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News Item11/9/09 7:47 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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I for one would love to see your rebuttal of GG's comments.


I will reply to your comments in the earlier thread. Doing so here would just complicate this thread, I think.

News Item11/8/09 11:11 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Sorry to disappoint you, Quillar, but satan is no friend of mine.

Led by the antichrist. – Cannot be proven one way or the other. Deceptive.
Idolatrous. – Categorically false. Can easily be proven false by a simple internet search. Deception.
Worshipper of graven images. – Ditto
Follower of man made dogmas and traditions - ADDED to Scripture. – NOTHING has been added to Scripture after the Catholic Church decided on her Canon.
Adulterous unto God and His Son. – Categorically false. Can easily be proven false by a simple internet search. Deception.
Advocate of the blasphemous mass – Categorically false. Can easily be proven false by a simple internet search. Deception.
Salvation by works. – Not by Works alone but by Faith AND Works. Read your Bible.
Justification by works. – Ditto..
Intellectual assent in lieu of true faith. – Either deception or evidence of a complete lack of understanding of the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Prays to dead sinners. – As per Sacred Scripture.(2 Macabees).
Worships icons, dead bones, bits of wood and other rediculous relics. – Either deception or evidence of a complete lack of understanding of the teachings of the Catholic Church. We worshipp the One True God *ONLY*.

News Item11/8/09 12:05 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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"Thou shalt not bear false witness"


You should really research your claims before making them. satan has enough minions to do his work. He really doesn't need your help.

News Item11/3/09 11:33 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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That is a beautiful testement of your Faith. I wish you well in whatever Church you find happiness. I am not trying to convert you back to the Catholic Church, although I wouldn't stop you if you wanted to come back There are two things that are important to me for someone in your situation:

1) I know that the official word from the Catholic Church is that you have to be Catholic to be saved. I used to believe that but I no longer do. The reason for my change of heart is that one day I was reading my Bible - the Gospel of John to be specific - and I came across Jesus' discourse in John 9:38-40. I had read those Passages many times before but for some reason (read Holy Spirit) they really touched me and I realized that Jesus was referring to people outside what was to become the Catholic Church. If you truly believe in Jesus, you can be saved regardless of which Church you belong to.

2) I have noticed many times over the years that people who leave the Catholic Church (or any organization for that matter) feel a certain amount of hatred towards the Church. Please don't let that happen to you. Hatred has only one origin: satan. No matter what happened in the past, try to love all Catholics and the Catholic Church. Don't do satan's bidding for him.

News Item11/3/09 10:14 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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John UK wrote:
Arminists, and all others, portray God as weak, unable to save without human co-operation.
Oh dear, John

No, John, that is not correct. God **CAN** do anything he wants including dragging blasphemers kicking and screaming into Heaven. But, He **chooses** to give us free will - He waits for *us* to make the first move towards Him. **THEN** He will bathe us with His Power and Love and guide us safely Home.

John UK wrote:
You portray God as sitting back, willing for people to repent, and crying when they refuse.
Exactly. God doesn't want a single soul to end up in hell. But He will not interfere in our lives. He waits patiently for us to come to Him.
John UK wrote:
You imagine that his love is insufficient to woo his elect and win them.
His love is more than sufficient. But, again, He CHOOSES not to interfere.
John UK wrote:
Thus you minimize his love, and reckon it be naught.
You misunderstand our position, John. God's love is eternal and ever powerful. He just chooses to let us make our own decisions.

News Item11/2/09 10:47 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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WayneM wrote:
God entreats them to come to Christ, but He does not force them. God never takes delight in the fact some refuse to listen. (see Ezekiel 18:32; 2 Peter 3:9)
That's what I have been saying all along, Wayne. God calls (draws, entreats) us to Jesus that we may believe and be saved. BUT, the decision to accept God's call or reject it is 100% ours. God does not force anyone.

News Item11/2/09 6:14 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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I was just referring to Baptism in general not infant Baptism, etc.

How can you say that Baptism is not Salvific, though? Acts 2:38 specifically says that sins are forgiven through Baptism. Mark 16:16 says to believe **AND** be Baptised. John 3:3-5 says that we must be born again of water and spirit. In Acts 9:18, after Paul is blessed, he is Baptised. Why?

I could go on but suffice it to say that there are many, many passages in the NT indicating the Salvific value of Baptism. It isn't simply some sort of symbolic gesture.

News Item11/2/09 5:49 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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I suspect that you are right but check out these passages:

Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, Romans 6:3-4, Col 2:11-12 and 1 Peter 3:21.

Simply calling the Catholic Church a cult does not further your argument. The Church's claim that Baptism is salvific is deeply rooted in the Bible.

News Item11/2/09 4:26 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Wayne & June,

I still can't understand why God would create people solely for the purpose of serving satan. Since, according to your explanation, God decides who will be saved (the elect) and who won't, He is then sending the non-elect to satan. Why would He do that?

News Item11/2/09 2:27 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Yes, I am aware of what the Church teaches. I was referring more to those situations like a child who dies before being Baptised or a person who is born into a nonChristian family and who wishes to become a Christian later in life but dies before completing his/her entery into the Church. Mark 16:16 says "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned." so I do believe that under normal ciscumstances you have to be Baptised to gain entry into Heaven.

News Item11/2/09 10:19 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Sorry, but if you take a little bit of time to research what Richard Bennett is saying, you will find that if I use the only adjectives that accurately describe him, my post will rightfully be deleted.

You also misinterpreted what I said about my family. I did *not* say that *I* am going to save them. My point was that I need to make some decisions about leading them in the right direction (ie what Church we should belong to, etc) in order to ensure their Salvation.

The 4 points you made that the Catholic Church teaches in order to be saved are all incorrect. You do *not* necessarily have to be Baptized (although Mark 16:16 says you must be), Confirmed, Confess to a Priest or receive the Annointing of the Sick to be saved. They all help and in some circumstances they are required but they are not *universally* required.


There are many places in the NT that says something to the effect "believe and you will be saved". That tells me that I need to do something (believe in Jesus) in order to be saved. I know that you are probably going to say that it was God Himself Who made me believe in Jesus but that is an unending, unprovable argument. You may disagree with many of the things the Church says, but She hasn't been proven wrong for 2000 years.

News Item11/1/09 10:23 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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The official definition of the sin of presumption, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church is:

2092 There are two kinds of presumption. Either man presumes upon his own capacities, (hoping to be able to save himself without help from on high), or he presumes upon God's almighty power or his mercy (hoping to obtain his forgiveness without conversion and glory without merit).

I will assume that you are in agreement with the first kind (being able to save yourself without God’s help is a sin) so I will just address the second kind.

In the second kind of sin of presumption, there are 2 parts: 1) that you will obtain forgiveness without conversion and 2) that you will receive glory without merit. Again, I will assume that you are in agreement with the first part because it basically says that you have to have Faith to receive forgiveness. I suspect that it is the second part that causes disagreement because it is, as far as I can tell, the part about the requirement of both Faith and Works. There are simply too many places in the NT that states the requirement of Works for Salvation to ignore it. That does *not* mean that you have to work your way into Heaven just that your faith must be strengthened by good Works (Matt 25:41+).

News Item11/1/09 9:21 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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I wish I could agree 100% with your conclusions, but I can't. As I mentioned in my earlier reply, I am not God so I can't judge these 3 "people". You may be 100% correct, 100% wrong or somewhere in between. I can only tell you what I believe.

As far as the teaching of the Catholic Church is concerned, I based my response on *my* beliefs. I belong to the Catholic Church not because I have been brainwashed, as some would like to believe, but because my beliefs happen to correspond with the teachings of the Church and because the Holy Spirit lead me to the Church. Just as a person belongs to a particular political party because they agree with the edicts of that party not the other way around. I know that many people like to bash the Catholic Church, but Catholics are genuine in their love of Jesus and see the Church as the best way to express that love. And, even on this site where there are many people who have issues with or even hate the Church, no one has been able to show me categorically how or where the Church is wrong. Simply calling the Pope "Antichrist" without a shred of substantiating evidence doesn't cut it. I love Jesus. To that end, I will do whatever I need to do to secure the future of me and my family in Heaven.

News Item11/1/09 8:04 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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You pose and interesting question. Since I am not God, I cannot answer your question with any degree of certainty or authority. However, I will give you my opinion.

LL will probably not be saved. Not only did he not obey the Commandments, but, I assume, he also sinned in other ways as well. Your description isn't complete but it appears that since he felt he was free to do whatever he wanted, he felt no repentance for what he did.

Saintly may or may not be saved. I know that you are trying to depict him as someone who believes in Salvation by Works alone (which isn't what the Catholic Church teaches). But, you don't elaborate on the degree of his faith. If his faith was strong enough, yes, he would be saved. If it wasn't, then no, he wouldn't be saved.

AW will almost certainly be saved. Since he opened his heart to Jesus, he allowed the Holy Spirit to work in him so he would follow Jesus completely. The only doubt I have is that you don't say anything about works. James 2:26 tells us that faith without works is dead so I can't give poor AW a 100% thumbs up.

News Item11/1/09 6:20 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Postrue wrote:
Bert is definitely commited to the Roman Catholic "salvation by works" = salvation by self - A salvation which God cannot deliver on His own, by Himself. Thus in RCC dogma terms Jesus death failed in Bert's case - *UNLESS* Bert contributes an equal 'power' to save himself???
Bert is saving himself.
Pray for Bert, he needs help.
I won't even pretend to understand how you arrived at that conclusion. I have said absolutely *nothing* about Salvation by Faith or Works. I have also said absolutely nothing about what God and cannot do. Nor have I said anything about what Jesus' death has bought for us.

However, if I cut through the unChristian sarcasm and ridicule, I think you are trying to say that you don't agree with my assessment of free will. So be it. It turns out that the concept of free will in Christian circles - especially Eph 9 - has been the source of heated debate for millennia and is still not solved. I believe very firmly in free will regardless of what the Vatican says.

News Item11/1/09 2:56 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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savedbygrace wrote:
Rome, of course, says this is a sin.
Read, Romans 7.
I'm afraid I don't follow you here. What is it that Rome says is a sin?

News Item11/1/09 2:41 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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As you are undoubtedly aware, sir, one of your most famous quotes is “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains--however improbable--must be the truth.”. Since God is Love, it is impossible for Him to show indifference to anyone. The idea that God creates people to serve satan and to ultimately become fodder for the furnaces of hell is so unbelievable, so mind-boggling, so blasphemous that it defies reason. We are all created by God to serve Him not satan. Anyone who ends up serving satan does so of his own accord, not at God’s bidding.

By accepting Jesus into my heart, I am glorifying Him. Just like Mary said “my soul magnifies the Lord”, when we accept what God offers us, we are glorifying Him not taking glory away from Him. Since accepting His offer is what He wants above all how can we possibly be taking His Glory away from Him? And since *everyone* in Heaven has to have accepted God’s Gift, no one will be able to boast that s/he did more than anyone else in Heaven to obtain Everlasting Life.

News Item11/1/09 11:03 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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What do you mean by "authentic gospel"? The Gospel I have is the same as the one you have.

I'm afraid that Richard Bennett has very little credibility in my eyes. I have listened to some of his work and they were full of inaccuracies and falsehoods.

I have no problem with or questions about the Sovereignty of the Holy Spirit.


In the Lord's Prayer, the phrase "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" is a request that God's Will be done on earth not an acknowledgement that it is.

Think about it, June. If God's Will is done in our lives with or without our consent, why are there so many calls in the NT to repent and be saved? If I am predestined by God to be saved, I don't need to repent or even believe in God. OTOH, if I am predestined to be lost, no amount of repentance or belief in God can save me. So, why the calls to repentance? Why the claims like 2 Peter 3:9 that God wants *all* of us to be saved?

I am sorry to see that you left the Church. I assume that you had a bad experience somewhere. Instead of condemning the entire Church, though, why not find a Parish where you feel more comfortable? Priests are human so there are some you will feel at home with and some you won't.

News Item11/1/09 9:49 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Note that the article you posted says "... while He leaves the non-elect in His just judgment to their own wickedness and obstinacy.". How are these people obstinate? They are obstinate in that they flatly refuse to follow God's gentle calling through the Gospels for them to repent and turn to His Son. The elect are those who follow God's Will.

The quotes you give from Ephesians are referring to the fact that God created Heaven for those whom He knew would believe. It does not mean, in my opinion, that God chose some to be saved knowing that the rest would be lost. Such actions fly in the face of the claim that God is Love.


You seem to be of the opinion that I, as a Catholic, believe that I am obligated to pray to Mary or I will lose my Salvation. But I have said here a number of times that I am under no such obligation at all. I can completely ignore Mary and every other Saint for the rest of my life and still remain Catholic and attain Salvation. Why would I do that, though? Jesus honors Mary in accordance with the Commandment so don't you think I should as well? Why would I turn my back on such an amazing resource whose one goal is to lead everyone she can to her Son? Mary is the first and foremost Christian who has much to teach us all.

News Item10/31/09 10:26 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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In 2 Peter 3:9, we find "The Lord does not delay his promise, as some regard "delay," but he is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.". Note that it says that it says *all*, not some. Further, Matt 22:14 says "Many are invited, but few are chosen.". What is the difference between those who are invited (or called) *and* chosen and those who are called and *not* chosen? I understand that we have to be born again. I am just saying that God has left the decision to accept or reject God's offer.


I didn't say anything about Salvation by Works (which happens to be Scriptural, BTW).


I haven't said anything about the soverignty of God.

Yes, draw can mean impelled or even enticed but it doesn't mean forced.

just a thought,

You are hung up on one man's interpretation of what happens during a Mass. You are free to reject the fact tath the Eucharist is Jesus' Body. But, that doesn't mean that It isn't. Jesus said that the Bread was His Body so I will take His Word for it. If you interpret both Luke 22:19+ and 1 Cor 11:24+ as symbolic, haw do you account for John 6:53+?

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