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Christina from Freehold, NJ
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Sermon1/19/18 3:25 PM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameFind all comments by David Silversides
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The Unchanging Jehovah
Rev David Silversides
“ The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth! ”
".....God CANNOT be tempted, NEITHER CAN he tempt. This latter assertion refers not to the power of God, as if he were unable; but to his nature, whereby he is unwilling....." J Stevenson

Sermon1/19/18 3:18 PM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameFind all comments by David Silversides
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The Unchanging Jehovah
Rev David Silversides
“ The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth! ”
"The power of God is his all-perfect, self-existent essence. He has absolutely unlimited power to do whatsoever his bature determines him to will. But this power cannot be directed against his nature. God cannot change the nature of right and wrong etc because he did not make himself, and these have their determination in his own external perfections. He cannot act unwisely or unrighteously, not for want of power as respects the act, but for want of will, since God is eternally, immutably, and most freely and spontaneously, wise and righteous" A.A. Hodge

Sermon1/19/18 3:10 PM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameFind all comments by David Silversides
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The Unchanging Jehovah
Rev David Silversides
“ The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth! ”
"It has also usually been said by Theologians that God's will is limited, not only by the necessary contradiction, but by His own perfections. The meaning is correct, the phrase is incorrect. God's will is not limited; for these perfections as much ensure He will never wish, as that He will never do, those incompatible things. He does absolutely all that He wills. But thus explained, the qualification is fully sustained by Scripture. 2 Tim 2:13, Titus 1:2, Heb 6:18, James 1:13" R.L. Dabney

Sermon8/24/15 3:54 PM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David Silversides
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Holy Scripture: Its Preservation and...
Rev David Silversides
“ Response to Chris Symonds ”
Hello Chris, You may like to look through this book review (link below) which appeared in the TBS Quarterly Record in 2006 and covers some of the matters you raise. http://www.tbsbibles.org/pdf_reports/69-1.pdf#page=51 The choice is ultimately between the Received Text with ecclesiastical pedigree limiting the manuscripts in which the correct reading is to be sought or else a perpetually provisional text based on all the manuscripts available at any given time (and of which we can never know we have reached an end of new discovery).

Sermon1/23/14 2:36 PM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameFind all comments by David Silversides
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Apostasy and ingratitude
Rev David Silversides
“ Correct sermon now uploaded! - Thanks ”

Sermon12/5/13 2:01 PM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David Silversides
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A word about women from the King of the...
Rev David Silversides
“ Never Deny Christ ”
Evelyn, 1 Cor 14:35 refers to a husband within the Church of Christ. Though submitting to him in things that are lawful, the believing wife must never deny Christ at the behest of an unbelieving husband, but seek his conversion to Christ (1 Peter 3:1-2, 1 Cor 7:13). Submission to God-ordained authority never extends to doing what is sinful (Acts 4:19 & 5:29). If you deny Christ by returning to Islam.you are personally fully responsible before God and you cannot excuse it on the grounds of submission to your husband. "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven" (Matt 10:33).

Sermon7/25/13 12:33 PM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David Silversides
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A word about women from the King of the...
Rev David Silversides
“ Response To Judie ”
Judie - I think I said that a woman may be theologically gifted but that does not mean she is called to preach. Theological understanding has far more uses than publicly preaching to others. Our asessment of another's gifts is fallible and God does not call anyone contrary to His infallible Word which clearly prohibits women from preaching. The Scriptural use of her talents must lie in a different direction since God does not contradict Himself. The final authority must be the Scriptures. David.

News Item3/6/10 3:49 AM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by David Silversides
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MMCC, The statement that if the baby was 2 days older, help would have been given suggests that it was a fixed policy irrespective of the immediate pressure on resources. Accepting that there has to be prioritising of more hopeful cases when doctors have more than they can attend to at a given moment is not the same as automatically writing off infants below a certain age.

News Item9/12/09 10:31 AM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by David Silversides
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For those in the UK there is a petition to the Prime Minister about this:


News Item7/20/09 7:55 PM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by David Silversides
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This link is to McCheyne on the Lord's Day which may prove helpful and edifying.


Blog12/22/06 12:03 PM
David Silversides | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland  Protected NameFind all comments by David Silversides
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Jbrig - By 'resist' do you mean physically resisted with arms? DS

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