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Sermon8/22/18 10:20 AM
Fran | Edmonton  Contact via emailFind all comments by Fran
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You CAN Do It
Bob Hackett
“ Thank You ”
What an encouraging way to start my day, to be reminded of Christ's all-sufficiency and His willingness to help His people. To Him be all the glory.

Sermon6/26/16 5:43 PM
Fran | Calgary, AB  Contact via emailFind all comments by Fran
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“ Thank-you! ”
Excellent pastoral sermon. Thank-you for your willingness to deal with the issue of infertility head-on, and for giving biblical encouragement to infertile women.

Sermon6/14/15 7:59 PM
Fran | Ontario  Find all comments by Fran
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“ Thank-You! ”
Thank-you for dealing with barrenness in an honest way and pointing us back to the God whose promises never fail.

Sermon3/4/15 8:06 AM
Fran | Mesa, Az  Contact via emailFind all comments by Fran
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Armageddon & Jerusalem attacked
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ Great Sermon! ”
I needed to hear this sermon. I was reminded that no matter how desperate things look God is in control. This gives me such peace in my heart and moves me to prayer, not despair.Thank you so much!

Sermon12/27/13 1:05 PM
Fran  Find all comments by Fran
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The person speaking on the recording of Jesus going to hell to pain for our sins does not, to me , sound like Joyce Meyer speaking. I have no doubt that she is as you say she is but that recording doesn't sound like the Joyce Meyer I know.

Survey7/10/08 6:11 AM
Fran | Alaska  Find all comments by Fran
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When I was looking for a church, most of the ones I went to were feel good churches with missions and outreach programs but very little personal responsibility taught. Sermons concentrated on personal relationships, loving God/Jesus, abstract ideas and generalizations, or history lessons.

I think many churches today are afraid to teach Biblical law. They don't want to offend or make people examine how they are living their life. But this is exactly what a church is supposed to do. And who else would teach us how to do this than the church? Certainly not popular culture!

James 4:17, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” A child will be disciplined by its parents for disobedience. As children of God, we will likewise be disciplined for intentional disobedience. “He that saith, I know him and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his work, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him” 1 John, 2:3-5

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