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Sermon5/23/17 12:57 PM
Bernie | Upstate NY  Find all comments by Bernie
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God's Story in my Life
Kyle Wilcox
“ Great Sermon! ”
I remember praying for some of these events in your life. Glad you followed God's perfect path.

Survey10/7/08 5:54 AM
bernie | illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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Question, if people didn't 'choose' Jesus when Christ Himself preached to them, then how is that explained by the arminian camp? They flocked for the miracles, the 'here and now', but not the spiritual. If God Himself tells you to repent and be born again, and you stay in your sins, then who is to blame? Christ Himself clarifies, 'NO ONE can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him' John 6:44

the hang-up seems to be based on the continual argument that this is Calvin's teaching, when in fact, Christ taught it FIRST.

News Item9/2/08 9:59 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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There is a wonderful article at www.christianresearchnetwork.com under the heading, 'a letter from the front' that a few on here should read. It clearly shows the marks of a true believer, the power of God as He works in those who do indeed belong to Him, and what the true focus of His children is, to serve Him, to honor Him, to glorify Him. This article puts things into perspective, and all who read it will be blessed. It puts to shame some of the postings on this thread.

News Item9/2/08 9:26 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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With all due respect, this woman is a lost soul, and should be treated as such. She doesn't need cheap shots, rather, she needs our prayers.
This whole scenario reminds me of the woman caught in adultery...who is willing to hurl the first stone?

News Item9/1/08 4:54 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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It is amazing how the self-righteous are quick to judge those 'outside' the church, I thought that was God's job. The truth is, neither McCain nor Obama are born again believers, so why argue amongst ourselves over the v.p. nominees? Does anybody else realize the field day Satan is having at our expense? In the end, America will get the leader she deserves...why? Because the body of Christ is too busy fighting amongst ourselves to preach and live the gospel.
We should be praying for their salvation; let's not forget how the grace of God saved all of us. What is the difference between this woman's pregnant daughter and any of you people? THE GRACE OF GOD!!! That is, if you have truly repented and been born again. Oh how quickly we forget the need for humility and compassion. May God forgive us.

News Item7/1/08 4:30 PM
bernie | illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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John- the RCC promotes idolatry by offering up prayers to Mary; the Eucharist is also a form of idolatry. Anything formed and worshiped in the place of Christ is idolatry. Prots do not say so, God's word says so. Read Deut. 4:15-20. We do not defend our denomination, as all RCC'rs do, but we defend God's word alone. The Jesus you claim to believe in is not the same Jesus of the bible. He alone is worthy of all praise, glory and honor, and will not share that with your idol worship of Mary, bread and wine, repetitious prayers, rituals, etc. Do you know what it is like to pour out your heart before God? That is the type of prayer HE hears, from one who is broken and contrite. "Blessed are the poor", not speaking in monetary terms, but in the sense that those who see they are spiritually bankrupt, broken over their sins. You cannot claim the Christ of scripture and cling to church tradition, doctrine, and all else that opposes God's authoritative word. Please check out www.whateverycatholicshouldknow.com. May Almighty God open ears, eyes, and hearts to His truth.

Survey6/29/08 4:55 PM
bernie | illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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What do you do with Psalm 51:5? "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me" Everyone is born with a sinful heart, and all rebel against God.
If salvation were based on man's will, then why is the gospel so offensive to man? Why don't all just choose Jesus, after all, when asked if they want to go to heaven, everyone says yes.{They just don't want God to be there when they arrive}
BTW, excellent posting from Quote, and Jim.
It is apparent those who believe in man's 'decision for Jesus' will stick to their guns, and that is their business. This will not be resolved until Christ comes {or we leave this world in physical death}. This has gone on for days, weeks, and years; and has jumped from one thread to another with the same repetitious arguments. The true body of Christ is to be ONE, UNITED in LOVE, HUMILITY, and thinking more of others than of ourselves, not spewing out hateful, sarcastic speech, insulting words coming from a sharp tongue {I am referring to the 'backslapping' comment}. We must adhere to ALL of God's commands, and how we treat each other definitely matters to the Lord, and should matter to those who belong to Christ. To cause division is unbiblical.

Survey6/19/08 9:58 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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JD, I believe solely in what the bible teaches, I don't side with the calvinists are the arminians. I believe what the bible says- that no one comes to Christ unless the Father draws them. That is what God said, so that is what I believe.
I am not 'selling' anything, except the truth. You seem to lash out at everyone who posts here, with the exception of one or two. If anyone is boastful, it would appear you are. You claim to have more knowledge, the ONLY correct knowledge, and for all who challenge you, your response is both critical and snide. I believe you are boastful sir, not me. I know the work God has done in my heart, and I assure you, I take no credit for the salvation He graciously gives. Your opinion of me is irrelevant, for I desire to please no man, but to please Christ alone.

Survey6/19/08 7:55 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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Mike- I am a sinner saved by God's grace. He brought me low, I cried out for mercy, and He heard me. I do not place myself above ANY human being, and I apologize if you think I am boasting. I assure you, I have nothing to boast about. God has shown favor to me, and I am NOT WORTHY.

Survey6/19/08 6:00 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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JD, I will not take the bait. I will, however, humble myself before Almighty God and pray fervently for you. You must have nothing else to do but debate on this site. Satan is using you as a tool to keep the brethren occupied. It is clear you have not learned two very valuable lessons in a true believer's life, humility and love. May God grant you both.

Survey6/19/08 4:33 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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Quote, I have been blessed by the wisdom God has granted you; I think we all would be better off ignoring JD and the false teaching he follows. You, and many others, have spoken God's truth, but the spiritual eyes of JD are blinded by apostacy. JD is an example of the apostacy and deception that are so prevalent in these last days.
Christ is the firstborn of all creation, the first in the order of importance to be resurrected from the grave. Those God has granted discernment understand this. Unfortunately, to continue to debate with JD is simply spinning your wheels. Let's lift him to the Lord in prayer, for only God can open up the blind eye, deaf ear, and calloused heart. God bless you Quote.
{Micheal H., may I suggest you distance yourself from the likes of JD, and his twisting of God's Holy Word}
JD, you are in my prayers, however, I will not waste my time debating with you, may God be merciful to you.

News Item6/16/08 9:17 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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PreacherJonD-God bless you for the stern rebuke of all who profess Christ, yet are puffed up with their knowledge, and lack the power of the Holy Spirit. This is Satan's way of keeping Christians occupied; by debating to death differing theologies. Your post should be copied and pasted on every survey and story on sermonaudio. The gospel was never intended to be complicated, yet, many have argued to the point of name-calling, sarcasm, and outright hateful speech. We have forgotten HUMILITY, LOVE, and UNITY. God bless you PreacherJonD. Maranatha!!

News Item6/14/08 8:37 PM
bernie | illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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Wise, your post is filled with so much truth, sadly, most professing Christians are caught up in this man's sway. True blood bought Christians will see through this mask of deceit, by the grace and power of God. Because so many refuse to study God's word for themselves {a direct result of our lazy, 'i want it quick, and i want it now' society}, they are blown about by every wind of doctrine, albeit false. There are few Bereans in America's churches, and many who love the cookie cutter Christianity thriving in this country. Let us pray diligently for the Almighty One to have mercy on this pathetic nation, and to humble and save the lost here, and throughout the globe.

News Item6/13/08 9:43 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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Is this the kind of President Christians want, one who is for the murder of innocent unborn babies? Unfortunately, this man will probably gain the presidency, because he is exactly the kind of leader America deserves.

Survey6/9/08 9:11 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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This has deteriorated quickly to the point of sarcastic, hurtful, hateful comments. I urge ALL to please remember humility, love, and respect for each other. Won't you all please take a moment of privacy, go before the Lord, and pray for one another. I assure you, this would be more pleasing to God than any of the postings here. God bless each of you

News Item6/7/08 8:43 AM
bernie | illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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sc-it would appear you have taken my comment out of context. Lance was trying to justify the RCC's worship of Mary. The statues of Mary are indeed a form of idolatry within the RCC, they pray to her and place her as equal to Christ, which opposes God's word {'you shall have no other gods before me'}. Those who belong to Christ must worship God in spirit and in truth. Yes, I do have pictures in my home, but I do not worship or pray to them.

News Item6/6/08 10:56 PM
Bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by Bernie
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Lance, Exodus 25:18- these are the commands God gave Moses concerning the tabernacle, a place of worship laid out by God for the Israelites to worship Him. The pattern was to be followed exactly. This is not idolatry, this is God commanding the Israelites how to build an appropriate sanctuary to worship Him. The mercy seat was the slab of gold on top of the ark of the covenant which measured 2.5 by 1.5 cubits; on it and part of it were the two golden cherubim facing each other whose outstretched wings came together above and constituted the throne of God. A cherubim is an angelic being image form hovering over the ark of the covenant. This has nothing to do with the command God made concerning idolatry {posted by PreacherJon}. You can quote scripture, but can you understand what you quote? Where in scripture does God command anyone to fill their sanctuary with statues of Mary? Re-read PreacherJon's post, as well as Deut. 4:15. Only God can open your understanding to the true meaning of His word.

News Item6/6/08 8:44 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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Lance, the teachings of the RCC are filled with idolatry, calling the pope 'holy father' {this is in the spiritual sense.."And do not call anyone on earth father,for you have ONE FATHER, and He is in heaven" Matt. 23:9} kissing his ring, holding in high esteem Mary {"Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts at which you nursed. But He said, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it" Luke 11:27,28}, a mortal woman saved by God's grace, praying to her, "Therefore, watch yourselves very carefully, so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of ANY SHAPE, whether formed like a man or a woman" Deut. 4:15,16. Anything or anyone you highly esteem along with Christ is idolatry, even clinging to church tradition over scripture is idolatry.

News Item6/6/08 7:35 PM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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Mike, excellent point. Would you go so far as to say this is another form of idolatry by the RCC? They continue to highly esteem religious things, and completely stumble over Christ and His finished work, no need to add to what the Lord has done. Let's pray for those who post here and all who are lost in man's religion, man's tradition, for this is truly heartbreaking. These poor souls will one day step into eternity, and be rudely awakened with the reality of where false teaching has taken them.

Survey6/4/08 5:48 AM
bernie | Illinois  Find all comments by bernie
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From Paul Washer, "Because we have forgotten that salvation does not come by praying and asking Jesus to come into your heart, or by going through four spiritual laws and saying a prayer at the end, [ or making a decision], salvation does not come by all of these silly little mechanisms we've developed. It comes as a supernatural work of God through which God regenerates, makes the heart alive, He gives the man repentance, He gives the man faith; the man repents, he believes and is saved. And it is a supernatural work of God that manifests as much if not more of the power of God than when God stood on the first day and said, 'let there be light'."
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