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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
-5 hrs 
Sermon Amos: God's Justice | Glen Currie -26 hrs 
Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
-30 hrs 
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Sermon4/15/2023 12:24 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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O That Thou Wouldst Rend the Heavens
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
“ Great Sermon! ”
This series of sermons on revival are reminiscent of the bold, passionate and powerful preaching of Farel, Tyndale, and Whitfield! The late doctor is not merely the great teacher and commentator I always knew him to be: through these sermons, I have discovered another facet of the great man's character. He is eloquent, full of light and fire! This sermon, and the one on the sovereignty of God in revival particularly affected me. His mode of concisely explaining the scriptures in the course of his message without interrupting the flow of his argument is rare; but essential to powerful preaching. Don't miss this!

Sermon1/30/2023 1:09 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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Their Day is Coming
Gary Lee Jones
“ Great Sermon! ”
It is comparatively rare to hear a sermon like this, that does not soften or compromise the terrible, final judgment of the wicked. The day is coming when Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead. This truth should keep us in awe! But for the Christian, there is comfort in the fact that God will put an end to all evil, and punish the perpetrators in a way proportionate to their lifelong career of sin and wickedness; while vindicating those who suffered their insults and cruelties for Jesus and the gospel. I can't say I enjoyed this sermon, for the subject matter is too serious. But I am glad that it was preached and glad that I heard it.

Sermon1/20/2023 10:37 AM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Brilliant lecture by one of the greatest Christian scholars of our age. His knowledge of history, law, philosophy and theology was encyclopedic. His words were insightful, often prophetic, for he was a man who "understood the times". Thank God, he left a corpus that is remarkable for its breadth and depth. It is wonderful that these messages, lectures, and sermons are now available on SermonAudio.com. Christians need to hear this sound biblical teaching about the whole universe of human concerns!

Sermon11/5/2022 10:34 AM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow! I have always loved this great and godly reformer; whose life and martyr's death were so noble. His manly courage is particularly seen in his addresses to King Henry and this one to Edward. He was not abashed by worldly greatness; much less was he afraid to lose his living by offending someone in his congregation. And here was a very learned and eloquent man who used his gifts -- not to make a name for himself -- but to faithfully deliver the message committed to him and save souls. His words were fitting for the poor and lowly, as well as the great. You hear the outcry of a man of compassion and conscience when he speaks of the oppression of the poor. There is so much to admire in this sermon; and so much that we should apply to ourselves! Thanks to the reader for bringing to life a forgotten hero of the Christian church and the great Reformation!

Sermon10/20/2022 9:21 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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Life of Thomas Cranmer
Mark Raines
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thomas Cranmer is IMHO generally underrated. It is hard to imagine an English reformation without a Cranmer. This is a very useful sketch of the man who exerted the longest and steadiest influence on the religious life of England at perhaps its most critical phase. Thank you, Mr. Raines!

Sermon10/9/2022 8:48 AM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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“ Great Sermon! ”
John Owen was a scholar and theologian of the first rank, a mighty man of God. He was responsible in part for getting Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress" published. He also served as chaplain to The Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell. This sermon of his is easily understood. Even though he wrote it about 375 years ago, it is still relevant today. The reader did an excellent job. I found it encouraging.

Sermon9/18/2022 8:56 AM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Informative and inspiring address, recounting the struggle for the Protestant faith under the tyranny of Bloody Mary and the firm confession of one of her victims. Eloquently and passionately delivered! Thank God for Rev. Mercer and for SermonAudio for making it possible to hear messages such as these. I am looking forward to hearing the account of Hugh Latimer's life, ministry and and martyrdom. Knowing something of his story, I can say that He was a man remarkable for his commitment and courage; and it is a remarkable tale. I urge all to Listen!

Sermon9/13/2022 8:27 AM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The most complete, accurate, insightful and eloquent lecture on Guillaume Farel I have ever heard.

Sermon7/2/2022 11:08 AM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent reading -- great voice and wonderful inflection. Bishop Ryle was one of the great evangelical Anglicans who wrote, among other things, the book, "holiness"; still relevant and in print. Thank you!

Sermon3/11/2022 1:18 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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A Glut of Consumerism
Gary Lee Jones
“ Great Sermon! ”
Couldn't be more relevant!

Sermon3/5/2022 12:51 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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Love Personified, part 3
Gary Lee Jones
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this practical exposition of a most precious tract of Scripture.

Sermon2/20/2022 9:38 AM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
The CCP response may be forced polyandry.

Sermon2/10/2022 2:37 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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Christ our Altar
Jim Byrd
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was blessed by this sermon. IMHO, there is no version of the Bible so suited to preaching as the Authorized Version. Pastor Byrd expounded the Scriptures with dignity, clarity, accuracy and earnestness. Christ is all! Our salvation is in Him alone, and in Him complete! Hallelujah! BTW, I understand that the version used "his" because "its" had not been invented yet. The masculine form stood for the neuter gender.

Sermon1/22/2022 1:46 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Outstanding! Excellent in all respects: biblical, clear, comprehensive, applicatory. Best I've ever heard on the text. I share his optimism; which I believe is supported by passages from every part of Scripture, too numerous to list. Without the expectation of victory, soldiers will never give themselves wholly to the fight. When it comes to winning battles, morale, as Churchill and Napoleon stated, is everything. God bless this Austrian evangelist to our heathen land!

Sermon12/25/2021 2:39 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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George Whitfield
Various Speakers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you! I cannot read or hear enough about this anointed servant of God whose life has, as far as I know, no parallel in the history of mankind. May the Great god, who changeth not, grant us in the riches of His mercy, that we may not hear and go away unchanged; but that we would endeavor to be more like the Christ whose example of self-sacrifice he followed, leaving us an example! God grant us, all unworthy, true Revival and Reformation! God grant us the preachers He uses to bring revival! God grant us the hearts of devotion that God recognizes when we pray for revival! Amen.

Sermon11/11/2021 11:28 AM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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Validating the Gospel in Modesty
Albert N. Martin
“ Great Sermon! ”
Would to God that our pastors would lovingly, sensitively, but in the fear of God reprove and rebuke the worldliness of church members in definite terms like Pastor Martin does! Much more could have been and needs to be said on this subject; but this is an excellent beginning. BTW, katasole cosmiu (1 Tim 2:9) does not mean modest apparel. It means a becoming long dress, as John Gill points out in his commentary. Pants should be out for Christian women. They always draw attention to the part of the body men most want to look at.

Sermon10/26/2021 2:43 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon was delivered in a Sovereign Grace Conference in the 1970s. I was there; and I kept a cassette tape of it for many years. I will never forget some parts of this powerful sermon! How glad I am to have found this again on SermonAudio!

Sermon10/20/2021 6:25 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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How Do I Get Rid of My Shame?
Pastor Adam Waters
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank God! There is someone who understands what I have been struggling with as a Christian! No one preaches on this. There have to be many like me who need to hear this. The cross is the remedy to my shame as well as my guilt! Hallelujah!

Sermon8/23/2021 3:10 PM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I loved this sermon. It spoke to the deep recesses of my heart. I don't weep easily, but I shed tears listening to this brother's passionate appeal to leave our griefs behind, that we might experience God's blessing and a fruitful life. I needed to hear it, and I am sure that millions of others need it too.

Sermon8/15/2021 10:23 AM
Howard King | MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Howard King
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Women Civil Magistrates? VS0806
Joe Morecraft III
“ Great Sermon! ”
Those who claim to hold to traditional values and to be pro-family need to hear this sermon. There is nothing novel in his assertion that there is a women's role and a men's role and that the line between the two should not be crossed. But not only is it an ancient Christian tradition: it is the teaching of the word of God. The power of women lies in being women; and the power of men is in being men. Women step down when they abandon their unique position as queens of the home; where the support of their husbands and the shaping of the character of their children is to take place. To encourage women to usurp authority over men in the home, the church, and the state in the name of equality threatens the very existence of all three fundamental and vital institutions. Men are being feminized, and women are being masculinized as this evil continues to rot away the social fabric of our country and our world. Pastor Morecraft is, once again, right on target! But sadly, very few will even listen.
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