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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
-5 hrs 
Sermon Amos: God's Justice | Glen Currie -26 hrs 
Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
-30 hrs 
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Sermon9/13/07 1:25 PM
Emily Shearouse  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Perseverance and Assurance
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Wonderful Sermon ”
Very comforting.

Sermon8/22/07 7:54 PM
Emily Shearouse  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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“ Very good sermon ”
I was especially encouraged and challenged by the parts about not counting our own tears for favour with God, and concerning the "tearless parents" who may have to watch their children be handed over to Satan.

Sermon7/12/07 5:19 PM
Emily Shearouse  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Problems Home: Practical Advice
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Practical Sermon ”
The last point was the best. "Problems keep you longing for heaven."

Sermon7/11/07 8:04 PM
Emily Shearouse  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Resolving Strife-29
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Very Helpful Sermon ”
If only all of God's people could resolve strife in this way, what a "good and pleasant" thing it would be (Ps. 133), and what a testimony to the Canaanites and Perizzites! Of course, it can't happen with the church as a whole until it begins in our own individual hearts and lives. An inspiring message!

Sermon7/7/07 6:24 PM
Emily Shearouse  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Praying for Well-Ordered Life
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Invigourating Sermon ”
It was a very good sermon...inspiring to fight the foe with renewed vigour, in spite of discouragement from painfully slow progress.

Sermon7/1/07 8:48 PM
Emily Shearouse  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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“ Insightful Sermon ”
Very good sermon; full of interesting, perceptive, instructive and comforting points.

Sermon6/23/07 5:04 PM
Emily Shearouse  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Anxiety, the Silent Killer
Dr. Jim Berg
“ Refreshing! ”

Sermon5/7/07 4:52 PM
Emily Shearouse  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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“ Sweet, pure, living water for a parched soul ”
Thank God for using this refreshing message--as He has used so many of Dr. Beeke's sermons in the past--to help raise me from my juniper tree!

Sermon4/23/07 5:03 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Killing Remaining Sin
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Motivational Sermon! ”
An enheartening reminder to never lay down arms or give sin a moment's rest, or to be satisfied with anything short of perfection! Our salvation is already accomplished, but the warfare is still of vital importance. It's also encouraging to remember, when the monsters of sin look so daunting, that perseverant soldiers, who keep their eyes fixed upon Jesus, WILL be conquerors, and that the battle is one that even the most experienced saints face until death. Unbelievers follow their own pleasures, but our constant struggle brings "pleasure forevermore at the right hand of God".

Survey4/23/07 1:52 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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I listed "other". I listen to a sermon every day (with a few exceptions), but sometimes I go to private church websites and listen to their sermons for a while, if I know of a good preacher somewhere...
E.G.: http://www.riverside-arp.com/sermons.php

Sermon4/22/07 6:00 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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God's Loyal Love
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Lovely Sermon ”
The only way to grow in love for God, and patience to all, is to muse on His stupendous love! How breathtaking it is to think that such a great, infinite God, could stoop so much as to take the smallest interest in us poor rebellious sinners, much less to love us with such great love! Oh, for more love to Him!

Sermon4/21/07 5:07 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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God's Sincere Confession
Rev. Foppe VanderZwaag
“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
I am sorry to see that so few people have listened to this sermon. It brings great assurance in our mighty, unchanging God, and His Word; comfort, to believe; and conviction, to never doubt or try to change or avoid Him in any way!

Sermon4/19/07 3:36 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Survey4/18/07 2:21 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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I didn't know which of the two first categories to affix my "vote" to: they are both true! I hesitate to say I pray "fervently"; Reformation is a great desire of mine, but I know that none of my prayers are as fervent as they should be. It's terribly sad to see the lethargy and decline of the church today: compromise, lukewarmness, insincerity, casualness and complacency. (Lev. 10:3) I pray also that Reformation may start in my own heart--I do not want to cast the blame only on "them" for we are all guilty together before God.

Survey4/18/07 2:13 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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I used to fast fairly often, but severe health problems and weakness have forced me to stop, at least temporarily. I was quite grieved over this before, but I read an encouraging letter by Samuel Rutherford to a woman who was in a similar situation with fasting: speaking of our duty as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

I think it is good to fast to remember and acknowledge our dependance on God, to devote more time to prayer, especially in times of distress of whatever sort--whether privately or corporately--to repent and beg for mercy, et cetera.

Sermon4/18/07 2:04 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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“ Wondrous Truth ”
I have never been able to understand how even many Christians have been able to deny God's sovereignty and not be completely crushed with sorrow! What a delicious sermon spreading at our feet the feast of God's amazing providence. A reminder one can never tire of, with rich application.

Sermon4/17/07 5:01 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Christian Service: Slavery or Sonship
Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson
“ An EXCELLENT Sermon!!!! ”
Few sermons are simultaneously so perceptively challenging and convicting, but also greatly encouraging and comforting as this one. What a deeply rooted sin! Thank God that His grace penetrates infinitely deeper.

Sermon4/16/07 2:52 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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“ Challenging Sermon ”
It is astounding how many of God's gifts we heartlessly take for granted. And even when He takes them away, to show us what a blessing they were, we are superficially thankful when they are restored. As he said, we rush out to "catch up" on all we couldn't do before. Thankfully, God can save even such thankless wretches as we! Thankfulness itself is dependent on His grace.

Sermon4/15/07 6:54 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Being Single and Serving Christ
Rev. Foppe VanderZwaag
“ Very Helpful Sermon ”
Plenty of food for meditation. Indeed, to serve Christ and be wholly devoted to Him is worth more than all that this passing earth can offer. An encouragement to give all to God!

Sermon4/14/07 12:23 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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“ Glorious Sermon ”
In the words of Job, "Oh, how my heart yearns within me!"
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