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Survey1/20/07 9:32 AM
John Lawrence | Jonesboro, Arkansas  Find all comments by John Lawrence
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I learned to distrust the news because I kept seeing worldview problems in what they were presenting - even as far back as the Reagan years. This was also the time when I received Christ - so my worldview was changing radically as well. First I turned to radio with people like Rush Limbaugh - but I struggled with the lack of moral restraint they had on some issues. Now I use the internet. I have "My Yahoo" set with RSS feeds to several conservative and Christian news sites. I also follow biblical prophecy and events that may fit into its fulfillment in our day. this has been far better than any newspaper or TV outlet. In fact, when I do rarely listen to TV news (usually for local coverage of sports or weather) I am blown away at the liberal, anti-God slant in what is reported. Oh, well, we were warned by Paul in 2 Timothy 3 that in the last days "difficult times will come." Only hope my heart and the heart of my brothers and sisters are ready.

Sermon12/20/06 5:21 PM
John Lawrence  Contact via emailFind all comments by John Lawrence
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Weeping Between Porch and the Altar
Leonard Ravenhill
“ Awesome Message ”
This kind of preaching is not popular - but oh, how we need it! Listen and let your heart be softened by the Lord.

Sermon12/20/06 5:18 PM
John Lawrence  Contact via emailFind all comments by John Lawrence
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A Burning Heart
Leonard Ravenhill
“ Must Listen Sermon! ”
Any preacher/pastor needs to listen to this! We need to be shaken from our complacency - and it is preaching like this that just may do it!

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