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Survey6/11/07 10:56 PM
Brother Williams | KY  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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Wow... that was a good one..

(dat der wus sarcasm, stupid)

Survey6/8/07 10:02 PM
Brother Williams | KY  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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[removed by editor]

Survey5/12/07 11:49 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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Alan H: I will respond this first time for I can not recall if you have made the confession or not. I must ask though, can you make the confession as found in I John 4:2? Can you confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh? Please respond for further communication.

To answer your questions:

I meant malicious, as in malicious towards Wayne in my post to Wayne, intended solely for Wayne.

If saying a man is a deciever and an antichrist is malicious then the Bible and it's author the Lord are malicious, so be it. I am on the Lord's side, regardless.

To answer your final questions:

First: Obviously to try the spirits, as the passage says. Just read I John and that is point-blank clear.

Second: If you fail the Bible says you are a deciever and an antichrist. To, "why was it such a —serious offense— to fail to make that specific confession", well, because if you don't according to God you are a deciever and an antichrist. Real simple really.

This will be the last response I give unless you can clearly confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh as found in I John 4:2. This is in order to try the spirits as stated in I John 4:1, to know if they are of God or not.

Wayne M: I have not forgotten, but hope this reply to Alan helps as well.

Survey5/12/07 12:04 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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Wayne M: I am going to reword the beginning sentence of my last post for those that are too ignorant to read plain English. Again, I agree to continue this discussion via email in order to keep the random ignorance of various other posters at a low.

What I was saying in my first sentence in my last post, which I am sure you understood perfectly, but what others with the spirit of antichrist cannot grasp.

To make the sentence clearer it could have read,

"I am relieved to see that you didn't find my response as a malicious one, as so many would have, since that was not my intent in the least."

Wayne: I will respond further via email when I get the chance. Thanks for the understanding.

Survey5/12/07 11:36 AM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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Wayne M:

I am relieved to see that you didn't find my response as a malicious one, as so many would have.

My brother has just got in this weekend from Florida and it may be a bit before I can reply as indepth as I wish to. Thank you for the email address, I agree completely with your sentiments there and I will make use of the email.

Thanks again. I will reply better soon.

Survey5/12/07 12:43 AM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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It is a big deal to the unholy devil known as expositor (r. harris).

besides, what would harris know about Christians?

Survey5/11/07 11:49 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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Wayne M: Sorry to see you no longer take the passage as it stands (honestly). I assume we have no more to discuss concerning the issue, other than, I told you so. I told you someone with the spirit of antichrist is unable to state the confession according to I John 4 and Michael still has not been able to. Regardless of what failed version he still claims to stand by, he cannot confess according to what the KJV says. One can argue the versions all day, yet those with the spirit of antichrist cannot confess it according to the KJV. I stand by the Bible, literally, nothing supposedly interpreted or implied. I take it as it stands. What will never cease to amaze me is that I have done nothing more here than to take the Bible, to try the spirits as it commands, and I end up being "in the wrong". Since this conversation has began I have been accused of (not by you, by others) being guilty of countless heinous deeds. for what? for standing by the truth. so be it.

And, I don't respond to the others on the basis that they have the spirit of antichrist (Titus 3:9-11, Ro. 16:17-18). Nor do I bid them God speed.

Wayne and Yamil: I'm not a good man. Saved, yes. Good no. (There is none that doeth good, no, not one).


News Item5/9/07 8:49 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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way to go Bob, now you made the traitors mad.

Survey5/9/07 6:19 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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only a reprobate who is ashamed of his faith wouldn't bless their food in public. but, there are many fearful and unbelieving.

Survey5/9/07 6:18 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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(This survey is no longer available)
Yeah, serve water, serve meals, serve the male troops. great thinking!

News Item5/9/07 6:15 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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they should "reverse" start a church.

News Item5/9/07 6:11 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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Bob you are so funny. really. im laughing, now if only you would get saved! You could actually be a funny brother... oh, those would be the days....

Survey5/9/07 6:08 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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I was. what's your point?

News Item5/9/07 6:07 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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who said we get tired of that? now you started back with that lying tongue. shame shame

News Item5/9/07 6:05 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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The devil and GG, like father and son. I get it! You are good at that whole honest thing. Yeah, those baptists don't count in Texas, most of em are Southern Baptist, which means... 'so-called" Baptists. stinkin traitors.

Survey5/9/07 6:03 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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nah, you?

Survey5/9/07 5:57 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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GG: are you from America? do you know what the term "dork" means? still, I have always enjoyed bob saget jokes. keep em up.

News Item5/9/07 5:55 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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GG: that be one big "if" GG, plus Im sure hell would suit you better.

Survey5/9/07 5:52 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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News Item5/9/07 5:48 PM
Brother Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Brother Williams
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GG: as always, funny.

true, but funny.

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