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News Item10/23/12 8:41 PM
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Frank wrote:
Well for sure, if I agree with you then I certainly won't know you aren't correct and you wouldn't know that you weren't correct or that I was incorrect. See what you started.
You agreeing or disagreeing with me has absolutely no effect on me.

Survey8/16/09 11:23 PM
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webwatch wrote:
Universalism has become sadly common even among evangelicals...
Here's how universalism can be defined from Wikipedia..."
Let definitions just be definitions. For them to be understood by any groups of people in exact like manner is totally impossible.

"Universalism" does not INCLUDE other religions. People do not know God through Hinduism, not through Buddhism, not through Islam. There is no such thing as a Hinduism who knows God. But they will all have to be reconciled to Christ in order to have spiritual life and to know God.

All will definitely eventually obtain salvation from sin. Because that is God's loving will. But only a few will be saved in this age as children of God. That is also God's will. The rest remain as the children of wrath as we all once have been.

God does not get wounded by our sin. WE have been wounded by our sin. Christ was wounded FOR our sin. God has setup the world so that we sin, and through suffering we know Christ, and through Christ we know God - who is love.

The definitions of universalism used against universalism have been pathetic and were probably created by people who hate the idea of eventual reconciliation of all to God and who have not a good understanding of it, if any.

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