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News Item7/10/13 10:15 PM
Catholic  Find all comments by Catholic
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Well I wouldn't let a nineteen year old teach me anything - just saying.
I'm under the impression that a man's ministry is shown by it's fruit, so I guess it's wait-and-see. Nice costumes.

Survey7/31/08 6:36 PM
Catholic | England  Find all comments by Catholic
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The Lone Wolf wrote:
I was raised RC and know what I am talking about. You are forbidden to read the Holy Scriptures without the proper interpretation of the clergy.
Jesus said that "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me."
Nice to see how charitable you are towards other Christians but then I suppose you don't think a Catholic is a Christian. Please note however that it is wise to get your facts straight. I read the Bible whenever I want. I do not have to ask any priest's permission or his interpretation of the Gospel. He would find that really strange that I don't have a mind of my own. Of course I tend to accept the Church's interpretation otherwise I wouldn't choose to remain a Catholic. If I disagreed on a lot of things, I would find another church.
Yours in Christ

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