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Sermon12/20/2021 8:02 PM
Duane A. Linn | Wisconsin Rapids  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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Why Does America Slumber?
Duane Linn
“ Thank You ”
Thank you all for the warm welcome back. It feels good to be doing again what I was born to do. Pastor Duane

Sermon5/31/2021 12:05 PM
Duane A. Linn | Wisconsin Rapids  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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“ Thank you ”
Thank you, Leslie. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.

Sermon11/7/2020 2:47 PM
Duane A. Linn | Wisconsin Rapids  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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Only Some Saved: Is This Just?
Rev. Clayton Spronk
“ It is just. ”
Not only is it just, it is right.

News Item11/26/09 8:25 PM
Duane A. Linn | San Diego, CA  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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Hey Barry and anti-legalist... ever hear about the destruction of Jerusalem? That is a pretty big city that was demolished by the Roman Empire in 70 AD. It was the Great Tribulation to the Jewish nation and since that day, no other city or empire has fallen in that manner... you all really should stop posting your ignorance and study the history of the Christian church a little better...

Sermon11/26/09 1:10 PM
Duane A. Linn | San Diego, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
God used Keith Daniel in my life just prior to my regeneration. It was his vehement rejection of Calvin that led me to seek out Calvinism and why he hated it so much. Because of this, I found the truth of the doctrines of grace and was reborn in spirit(regenerated) He (Keith) preaches with alot of emotion and fervor. However, he is still an Arminian (albeit an "old Arminian" in his theology) because he denies the 4 of the 5 points of Calvinism. The bottom line is that it takes God alone to elect a man to salvation, Christ alone to atone for the sinner and the Holy Spirit to rregenerate the sinner unto new life. Without this occurring first, there is no way a man can repent, let alone, believe. Life MUST come first.

Sermon6/17/09 8:14 PM
Duane A. Linn | San Diego, CA  Find all comments by Duane A. Linn
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“ A much needed message for today ”
This is a message that declares in detail, what the professing Christian must do in the event of being confronted with tyrany. A hearty well done to Dr. Joe Morecraft!!

News Item4/7/09 11:49 PM
Duane A. Linn | Quincy, IL  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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I say let them burn.

God is just letting these sodomites fill themselves with wrath so that their sins will be complete when He reprobates them unto utter destruction and damnation.

Let them Burn!!

News Item9/20/08 9:04 AM
Duane A. Linn | La Mesa, CA  Go to homepageFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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Perfect... now monkeying around has hit an all new low... liberalism wins again. NOT!!! (*_*) Let's all just find a common ground of fellowship (universalism)... This is the Church of England. Where is Cromwell when we need him?

News Item9/16/08 8:03 PM
Duane A. Linn | Great Neck, NY  Go to homepageFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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Amen to Engineers comment. The reprobate are already given over to death anyhow... they are already spiritually dead. Natural death will not be too far away!

Sermon7/24/08 1:50 PM
Duane A. Linn | Carrollton, TX  Contact via emailFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon is actually the sermon titled, "The Sinners in Zion Tenderly Warned" or "Sinners in Zion Warned". In any event, this portion of the four messages gives a terrifying account of the sinner on the deathbed. It starts with an explaination of Isaiah 33:10-14. Read with fervor by Thomas Sullivan, it definitely requires an earnest attention and to have great heeding to it's warnings to the 'sinners in zion'.

Survey6/15/08 8:12 PM
Duane A. Linn | Quincy, IL  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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I always thought being born again meant to be "regenerated from above"... like having your whole nature changed. Like being a new creation. Oh well, so much for fundamentalism... I guess no one really gets it. I don't recall ever hearing Jesus tell his disciples to run for the Senate of Rome.


News Item6/15/08 7:59 PM
Duane A. Linn | Quincy, IL  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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I agree with bernie... Obama is exactly the leader that God would put in the White House. After all, America is building up for itself... wrath against the day of wrath. Forget trying to take back the country... it is too far gone. God's Will be done.

Survey6/15/08 7:49 PM
Duane A. Linn | Quincy, IL  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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I will preface this statement by saying that I have not read all of the comments posted here.

It seems to me, that we are missing the bigger picture here. This is not necessarily about one man being 'the' anti-christ, but rather many being anti-christ.

It is kind of simple really... "anti" is and can be construed as being "opposite".

For example, there are 'many' who claim to have the 'annointing'. We know that "Christ" means 'annointed one'. Now, it stands to reason that anyone who claims to have the annointing yet bears no fruit, could concievably be an "anti-christ".

If we look at all the 'trees' that profess Christ and claim to have "the annointing" that bear no fruit, we could arguably say that there are indeed MANY FALSE CHRISTS.

Don't just see the Pope as 'the anti-christ' but rather the whole realm of Democracy as "anti-christ". I mean, we take for granted that democracy means freedom... but in reality, democracy allows us to worship God the way we want as opposed to the God has commanded us.

Anything that goes against the Law of God is 'Anti-Christ'. Anyone who does not love his neighbor as himself is 'anti-christ'. Anyone who does not place the Word of God above all else in life...is ANTI-CHRIST.

I hope this puts things into perspective.


Sermon5/4/08 12:47 AM
Duane A. Linn | Westminster,CO  Contact via emailFind all comments by Duane A. Linn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This, being the first of the four readings by brother Tom Sullivan, sets the tone for one of the most frightening scenarios pertaining to the departure of the sinner into an eternity of everlasting burnings. Extremely well done and definitely worth hearing over and over again.

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