Mightily that day. ”

Sermon12/18/18 1:00 PM
Ben | Idaho  Find all comments by Ben
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“ Speaker is DA Carson ”
This sermon is actually by D.A. Carson

Sermon5/25/18 9:37 AM
Ben | Camarthen  Find all comments by Ben
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I Am Who I Am
Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson
“ Heartwarming ”
A humbling sermon. Reminds me that God being Father, Son and Holy Spirit is not just a simple fact but a deep truth that the world did not know. How wonderful that Christ has revealed this to us

Sermon3/10/18 7:14 PM
Ben  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ben
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Heads You Win, Tails I Lose
Mr Marshall Clement
“ Great Sermon Marshall! ”

Sermon1/14/18 1:03 PM
Ben | Wisconsin, USA  Find all comments by Ben
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It's Cool In the Furnace
Liam Goligher
“ Great sermon on obedience and its effects ”
This sermon is a careful, considered and well developed exhortation to obedience. Seldom have have I heard a sermon on the potential for martyrdom that was not sensationalized. Here we see obedience I considered, ending with a view of Christ. Beautiful.

News Item6/21/17 11:32 AM
ben  Find all comments by ben
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Заработок за рубежом всегда привлекал к себе пристальное внимание. Это коснулось и фриланса – многие удаленные работники работают на заказчиков из-за рубежа и преуспевают в этом.

Одно дело, когда иностранный клиент нашел вас на отечественной бирже. Совсем другое – если вы сами пошли на зарубежную биржу в поисках более простой работы и более высоких гонораров. Главное — знать куда идти.

Сегодня Freelance.Today попробует подсказать вам несколько зарубежных ресурсов для копирайтеров, пишущих на английском языке.

Подводные камни

Но сначала хотелось бы немного рассказать о подводных камнях, связанных с поиском заказов за границей.

Перед тем, как идти искать заказы на иностранных биржах, нужно сесть и подумать – настолько ли хорошо вы владеете иностранным языком. Разобраться в меню ресурса можно, имея самые элементарные познания, но вам предстоит писать на неродном языке. Причем писать так, чтобы составить достойную конкуренцию его носителям. Сможете ли вы? Копирайтинг на английском и близко не стоит рядом с переводом, эти понятия совсем не стоит путать.

Если вы свободно разговариваете на английском, это совсем не значит, что вы будете хорошо писать на нем. Нужно знать особенности грамматики.

Второй момент – за рубежом обычно рас

News Item12/13/16 10:39 AM
ben  Go to homepageFind all comments by ben
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That's the new way of thinking for students these days

Sermon11/22/16 1:54 PM
Ben | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ben
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Well put together, Can't wait to hear the rest.

News Item10/14/16 11:25 AM
Ben | Phoenix az  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ben
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"no law respecting the establishment of religion, or preventing the free exercise thereof"...

It's also true that 501(c)3 has endentured the church business to the state. Even so, IF the constitution is the supreme law of the land, it should nullify anything else. But I said "if".

Sermon8/11/16 9:11 AM
Ben | canada  Find all comments by Ben
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“ Great Sermon! ”
100% accurate Babylon Bu(sin)ess in the churches
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