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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Actually, Augustine, wasn't a good Calvinist, He was always a good Catholic
Rubbish Jim.

You four pointers demonstrate a lack of true Calvinism which illustrates itself in theological as well as historic judgment. Augustine on election and reprobation was absolutely correct. If the Lord is going to act in election then clearly he acts in reprobation otherwise universalism would be the final result. You can't cut the Lord out of either just to suit your human emotional judgments.

"As for the leaders of the church in other ages, Spurgeon's saying has been already quoted: "You may take a step from Paul to Augustine, then from Augustine to Calvin, and then-well, you may keep your foot up a good while before you find such another." When he visited the Simplon Hospice, he said, "I was delighted to find that they are Augustine monks, because, next to Calvin, I love Augustine. I feel that Augustine was the great mine out of which Calvin digged his mental wealth; and the Augustine monks, in practising their holy charity, seemed to say: 'Our Master was a teacher of grace, and we will practice it, and give without money and without price to all comers whatsoever they need.'" (W.Y.Fullerton)

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