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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
-1 hrs 
Sermon Amos: God's Justice | Glen Currie -22 hrs 
Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
-26 hrs 
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News Item6/23/10 6:58 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Mike wrote:
I never thought of that! But I don't think my 22" walk-behind self-propelled mower was responsible.
You still in potatoland?
Ok, so you're not using an industrial harvester to turn your grass into hay. I'm in Wine Country now--southeast Washington. So much for potatoes.

News Item6/23/10 5:28 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Mike wrote:
Nothing much here. I was mowing the lawn at the time, so felt nothing. My neighbors felt a little movement.
Mike, the epicenter was on your lawn. The cause was your oversized mower. Sounds like you use a very large mower to be making the earth shake! Powered by one of those tanker-ship diesel engines, I suppose.

News Item6/21/10 7:05 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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I feel sorry for Mr. Hawking. He sounds so empty and lost and wants nothing more than humanistic exaltation. Science alone cannot win. So much of science points to the existence of God....the laws of physics, chemistry, etc, all show this to be true.

News Item6/21/10 6:53 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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It certainly is religious in nature.
Randy wrote:
Just go to your nearest Fad Driven church, they have imported the stuff in for today, and all under the name of Relevance and Freedom.
Yep, gotta be like everybody else to win converts, so they think. Weak evangelism.

News Item6/21/10 6:45 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Oil and water refuse to mingle into a solution, so prayer would work. Yet it's not a solution for believers and unbelievers to co-mingle in "prayer" over this.

News Item10/28/09 12:09 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Good for them to stand up for the truth which their original Anglican faith embraced and what has been the tradition since the foundation of the Church concerning faith and morals.

News Item10/28/09 12:03 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Agree with you, Bert. Repentance is more than just "I'm sorry," yet this seems to be the popular notion today. However, the Apostles taught people to repent and prove their repentance by their works(Acts 26:20).

News Item10/18/09 9:53 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Steamroller wrote:
I have looked at the differences between the KJV and modern english translations like the NIV and NASB and they are markedly different and often put into question many doctrines held by the historical Christian faith. Is it any wonder that Churches that use the modern versions are so confused on doctrine?
Hmm...in my experience, there are a variety or conflicting interpretations even from one version, KJV or otherwise. How many conflicting denominations were there before the advent of the modern versions?

News Item10/17/09 11:01 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Hi John UK. Thanks for the input.

News Item10/17/09 4:40 PM
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GG wrote:
One of our main differences with Protestantism is the question of "When a person is SAVED".
Sadly, within the non-Catholic world, there is no concensus on how one is saved. Here is a sampling of opinions: Repent and believe vs. no need to repent, just believe; pray to salvation vs. just believe; get baptized vs. don't need to be baptized; speaking in tongues is evidence of rebirth vs. tongues and other gifts have ceased; God's will only vs. man's cooperation with God's will; salvation is condidtional and can be lost vs. once saved always saved no matter what, etc. It would be nice if an agreement can be reached.

News Item10/17/09 4:29 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Anything to attract attention. Well, with that said, I do prefer the KJV, but I don't agree with what these people do.

News Item10/14/09 4:26 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Hey there GG. Regarding faith alone, I think the orthodox protestant understanding is that by faith alone we are considered righteous and become righteous..in other words positionally and practically. Anything less would be heterodox to me and my understanding of the Scriptures on this matter. At least this is what the classic protestant confessions say. Faith without any evidence of being saved or transformed from wickedness to holiness and righteousness is a dead faith. James the Apostle could not be any more clear on it. As for Scripture Alone, yes, it has unfortunately suffered a major cave-in with the addition of so many books, commentaries, authors and personality cults. The proof of that is in what gets posted on the forums here....from so and so pastor, commentary, confession, concordance, etc. Makes my head spin when trying to figure if any one of them has a monopoly on the truth, each one trying to prove their point from the scriptures alone(and often plus a commentary or two), from how or when one is saved, how to worship God or who, when and how to baptize. Enough of this merry-go-round for me; time for a ride on the straight and narrow.

News Item10/14/09 4:06 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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This pastor is right on target.

News Item10/14/09 4:05 PM
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I've heard about a similar incident at another Baptist church. Solve disputes by a shootout or fistfight? Is that what at "Bible-believing" church is supposed to do?

News Item10/14/09 1:01 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Instead of the Wikipedia article, Jim, I think it is better to see the Anglican 39 articles, which clearly state the sufficiency of the scriptures and Christ alone in salvation. It sounds perfectly acceptable and Bible-believing, but probably holds to different interpretations than you or your church do--something quite common in the non-Catholic world.

News Item10/14/09 12:45 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Whether or not the global warming is an issue, knowing how to grow your own food can be important. I'm glad I can do this and encourage more people to do so. Growing my own food saves me money and I enjoy it.

News Item10/11/09 6:06 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I inform other Catholics on discussion forums that there are some unscriptural RCC doctrines and some unscriptural parts to the Mass.
What's "unscriptural" to one can in many cases be considered scriptural to another.

News Item10/11/09 6:04 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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She called it green. The photos I have seen show Venus to be a planetary desert with 700 degree temperatures. That makes the Sahara look green.

News Item10/10/09 9:47 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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A hasty decision, I think. He's only been in the office for a few months and before this I don't recall hearing his name in connection with great achievements in international peace and cooperation. I think they are just trying to save his reputation. And remember those words from his pastor? They were hardly words to help acheive peace.

News Item10/3/09 2:06 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Abuse in other churches? Yep, it happens. I admit here, the Vatican is right, but it is quite obvious. I suppose if there was a group of Protestants as big as the RCC, they'd probably get similar publicity regarding this issue. I think if the priests were allowed to marry, the problem would be reduced but not eliminated.
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