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Survey3/28/10 6:45 AM
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Michael Hranek
"preprogrammed or controlled biological spiritual machine"


You seem to have an aversion to reading anything Reformed and eschew commentaries, yet what is any man on sermon audio posting 'comments'- his own interpreter? Opps, silly me! Michael relies on the Spirit of Truth to guide him in all things, so the Reformed faith is heresy and belongs to your first group? Or you have not understood the Doctrines of Grace by the conviction of the HS? How come you disagree with Bible men Spurgeon and Paul Washer, or are you 'more spiritual'?

"Calvinism robs the individual of responsibility for his/her own conduct, making a person into a puppet on a string or a robot programmed from birth to death with no will of his/her own."

Here, sadly, we encounter blatant misrepresentation of the Calvinistic position. And it is this very shallow, very inaccurate representation of the Reformed doctrines of grace that call forth this response. Nothing is accomplished when one misrepresents the opposition. "Straw man" argumentation only confuses, it does not help.

[URL=http://vintage.aomin.org/DoctrinesLead.html]]]Heard it all before[/URL]

Michael why not examine the above article link...your 'spiritual machine' is gross misrepresentaion

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