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News Item7/12/09 4:21 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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RtG wrote:
16 "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."
"God takes care of HIS Church" is - false witness???
The Church of Scotlands first error was to ditch the Bible, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mess they are in. To accompany the Kirk's mess the nation has followed on in Liberal attitude to God and Scripture. After all why should those outside the church believe in a Book which the so called "church" no longer accepts as the Word and Law of God.
Ro 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Amen brother. Keep up the good work.

News Item7/12/09 4:13 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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Freddie wrote:
May I "pop" in here a moment and share? I have been struggling myself with homosexuality for some years now. I am not happy at all about this because I know what God's word says about this sin (Romans 1) and many other verses in Scripture. I have prayed to God with all my heart for many years now for Him to help me and give me a hatred for this sin. I thought I was saved but because of my homosexual desires and, at times, looking at porn, I feel I am not saved and am on my way to hell. Perhaps others are in this same situation, I don't know. I'm at my wits end regarding this sin that I have struggled with since I was very young. Being molested as a boy didn't help me at all. Please pray for someone like me who is really struggling with this sin.
I will pray for you Freddie. May Jesus set you free.

News Item6/16/09 1:30 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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For anyone interested -

Listen to Dr Alan Cairns on Sermonaudio -
Imprecatory prayers and 'love your enemies'?

which was done on 15 June 2009.

News Item6/15/09 5:03 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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Overcomer wrote:
To the natural mind, an imprecatory prayer does sound insane. A dispensationalist would surely say it's psychotic. But in times past, imprecatory prayers were in the Christian's arsenal of spiritual weapons. Calvin and the Puritan's prayed them during times of crisis and persecution. The one essential element to praying such prayers is to make sure your own spiritual house is in order. Yes, our prayer should be first that the wicked would first repent. But if they don't, and continue to wreak havoc on God's people,( and the unborn) it's perfectly acceptable to pray psalms of imprecation. The same God of David who answered his prayers, will most certainly hear ours. But our hearts must first be right. I would urge every person doubting these things to sit down and read through the Psalms. Write down every imprecatory Psalm you read. I suspect as persecution intensifies here in the US, and Christian's must cry continually to the God of heaven for protection, the imprecatory prayer will not seem to foreignanymore.
I love listening to John Bunyan's Sermons here on Sermonaudio. In one of them he tells his congregation to pray against pastor's in the pulpit who are not living right before God and taking care of the flock.

Sermon6/4/09 3:43 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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“ Sermon ”
On occassion I would listen to Rev Leonard Ravenhill's sermons. in the early part of this sermon Rev Ravenhill at one stage says - "in the name of God" (as if blaspheming) Is this blasphemy? I felt uncomfortable with this from the Rev. This is now the second sermon I have lsitened too where Rev Ravenhill has said this. It just does not seem right! Other than that his sermon speak to right to the heart.

Sermon5/7/09 4:52 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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The Holy War
Rev. John Wagner
“ Our eyes are upon Christ! ”
Thank you Pastor Wagner for this sermon preached with wisdom from our God above. An encouragement and edificationed well needed. Churches in Northern Ireland open your eyes and keep them on God and not yourselves and your imaginations but Christ who is all in all.

News Item4/22/09 4:54 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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Thanks Agreed. Looking forward to reading tomorrow.

Getting late here in Northern Ireland. Time to spend time with our Lord in His Word and prayer.

God bless.

News Item4/22/09 12:09 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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Agreed the link does not work

Can you fix it, so I can read up.

News Item4/22/09 9:54 AM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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Parker thank you for asking this question.

I myself too wonder at times about John Wesley.

Sermonaudio is running a quote by John Wesley today:-

"I am a Bible bigot. I follow it in all things both great and small. ..." John Wesley

But I don't believe he was a doer of the Bible when I read about the problems that occured between him and Augustus Toplady, I don't see any christian love on his part, which is what the Bible requires of us as brethren in Christ.

Many quote so many false teachers and they are good and right to do so in warning the brethren but what about John Wesley? Is he not the one who constantly proclaimed man's free will choice in salvation?


I know this is off the topic!

On the topic, I pray God protects Dr Orly Taitz and that the truth about Obama would be exposed. Only God can do it, He is in control. Let us pray and trust in Him alone to bring the dark things to light.

News Item3/29/09 11:23 AM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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If you have not listened to any of Hudson Taylor's messages here on Sermonuudio, do so - they will truly please you and encourage you.

He was a meek and gentle man, a man who prayed, who loved God with all of his heart - how I long to meet more ministers like him.

Sermon3/4/09 3:44 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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“ Well needed Sermon! ”
I enjoyed this well needed sermon. The only comment that troubled me by Pastor Larry was that he stated that Paul had been converted by Stephen's preaching?? I do not see that as we read Acts 7, 8 and 9. No where in our Lord's Holy Word are we are told that this is when Paul was converted. Other than that it is a sermon well needed for today with all the false teaching that is out there today.

News Item1/25/09 11:11 AM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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Saints, let us not worry

Take heart, faint not and remember who our GOD is.

Hold fast to our LORD and look forward to His appearing.

God bless saints as we seek to honour Him in every area of our lives.

HE is on the throne not Obama.

News Item1/7/09 3:12 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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The homosexuals have more rights now than christians.

Free speech - what a laugh. That only applies to non-christians!

News Item1/7/09 10:17 AM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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Nigel Tompsett wrote:
Thank you SO much all of you who have taken the time to email the Chief Constable expressing your views.
Your support for Graham and his wife is fantastic !
As soon as I have a result from the Appeal hearing, I will post it up on this blog.
In the meantime, please keep praying for them both at this time.
Hiya Nigel, do you have any news yet regarding the outcome of the appeal hearing as yet?

Praying for Graham and his household.

News Item12/6/08 4:20 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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Amen Max. Said with wisdom.

We are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

News Item10/15/08 5:08 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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Tinker - Ditto straight back to you.

Amazing how you tell me, using God's Word, not to judge, yet here you are judging me.

News Item10/15/08 4:48 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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RCC - I cannot take you serious because it is obvious from your comments that you are deceived by the lusts of your flesh instead of trusting in the Living God.

You are deceived and trusting in the arm of flesh.

Dr Paisley is a mighty man of God -

Dr Paisley's fruits speak for themselves - greed and power and more greed and more power.

Mighty men of God - search the Bible therein you will find mighty men of God.

As I stated previously the truth always hurts especially when it is about men we have made "gods" of.

News Item10/13/08 4:36 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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George have you ever heard of judging by their fruits. Guess not

And exactly what has Dr Paisley done for the church. Ivan Foster would help you in that area as to how traitorous Dr Paisley became to his own church members.

It would seem that you are putting your trust in a man than in the Living God who will take down that man who is so filled with pride when he does not practise what he preaches.

Dr Paisley needs to repent. And you can deny it all you want God knows Dr Paisley's heart and if he was a man of God do you think he would be where he is now.

God always protects his men that do His will and not their own.

I am sorry this offends you but often the truth hurts.

News Item10/12/08 11:46 AM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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I put no stock in anything Dr Paisley says anymore. He wanted power more that he ever wanted to be a man of God and His Word. And in the end, God revealed his true colours to the shame of his family and supporters.

Dr Paisley needs to practise what he preaches before us here in Northern Ireland would ever take him serious again.

News Item10/12/08 11:44 AM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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a christian - Agree with you, I believe the Scriptures. Palin is putting herself before her family and she is ignoring God's Word to satisfy the lust of her flesh.
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