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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
-3 hrs 
Sermon Amos: God's Justice | Glen Currie -24 hrs 
Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
-28 hrs 
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Sermon7/16/2024 9:28 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
• Posted 28 hours ago
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An Invasion from Hell
Denis Lyle
“ Riveting Sermon As Usual! ”
Pastor Lyle’s message was spellbinding and as always filled with wisdom and knowledge given to him by God for which I am grateful. The title of his sermon was also interestingly enough to want to grab the attention of the hearers, but the title should have incorporated all verses 13-21; it appears to me that these beings will be demons too. Think about it, isn’t China under judgment by God too? Why would God use an evil country during the Great Tribulation to cause destruction? China is one of the nations God will destroy as well, look at China’s track record. The Bible says, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations who forget God.” During the end of the age all nations will suffer God’s wrath, I believe Revelation 9:13-21 are literally speaking of demons not men.

Sermon6/20/2024 3:56 PM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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God's Just Judgment on Edom
Rick Powell
“ My, My, My! What An Incredible Study ”
I had been looking for more insight on this minor but Major Prophetic work. I still don’t understand the connotation for the use of the word minor when talking about God’s prophecies. it is because these prophecies are power-packed with pertinent historical references that clearly pertains to God’s relationship with His people, Israel. Sir, you have brought out so plainly the gist of Obadiah’s oracle. You have plainly surveyed this powerful word from our Lord to the world, and that God is NOT finished with Israel and it reminded us of God’s promise to Abraham and his progeny. (Genesis 12:3) Thank God for your excellent gift of teaching.

Sermon5/17/2024 9:02 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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Mormonism's Evil Fiction
Dr. Paul M. Elliott
“ Exactly What Is Needed ”
What is happening to the church? Discernment is what’s lacking along with a lack of true repentance. Today’s church has slid down the slippery slope of apostasy and there are no bumpers hardly are left to soften the fall. There are fewer and fewer men who stand boldly for righteousness's sake, for God’s holy name’s sake, as Israel has done in the past, the church stands guilty for profaning the name of our God Jesus Christ. I believe with all my heart that true believers today are a minority as the circle of truth becomes more minuscule by the decade, we are definitely in the Laodicean age. I thank God for men like you who stand fearlessly for the truth!

Sermon5/16/2024 11:05 PM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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Mormonism's Evil Fiction
Dr. Paul M. Elliott
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have been listening for the past few evenings to your awe-inspiring teachings, what a blessing! Dr. Elliott, I just love the way you hone out false teachings for the benefit of the believers and the glory of God, and what I respect most is your boldness in naming the names of those who are in a backslidden state but, for nothing else other than the truth being exposed, that we may pray for those who see no issues in an all-inclusive church setting. Thank you, Dr. Elliot.

Sermon2/14/2024 8:30 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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Psalms: David a Type of Messiah
Dr. Fred G. Zaspel
“ Absolutely Beautiful! ”
Your sermon was a wonderful display of wisdom and I pray you will continue the work of our Lord in expounding His truth. What an incredible blessing God has given you to help me and others. Keep your hand to the plough, and keep your eyes on the prize because our God is faithful and He will reward you in the next age to come.

Sermon2/11/2024 1:22 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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22 Demonic Invasion
Daniel E Woodhead
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Woodhead, you are accurate in your assessment concerning Revelation 9 and 16. I have often wondered do these ‘bad’ commentators realize that the whole world is being judged at that time, and no one will escape from God’s wrath. Except for the redeemed And I believe the Communists, God-hating China will not escape the wrath of God. I appreciate and enjoy your teaching Dr. Woodhead, God bless you! Keep the truth coming at full speed ahead!

Sermon1/29/2024 10:49 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank You, Minister Holthaus! I am so glad that someone is speaking out against Ash Wednesday, Lent, and all of the other heretical madness that has saturated Protestant and yes, BAPTIST CHURCHES! I was a minister of music at a Presbyterian USA (apostate church) and I happened to ask the pastor, why are you doing this? After all, isn't this what the Reformation was all about? To break from the traditions of Roman Catholicism? He couldn't prove by Scripture their reason why they would worship Tammuz. I refused the ashes and dirt on my forehead and I was shocked when Baptist ministers began incorporating Tammuz worship into their worship. There were some pastor leaders who would wear rosary beads, and after church services, they began doing the sign of the cross after prayer. I began noticing even the teens and the misguided adults participate in such heresy. For some strange reason, they believe that the Roman church is correct in its doctrine, and I gather we have plunged headfirst into apostasy. God help us all.

Sermon1/5/2024 10:23 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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The Rapture
David Cloud
“ Excellent Message! ”
This message opened my eyes completely to the truths of the Harpazō! Things I learned were very pertinent in my understanding of the imminence of Messiah’s return, Dr. Cloud gave scripture proof to the imminency of Christ’s return for the saints of the New Testament church. Also, he gave us the knowledge of understanding as to where Israel plays an integral part in the book of Revelation. I’ve desired to receive a revelation of this applied doctrine found in the book of Revelation, although I am aware of Israel’s presence in the said book, but I didn’t understand her prominence of center stage among the nations to be God’s witnesses and light among the Gentiles as foretold in prophetic scriptures Isaiah 49:3; Deuteronomy 4:6; Psalm 67:1-3 and many more. I thank God for using you Dr. Cloud to enlighten and educating me on God’s impeccable wisdom and faithfulness. I must add, it is a blessing to follow along with you as you read from the most accurate translation of God’s word, the KJVB.

Sermon12/27/2023 9:11 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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The Mystery of Godliness
Ken Wimer
“ Thank God For Truth! ”
I love the approach you take in bringing out God’s truth no pretense, no-nonsense technique to steer our hearts and minds to worship God in spirit and in truth. What has happened to the simplicity of the gospel of our Lord? Men have made it into a gaudy circus of amusement for the flesh.

Sermon12/26/2023 10:00 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Excellent Teaching! ”
You made it plain to understand that God means business, that is why God’s word is to be revered.

Sermon12/21/2023 9:29 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Good Sermon ”
Proverbs 28:26

Sermon12/20/2023 10:27 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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Christians and the Occult
Dan Botterbrodt
“ Great Sermon! ”
I wish more would listen and heed the TRUTH!

Sermon12/20/2023 10:26 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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Christians and the Occult
Dan Botterbrodt
“ Excellent! ”
I have enjoyed listening to your sermons, especially when you tweak our spiritual sensibility to accurately understand God is holy and the observance of days, months seasons, and years is forbidden by God. I've heard ministers who are doctrinally astute when it comes to the understanding of the Babylonian religious grip on the world, but they still insist on having huge Xmas trees in their sanctuaries and the observances of Lent and easter. As pointed out in Scripture the one day we've been commanded to observe is Sunday, observing Christ, burial, and resurrection. Amen, Brother Botterbrodt!

Sermon12/12/2023 6:31 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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Being Ready for Christ's Return
Randell Brevard
“ An Encouraging Word From The Lord ”
I have enjoyed listening to this wonderful encouraging word from the Lord, it was a word to sit up and take notice, now is the time for all of the house of God to be about our Father's bidding to prove our love for His coming. When we love His appearance, we will gladly hasten the day of His coming. Which bride who is in love with her intended will do anything to hinder her loved one’s appearance? None! The bride’s heart should always be prepared with great anticipation the return of her beloved.

Sermon11/12/2023 8:15 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Woodhead, I thank God for equipping you with such knowledge and wisdom in His Word. Whenever I want exceptional knowledge concerning eschatological doctrine and the proper understanding for the end of the age and beyond, I know God has gifted you with extraordinary skills to help others and myself to grasp the importance of what our God has given so freely; His Word. When I want explicit information concerning things that many theologians won’t tackle, I know when God leads me to you, I know I’m going to learn something, it’s an aha moment for me. What’s so striking is, your depth of knowledge and understanding concerning the Old Testament in regards to Israel is simply profound. Not many who are out there, (many good Old Testament expositors are no longer living) who can take the Old Testament plunge into truth. I believe today many theologians and expositors are stuck in the New Testament, I thank God for both Testaments, but where would we be without the knowledge of where it all first began? Thank you Dr. Woodhead for your untiring dedication to truth, God’s truth.

Sermon10/21/2023 8:22 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Never Disappointed, Great Sermon! ”
I was searching to find some insight and correlation between Isaiah 9:6-7 and the teachings of Isaiah 66:7-9 and what an exquisite explanation given by Dr. Woodhead. God is so faithful and God uses men who are faithful to His Word to bless those who are seeking the truth. I thank God for Dr. Woodhead’s ministry of teaching by “putting the hay on the floor of the barn to feed the cattle.” (Barnhouse) When I am seeking God’s wisdom from His Word (for which there are very few who are teaching) God sends me to Dr. Woodhead when I want to understand precisely what God has said concerning Israel, Dr. Woodhead is that great source.

Sermon9/27/2023 8:29 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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The Devil Rules the World
Steven J. Hogan
“ Great Sermon! ”
Chucked with Scripture which is certainly a plus! Why because these are the very words from our God. I was greatly ministered to by your sermon, my brother keep the fires of truth burning as it continue to warm your soul.

Sermon8/4/2023 7:37 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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Elijah's Exit (Part 1)
Gerald 'Ged' Taylor
“ Great Sermon! ”
I can tell this pastor has a real heartfelt love for the Lord. Great teaching, it just so happens that I have been reading this same passage and I have gleaned much from this pastor’s sermon. Having a laser focus on the things that glorify Christ is imperative.

Sermon8/4/2023 7:14 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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Christmas, a Demon Holiday Part 2
L. R. Shelton, Sr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a very good sermon a real eye-opening experience of truth. I don't understand why so many churches' eyes haven’t been opened. Not only by this man’s declaration of truth but the obviousness of Scripture that emphatically states; Job 36:26 Behold, God is great, and we know Him not, neither can the number of His years be searched out. And people continue to celebrate by teaching children to sing that blasphemous song, ‘Happy Birthday Jesus’ It's not cute, and neither is it biblical. We’ve been admonished to “Come out from among them and be separate.” Yet we are still wallowing in pig’s filth in believing and teaching this idolatry from the enemy's camp. What an ungodly stench!

Sermon7/23/2023 11:29 AM
Jennifer Mason | Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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The Rapture, a Wonderful Hope
Dr. E. Allen Griffith
“ Beautiful Word From The Lord! ”
I thank God for this message of hope because this message is our only hope for living hopefully in this darkened sin cursed world. We need this type of comfort on a daily basis for our spiritual health. I’ve not heard this passage preached or taught with such Holy Spirit precision. I am talking about how Dr. Griffin’s takes key words from this passage by making their meanings clear enough for the child of God to grasp. As Dr. J.Vernon McGee used to say, “Putting the cookies on the table so the kiddies can reach in.” In other words; accessible and understandable. Thank you.
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