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Sermon3/16/2023 6:34 PM
Dawn | Nashville  Find all comments by Dawn
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It Will Cost You Everything
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
“ Stepped on my toes, thank you ”
Praise God for sermons that speak the truth, step on toes, bring you to repentance, and speak the Bible! Thank you for this!

News Item10/30/19 12:07 AM
Dawn | SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Dawn
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πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»Dr Tim! Jim you seem triggered, are you sure you belong here? From your first post I read you seem to be on the wrong side of the fence. And angry which makes me believe you might be a Democrat.

Sermon3/28/18 12:04 AM
Dawn | Pennsylvania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Dawn
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Please help to reconcile 2Cor 12:8-9 with this scripture ”
I love the scripture about the wicked king and the widow. So encouraging for me. But, I need help to reconcile this passage with 2Corinthians 12:8-9. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Maybe even tell me sermons I can listen to for explanation. Thanks very much.

Sermon11/13/16 4:21 PM
Dawn | Michigan  Find all comments by Dawn
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Proper Prayers
Pastor Keith Sweitzer
“ Convicting ”
Good words!

Sermon5/22/16 10:45 PM
Dawn | USA  Find all comments by Dawn
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'This light momentary affliction'
Kenneth Stewart
“ Very encouraging! ”
Through this sermon, even while in the midst of pain, I could better "see" pain and suffering from an eternal perspective, to see more clearly the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Sermon4/22/16 4:52 PM
Dawn | Michigan  Find all comments by Dawn
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What's Holding You Back?
Dale Money
“ Convicting Message ”
Excellent message on missions and what is holding us back from doing our part!

Sermon3/5/16 6:08 PM
Dawn | Michigan  Find all comments by Dawn
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Our Inheritance
Terry Redcay
“ Good Reminder ”
Always good to be reminded of the inheritance we as believers will have in heaven.

Sermon12/23/15 1:28 PM
Dawn | Michigan  Find all comments by Dawn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very timely message! God brought this sermon into my life to answer some questions I had been pondering lately, relating to this subject. Thanks Pastor Terry.

Sermon8/14/15 3:32 PM
Dawn | Ca  Find all comments by Dawn
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Good Old Fashioned Preaching
Dr. Walter Martin
“ Great Sermon! ”
I so miss Walter Martin! It was great to here his voice and message again!

News Item3/10/15 5:57 PM
Dawn | An American Citiy  Find all comments by Dawn
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Few people realize that in some American cities the "Sun-Down" laws are still in effect. This is why some people are assaulted if caught in the suburbs...

News Item8/14/13 7:14 AM
Dawn | FL  Find all comments by Dawn
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Perhaps more teaching on abstinence is what is needed. Abortion is a lie that deceives so many woman (and men.) We live in an instant gratification world, and sex for pleasure is so accessible. "Unwanted pregnancies" would be cut by a large margin if more people practiced abstinence. The lie that an abortion is the cure for unwanted pregnancies rather than saving your purity for the one God chose for you is what is pushed in this Satanic controlled world we live in. Blaming Christians for their pompous response to sin isn't going to change the fact that men and women are engaging in activities that are not healthy, nor age appropriate. 19 and 2 abortions is a sad state that so many women find themselves in. We must teach our children how special our bodies are, and how we must respect them as well as the bodies of others.

Sermon7/7/11 4:45 AM
Dawn | USA  Find all comments by Dawn
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The Permanence View of Marriage
Voddie Baucham
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you. I have been being told that I must divorce my second husband and remain single, and I have a four year old. I agree that what I did was horrible sin, and I was GRIEVED to think my marriage would be considered continual adultery, and also GRIEVED at the same time at the thought of having to divorce. I now better understand the holiness of God and I do fear, and I hope I can heal from this in time. I am so broken and anyone reading this please say a prayer for us. Thanks.

Sermon2/19/09 9:04 AM
Dawn  Find all comments by Dawn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
May I live my life simply doing the next thing for His glory. May I always walk in contentment with Him by my side and desiring to please Him in every thought, look, and action. Thank you for the reminder that His revealed will for me as a mother - to love my husband, love my children, and manage my home while also showing hospitality - this is supremely pleasing to my Savior. To know Him and to love Him is to walk with Him as I serve Him in this way - What more could my soul possibly crave? May the Lord cleanse me from all worldly ideas of where joy and significance are found. All praise be to His name.

Survey8/24/08 2:06 PM
Dawn | UK  Find all comments by Dawn
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Any British homeschoolers?

News Item7/8/07 4:56 PM
Dawn | Scotland  Find all comments by Dawn
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This article comes as no surprise, something we have known from reading the psalms, we are sinners from conception.

A 6 month old baby can lie by crying when he/she has no true need for anything and stops crying to check if the mother is hearing and paying attention... this is just one example, I don't see how some are having problems seeing how a 6 month old cannot lie!

News Item4/8/07 6:23 PM
Dawn | UK  Find all comments by Dawn
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Interesting to read this that men are avoiding marriage, I am blessed to be married in the Lord. There are a few men in our church who aren't married but generally there does seem to be a distinct lack of proper Christian men for our young women to marry, this is a worry in that some women in our church have married and date non Christian men, such a tradegy and what a worry this is.

I find it saddening to read of Christian men not wanting to marry, no wonder Christian women are turning to the world, we need to hear more preaching on the important of marriage and turn our women from being career driven and get them back to the home, we need rid of the idea that this is old fashioned and stop criticism of them for doing such, I am 24 and have a young son and constantly being asked about returning to work and just as much asked by Christians in the church. And that it's such a waste that I have gone through University and given up my career, where have our priorities turned?! We live in such an ungodly day.

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