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News Item8/13/15 6:18 AM
Ginger  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ginger
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News Item2/9/14 10:55 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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GsTexas, it has been a pleasure to get to know jessica, I so hope and pray for her that she can continue on here but I do understand how stressful it csn be sometime Yes amszing how God works in each of out lives and brings to our minds those that need our prayers.

News Item2/9/14 9:36 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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Jessica, I am so glad you shared your story which can help other girls to see your strenght to say no and so can they. I told my story for the same reason. I didn't finish it totally but it's so unbelievable,what happened because the parents of this "charmer" went to my small church in a town of 700.The mother of this boy went to the girl he got pregnant and told her that she would pay for the abortion if she would get one that her son was too young to get married, so she did. He then moved on to another girlfriend of my dsughter's and got her pregnant but she kept her baby. This guy moved on to another girl and got her pregnant and the parents tried to pay for another abortion but she would have none of it and he married her.

News Item2/9/14 5:54 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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So funny that Strat thinks I am a liberated woman and a feminist which is so far from the truth that it would be laughable to those who know me. Btw my other moniker is Dolores from Texas. You see, my daughter had a precious friend who got pregnant by her boy friend who refused to marry her and so she got an abortion. Another friend got pregnant by the same guy ( he was a charmer) and my daughter begged her not to get an abortion and she didn't. Both girls are now good Christian women forgiven by God and the one who aborted her baby has been married for years to a pastor of a church. Both women are now grandmothers and love their families with all their hearts.I'm sure they both have had to deal with guilt and feelings of condemnatiion in the past but they are no longer those girls but transformed by God:s grace into what they are now..today.And Strat, the poor men put in jail for non payment of child support is the worst abuser of all.What does the Bible say about someone that doesn't take care of his family ..is worse than an infidel?!

News Item2/9/14 5:21 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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Dear Jessica, so sorry for your sickness and I too understand the stress you must be under now. You are a very,very good christian woman, the kind you read about the last part of Proverbs, the virteous woman. This forum can be very stressful when you are being torn apart by people that just seem heartless. I felt so relieved when you and others understood my feelings about this issue. I stay on because what I say just might bring someone a healing of sorts or enlighten them to truths I've been shown, through the years. You really are a blessing to others as well as to me. God is still using you in spite of your ill health or maybe because of it. Reminds me of Amy Carmichale who was confined to bed and in much pain yet her devotionals that I read every morning are such a blessing and encoragement to me. She's gone now but her words live on.

News Item2/9/14 1:52 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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Erik, you have spoken the truth here. I hate abortions as much as any Christian would but some on this forum think this the unpardonable sin and she does not deserve forgiveness, actually none of us "deserve"God's forgiveness, that's why it's God's grace ,not by works lest any man should boast, that saves us. Cab, I know the story of David and he went his merry way, like you, thinking he had done nothing wrong until God sent the prophet Nathan, to confront him and I'm sure we all know the rest of the story, point being David was devasted at his sin against God he says and in repentance he cried out for God's forgiveness and guess what God forgave him!! Better look at those little sins in your life, Cab. Remember, it's the little foxes that spoil the vine.

News Item2/9/14 12:14 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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SF from TX wrote:
Ginger wrote: Where was the man when the woman was brought before Jesus?
I could be wrong on this but seeing as the law was for the man and woman to both be put to death (Leviticus 20:10) I tend to think the man was a scribe or pharisee-perhaps part of the crowd too? Now if that were the case its easy to see why they didn't bring the man-what an embarrassment that would be to the religious group. Again I could be wrong. That's a good question though...maybe one of the more studied brethren have an answer?
my thinking is along the line you are thinking. I have heard it preached that she was probably set up to trap Jesus but as it always happened it didn't work.
Strat, Jesus did not make excuses for this woman, He told her to go and sin no more. I believe we are talking about forgiveness here and not the sins of either woman. What if Jesus had left you in your sins without any forgiveness.

News Item2/8/14 10:15 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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Would that horrible crime of murder be any less horrible than a lie or adultry in God's eyes?. You have falsely accused me and ranted on and on about me and you make yourself look so godly like you have never done an evil thing in your life to be forgiven for so you in your self righteousness cannot see how this woman could ever be forgiven. I don't believe you are even a Christian, I see only anger and a harsh attitude toward a broken repentant woman. Is her sin worse than David when he cmmitted adultry with Bathsebea and had her husbsnd killed to cover it up when she got pregnant?!!

News Item2/8/14 9:30 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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Strat, are you a man? Have you had sex outside of marriage? Did you get a girl pregnant? If so did you say I will not marry you get an abortion? Where was the man when the woman was brought before Jesus? No, I am not a libral nor do I approve of abortions but your questions tell me a lot about you.So what? Your point is? Went right over your head, didn't it?

News Item2/8/14 6:07 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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There was another double standard,once eons ago, when a young, unmarried girl had a sexual affair with a young, unmarried boy was called a slut, whore and not someone to marry. The boy, well you know boys will be boys and will be elevated in the eyes of friends when he brags about. Should heaven forbid,she gets pregnant off to an unwed mother's Home( abortion was not an option bsck then) to give tje baby up for adoption. The boy just moves on to another girl,tells her he loves her and if she really loves him, well you know. She had to be a virgin but he had to sow his wild oats. Of course, it's different now and the easy way out is abortion, not adoption.

Survey11/1/09 7:45 PM
Ginger | Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ginger
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I started listening to Henry Mahan sermons on here and i cant get enough. Please listen to Henry Mahans messages as soon as you can. You will be so blessed.

Survey11/1/09 6:48 PM
Ginger | Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ginger
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The works of Henry Mahan. I also listen to his messages on here all the time. He is the best preacher that i have ever heard. I thank God for Henry Mahan.

News Item4/14/09 5:48 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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charles wrote:
'They have been nearly exterminated by the British government'
yes we knew what to do back then the brits acted responsibly, not any more
I thought you believed that God was in charge of all the murderers. Like the Man at the immigration centre in New York?

If the Hindu "Thugs" were acting in accordance with God's implementation, then why should the British remove them from there "ministry"?

Don't you mean the Thugs were acting responsibly, since they were clearly serving the sovereign will of God?
According to your previous "teachings".

News Item1/19/07 11:56 AM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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Ageing population seems to be a prevalent problem of all western countries.

Because women want mammon not family.

But then children are a gift of God, and perhaps this is another way of penalising those who reject Him, His Son and His Word.

Psalm 127:3 "Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Psalm 127:4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
Psalm 127:5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate."

Why should the Lord bless nations which reject Him and who don't teach the next generation to worship Him and His Son.

Survey12/4/06 11:14 AM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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Mike from New York
OK Mike.!
But what about those in this verse.?

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

News Item11/23/06 4:45 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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The Chief Liberal meets the Popish antichrist in pursuit of ecumenicalism.
Dogma's, superstitions, worldly compromise and heretical philosophies in collusion.
What a merry dance to watch.

News Item11/13/06 3:14 PM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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It is a basic precept of Buddhism that you must not kill any living thing.

Thus we can see where the Dalai Lama gets his suggestion from.

But Buddhists are basically atheists in orange frocks. They don't believe in God. Therefore Human existance is all important to their temporal life, in effect it is worshipped. They seek perfection through human faculties. Sin therefore is not even on their horizon.

Boy are they in for a shock on judgement day.

News Item11/12/06 7:20 AM
Ginger  Find all comments by Ginger
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"...one of the greatest collections of religious skeptics ever assembled in one place since Voltaire dined alone—examined faith from the evolutionary, neurological and philosophical points of view, and they concluded that some things only work if you do believe in them...."

Why.? The Blind cannot see.?

2Cor 4:3 "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
4. In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."

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