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Blog8/17/08 10:50 AM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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I am not a preacher, but I have the heart of preacher. I guess I would say, I am a Truth Proclaimer - speaking God's Word as I have been taught of the Holy Spirit by His Grace.

When I read this link, I was so moved by the statement, "Now I speak, so that they will not convert me."

I've been doing that most of my life - speaking to religious people who are interested in speaking "smooth things" - instead of the hard "Truths" of the Scripture.

It is particularly hard being a woman who not only speaks to whomever, regardless of gender, but also, of position, and/or credentials.

Men in leadership (and, I fully believe in the positional authority God has given a man over his wife, and of a pastor (male) over his flock, in particular, do not want a woman speaking Truth to an issue that he is on the other side of.

It is not lack of respect on my part, nor positional rebellion, but I speak because I "have" to speak. As Jeremiah said, (and I might add, my Grandfather being an itinerant preacher, doing street preaching in his day, born early 1900's, said the same), "fire in my bones."

So, thank you for posting this link to this story told by Elie Wiesel. It is a comfort and encouragement.

Survey7/24/08 3:04 PM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Are you my friend from Knoxville?
I love the Bible. It was one of the greatest blessings and joys in my life, after having been raised Roman Catholic where they didn't you to read the Bible for yourself, to I or anybody elese could read God's Word for ourselves and NOT have to take some ordained seminary educated(?) minister's word for what God Himself says to us in Scripture.
A related question might be along the lines of: Can you tell or not if your pastor loves the Word of God and spends time reading and studying himself?
Yes, I am your friend from Knoxville, and thank you for considering me as such given my unloving exit from these forums several days ago. You are kind.

I agree with your question.

Survey7/24/08 3:01 PM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Defender from Tennessee
Thank You!
I appreciate your post to me
AND you have said a great deal more in (my paraphrase) "we are to be witness over theologians."
You've reminded me that Jesus told the disciples that they should receive power when the Holy Ghost came upon them and that they would be WITNESSES
and although Jesus likely has a place for theolgians that is not what He said they would be.
if you want to see a video clip
you can visit youtube and search for Mohammed's Birthday Parade Binghamton New York the newsclip shows a man who God graciously and sovereignly allowed to give a witness of Christ and if you look closely you might notice there were several praying for God's grace.
Thank you Michael for your gracious and forgiving spirit. I will check out that site that you mentioned.

Survey7/24/08 1:50 PM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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I started reading KJV in the '60's. Read the NT through during the summer of my 13th or 14th year, and haven't stopped. I love the Word of God. When I was in my 20's and 30's, I made a habit of reading every evening before going to sleep, and it was during that time that I also began to read Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening." I'm now in my 5o's, and I don't read as much as I would like, but I have Bibles throughout the house, so that I can read whenever I sit down to relax. "Line upon line, a little here, a little there..." and you think the thoughts of God, speak His Word, and measure what you hear by known Scripture.

Survey7/24/08 1:00 PM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Michael Hranek,

I definitely owe you an apology! Please forgive my prideful exit from this forum a few days ago. I have had time to re-evaluate the situation, and I am truly repentant. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness." I have confessed to Him, and now, as a brother in Christ, I ask for your forgiveness.

Your posts were very kind, always showing brotherly love - which made my exit posts all the more sinful.

I was not prepared to engage in an argument of Calvinism vs. Arminianism, nor do I wish to in the future.

I will be a witness of all that the Lord has done for me, even as the disciples were. They weren't theologians, were they? Simple witnesses.

I am thankful for those who are in the pulpit standing for doctrinal Truth. For we who have been born again have the Spirit of Truth in us - which means, we know Truth when we hear it. "The ploughboy with the gleam in his eye, because he knows the Lord is preferable to the theologian who does not know Him." That is a loose translation of something Spurgeon said. Most everything I post is from memory, and sometimes it fails me.

Anyway, God bless always.

Survey7/24/08 12:23 PM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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quote wrote:
That is a false accusation as I take the matter of God’s Word very seriously. I may not say anything of substance but I try!
My questions are not to keep the posts going but to try and understand what one is stating or to try and get someone to think about something but NEVER for the motive you have given me!
/QUOTE]Quote, I've had time to consider this, and I apologize. My lack of understanding left me feeling angry. So, please forgive me.

I heard a msg from Sproul that convicted me of "sin" for ascribing the worst possible motive to someone who causes pain - in my case, it was humiliation, thinking that I was conversing with people like myself - and the sudden realization that these were seminary students, and/or pastors.

I am able to defend the hope that is within from Scripture, but not as one who has studied Calvinism vs. Arminianism. I have a simplistic understanding of both.

Scripture teaches both God's Sovereignty and man's responsibility. Beyond sharing scriptures to support that, I do not want to engage in arguing for the sake of argument. I was merely looking for fellowship with those whose faith is in the Lord, and to engage in reasonable dialogue.

Survey7/20/08 5:04 PM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Preacher wrote:
Confessions and Creeds are apologetic tools. They were always born out of controversy and the struggle against heresy. Each time the leaders of the church would distill their doctrinal truths into a statement or document.
During the Reformation it became important to nail down exactly what the Protestant Church confessed. Thus in Holland the Belgic Confession was adopted. This was written by one man, Guido De Bres, and its purpose was to bring to the attention of the king of France what the Protestant church believed.
Each confession dealt with the issues of the day. Therefore they can never be seen as fully comprehensive of all that the Bible teaches. The early reformed confessions did not have a fully worked out theology of regeneration, because justification was the burning issue in the fight against Rome.
So a written creed or confession is merely a statement of systematic theology and is there to summarise what you or your denomination believes. Most denominations these days do not have one, but then again, they don't believe much. And a lot of what they do believe is not Biblical anyway.
Thanks for stating the truth so clearly.

Survey7/20/08 2:48 PM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Through faith alone, in Christ alone. Maybe a kind theologian will share with us his or her understanding from Berkhoff, or Geisler, or Martyn Lloyd-Jone who word it so beautifully.

As for me, I'll go with what I've gleaned from Scripture, and who by the Holy Spirit leads me in Truth.

Survey7/20/08 2:21 PM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Alastair Roberts wrote:
I am sure that I speak for thousands in thanking those who maintain this site for their invaluable labours. I have found Sermonaudio to be a peerless resource. I know of nowhere else to obtain so many thought-provoking and Biblical messages. The talks and sermons that I have listened to from this site have been of great benefit to me in my Christian walk. I have recommended this site to countless others. There are many men and women who will truly be 'eternally grateful' for sermons they have listened to from Sermonaudio. I count myself among them. Thank you!
I will let the writer of the above post speak for me. I am exhausted after entering a survey that turned out to be for theologians debating Calvinism and Arminianism.

Afterwards, I looked at other surveys, and I realized that they already had all the answers, and it left me feeling that I had been "used" to frame their arguments. Many were kind, and ultimately stated the truths as I understand them, but, nonetheless left me feeling "yucky."

Nevertheless, I really appreciate great teaching from the pastors I have listened to on SA, and the ultimate truths presented in summation of the surveys. God Bless.

Survey7/18/08 11:50 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Defender from Knoxville TN
Good to read your posts again. I believe SermonAudio could benefit from more posters such as yourself so please do reconsider what you tell your friends if they have anything like the attitude you have shown it would be a blessing to fellowship together in the faith that we share in the Lord Jesus Christ who loved us with an almost unspeakable depth of love that we so did not begin to deserve and truly never will.
Michael, Thank you. You are kind. However, I will not be engaging in these forums after this post. God Bless.

Survey7/18/08 11:36 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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To all those who posted as a project or a game or as required for your Doctor of Divinity degree - I say "shame on you."

For the seminary students who want to know the grade they receive from this person whose time and effort was spent answering questions - you failed miserably! I give you an "F" for your unloving, smug, attitude. But then, that was purpose, wasn't it? - Showing how ugly "hyper calvinists" can be. So, maybe your professors will give you an "A" - mission accomplished.

You might try not being so obvious with your Scripture references being straight from a concordance, and interwoven without the concerns of the post being addressed.

And "Quote" you might try not being so flippant. But then, maybe you are "decent" and were trying to give me subtle hints all along. Also, the style of writing and the perfect articulation in many of the posts give away that there are only a few people speaking.

Nonetheless, the Calvinists posts here do not represent the born again believer who holds to that system.

Having said all of that, maybe this was all about yourselves, and laypeople, such as myself, become the object of the inside joke.

Something at the root of it all is rotten. That would be sin for either the Arminian or the Calvinist.

Survey7/18/08 10:31 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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JD wrote:
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, finally, someone who has these guys figured out! I love it!
Yeah, JD and that would be a woman!

Survey7/18/08 10:20 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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finding wrote:
For someone to call themself "defender" of truth - then to make the above posted complaint, - THEN to have the effrontery to mock the contributers called quote and enough already is extremely sad. However Jesus did say we would be able to judge them by their fruit. Thus can we suitably judge this one by his post fruit.
Apparently he claims knowledge of the doctrines of grace - yet would want them to appeal to all doctrinal positions???
People with true saving faith are not put off by retorts of any level, but have the grace-strength to continue to serve the purpose of God against all persecution. Now that is fruit of the Spirit.
I suppose John upsets DoT when he declares.....
10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
I have re-read the posts and I get it. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Are you all seminary students sharpening your skills at "defending your faith?" Or, are you just malicious? Are your motives sinful? Check your heart.

I have recommended Sermonaudio to all my friends, but I will not recommend engaging in your rabbit chase where

Survey7/17/08 8:18 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Michael Hranek wrote:
There seems to be a stunning silence of Jesus Christ by some who profess His name but exalt THEIR doctrine, their system of theology if you will.
Michael, looking back at the posts, I so agree with this statement of yours, and I'm inclined to believe that the reason for these apparent phantom posters and their hypothetical questions is to determine who their listeners are. It would also steer them in their choices of sermons to recommend.

Did you notice that today's pick was Spurgeon on Calvinism? How's that for timing?

I'm really irritated that they would be disingenious in gathering information in this manner, if in fact that is true.

Survey7/17/08 6:50 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Hey, Michael,

Maybe 'enough already' is like watchful mother stepping in when the posts aren't going in the direction that would be desired. I haven't read enough of that poster to know.

We are limited in space, and cannot consecutive post. I've lost several that way.

So, why did JD post 3 consecutive posts this morning. How did that happen?

Could there be those whose intent is to provoke, to create alliances along doctrinal lines, and then sit back and see when the site needs some more fuel to keep the posts going?

Sounds like Wormwood and Screwtape in C.S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters." Diabolical.

Survey7/17/08 6:32 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Hey, Michael,

Did you see "2001 Space Odessay"? Maybe Quote is Hal?

Survey7/17/08 6:06 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Defender from TN
I am so convince that there is a huge mission field within the walls of our churches of people who imagine themselves Christians because they are 'good church going people.'
People who have never repented because they simply don't think they are that bad.
People who have never trusted Jesus Christ personally to save them because in their religion they know about Him and confuse that with knowing Him.
I say "Amen" to all of that.

Survey7/17/08 5:51 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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This week was my first time on a forum survey with Sermonaudio. It has taken me four days to realize there are some who do not take this seriously.

For the calvinists representing themselves on this site, I find that their meanness is the reason for a dislike of their doctrine by those who do not subscribe to it. I do subscribe to it, but had I no knowledge of it, some would make me reject it based on their lack of love.

After my last few exchanges with "quote," I realize that that person says nothing of substance, but uses the words of a poster to frame a question just to keep the posts going.

In the future, if I choose to dialogue, I will be more judicious in following the rabbit chase.

The goal of those posters who lack sincerity is the same as Satan's, to destroy true fellowship with those who are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

A better use of my time would be listening to the preaching of God's Word. Thankfully, there are messages by Spurgeon, Alan Cairns, Joel Beeke, Albert Martin, John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, that I can listen to.

Mike of NY, Alan of Washington, Michael H., Contender, all those who are truly Believers - God Bless you in your walk with the Lord.

Survey7/17/08 4:48 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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quote wrote:
But doesn't it matter what we believe about Christ and His teachings?
Can you separate Christ from His teachings?

Michael wrote, "In some Satan sabotages the work of the Spirit making sinners imagine they're elect"
What a wicked thing to say!

Concerning Michael's statement, there would not be repeated warning in Scripture "not to be deceived" if the possibility did not exist.

As to separating Christ from His teachings, that would be an impossibility. He is the Word - the complete fulfilment of the Law.

At this point, I'm not sure that you have a sincere interest. It seems that you are more interested in circuitous talking. I'd prefer to spend my time more wisely.

Survey7/17/08 4:36 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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quote wrote:
What is your definition of the word 'theology'?
Does it matter what we believe about Christ or His teachings?
Well, 'The'from the Greek means God. 'ology' means "study of." So, putting that together would be "the study of God".

I've read His Word through and through over 40 years and He never referred to Himself as a Calvinist. Now, He did say that He is "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY" 3 times over in Isaiah. So, if He emphasizes His Holiness, maybe we should talk about His Holiness as a doctrine.

We are altogether different from Him, and until we are made new in Christ, we will not be holy, and He says, "Without holiness no one will see the Lord." Read "Holiness" by J.C. Ryle for an excellent discourse on the subject.

Jesus, the Son, incarnate God, humbled Himself to take upon Himself the sins of the world. He is fully God, and fully man. Let's talk about the doctrine of Humility rather than declaring ourselves Calvinist.
And then, let us reflect that humility in our discourse with others.

It means nothing to boast of our position in Christ if we do not possess the Grace of Christ - let's start with humility and holiness.

Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father, but by Me."

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