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Survey6/10/09 8:31 AM
BrianD  Contact via emailFind all comments by BrianD
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I didn't say I agreed that churches would have to perform these marriages.

I think every church and pastor (or whoever is in charge of the marriage service) has the choice in who they marry.

I mean I came from a very conservative background where my denomination would not marry a man and women living together or if they were pregnant.

If the state jumps into the church and tells the church which marriages they have to perform, then it's a church's rights issues and not a gay marriage thing anymore.

I'm sorry if I sounded that I advocated marrying gays inside the church because I do not under any circumstances believe that.

Survey6/9/09 11:11 PM
BrianD  Contact via emailFind all comments by BrianD
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What I write will not be popular.

But when it comes to marriage, I think this is a pointless battle to deny gay people marriage.

1. They are already in sin with or without legal marriage. Their legal standing with the state has nothing to do with the sin they commit.

2. God defines marriage. If the government told you the sky was green and the grass was purple and put it on official documents, would that make it true? Not at all. We act as if somehow this government has power of this word we call marriage. The state's "marriage" is just a piece of paper that grants currently a man and women some extra benefits. This "marriage" can be broken for very trivial reasons. Christian marriage is much deeper than this and is defined by God. If we absolved legal marriage all together, I believe that Christian marriage is still there. Do you think that if the state got out of marriage, you would no longer be marriage as a Christian couple? Of course you would still be married.

3. Presenting the power of Jesus to the lost is greater than advocating amendments or changing laws. PERIOD. I think the gay marriage "battle" is very divisive in the long run. Don't blame me when there is "blowback" and gay people advocate to limit your rights as a Christian.

News Item6/7/09 1:38 PM
BrianD  Contact via emailFind all comments by BrianD
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The sin isn't whether they get a legal contract to share benefits and file taxes together.

News Item4/17/09 5:48 PM
BrianD | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by BrianD
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The sin is the homosexual act and not if the state recognizes or does not recognize marriage. If the state were to legalize something that is a sin, it doesn't make it any less sinful.

So I don't see why a Christian who sees homosexuality as sin MUST fight against gay marriage as an activist. Gay marriage or not, the sin is still there.

Maybe in the long run it's smarter to love the gay community and show them Christ who will take care of their sin, than worry about what the state recognizes or not (which solves nothing).

News Item2/6/09 12:06 PM
BrianD | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by BrianD
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Abortions or not, I don't want us to spend federal money on other nation's programs especially where there are thousands of underfunded programs in American at the moment.

Even if I was pro-choice, I don't think that position designates that we must pay for another nation's abortions just as we don't have to pay for another nation's cell phone bills.

Sure there is a time to help and be responsible with issues worldwide. When we do help other nations, let's give countries clean water, food, clothing, education, and medicine not abortions.

News Item1/2/09 3:13 PM
Brian D | USA  Find all comments by Brian D
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First of all not 100% of public school is this humanistic progressive agenda. So it's not actually 14,000 hours of programming.

Secondly, good parents don't rely on the church service + sunday school to teach their kids. Leaving your kids to be taught by the church institution with none of your own daily input is just asking for failure.

I got enough from the hours each day my parents gave to me to understand when someone in the public school system (or any system) was talking about non-Christian values.

News Item8/29/08 5:44 PM
Brian D | USA  Find all comments by Brian D
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I don't want to take the spiritual element out of it, but I might sound like it when I write this.

Kids who go to church normally have parents or at least a parent who is involved in their lives. They are the same kind of parents who will not only make sure the child is attending church but also doing their homework, studying, doing chores, etc.

So probably the difference is parental involvement more than church attendance.

From a teaching perspective, I can say that the kids with parents involved in their work (Christian or not) tend to do much better in school than kids without parental involvement.

News Item6/20/08 2:42 PM
Brian D | California  Find all comments by Brian D
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What I don't understand about this is how he can take something so polarizing and shove it into the faces of those who disagree with abortion then call it a thing of the 90's to disagree.

Sure, it's easy to have a "new America" when everyone believes the same thing on issues like abortion, but it's simply not true.

To completely ignore a whole section of society and make them look like something of the past is irresponsible.

There are many valid reasons for being against abortion are there are valid reasons for having abortion as an option. It's a debate that's not finished and many voters know this.

What did Kerry promise first thing in office? Over turning partial birth abortions. Welcome to Obama, I mean, Kerry Part 2.

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