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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
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Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
-28 hrs 
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Sermon2/16/2021 11:14 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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“ Great Sermon! ”
When will commenting on news stories resume?

News Item1/8/2021 7:44 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Of course homosexuality threatens United States religious liberty.

News Item1/4/2021 6:45 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Sounds about right.

News Item1/3/2021 3:58 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Today at my Baptist Church during Adult Sunday School the subject matter was The Protestant Reformation(Jacob Arminius and the Dutch Reformation). Today the service was called Family Service. There were 3 songs at the beginning. Then there was prayer time. Then Associate Pastor Neil gave the announcements. The sermon was given by Associate Pastor Neil and was titled "The Shema" from Deuteronomy 6:4-24. The things to learn from The Shema1)Believe God Truly,(2)Love God Transformatively,(3)Love God Unconditionally,(4)Tell God's Story. After the sermon everyone filled out a prayer card and brought it to one of the 4 prayer stations in the sanctuary. I brought my prayer card to Senior Pastor Steve and he prayed for the arthritis in my knees. Then after everyone was prayed over the last song occurred.

News Item1/3/2021 3:45 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Tim Fulton wrote:
Donald Trump is a master of deception claiming an affinity with Christianity when in truth he denies it - Donald is a Chabad Lubovitch Kabbalah Zionist he converted when he was married to Marla Maples there Rabbi was Eitan Yardini a strong proponent of the Talmud anyone we hi knows anything about the Talmud knows the horrific blasphemous things it says a be out Jesus Christ - incidentally Jared and Ivanka Kushner are open followers of Chabad Lubovitch Kabbalah Zionism - if you want your eyes opened do a little research on this faith - one of the tenets it fully supports is lying to manipulate and deceive unsuspecting Goyim - hence Donald Trump lying about his true beliefs to control naive Christian's
Trump and his wife Melania were married in an Episcopal Church and their Son attends an Episcopal school. Trump has stated he received Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

News Item12/27/2020 3:11 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Neil wrote:
Sounds like a call for further gov't regulation of the economy. I thought you were conservative.
I am conservative. But why can't there be 2 different interest rates, one higher interest rate for savings accounts and one lower interest rate for loans?

News Item12/27/2020 2:46 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Today at my Baptist Church during Adult Sunday School the subject matter was The Protestant Reformation Part 4(John Calvin's Influence). Then during the service the sermon was given by Pastor Steve and was titled "passages" from Luke 1:34-35. The sermon was about the changes the Virgin Mary went through raising Jesus. Then at the end of the sermon Pastor Steve gave an Altar Call and invited anybody in the sanctuary and watching online who had not received Jesus as their Lord and Savior to do so.

News Item12/27/2020 7:25 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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There should be 2 different interest rates, one high interest rate for savings accounts and lower interest rate for loans.

News Item12/25/2020 7:42 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Sretan Bozic

News Item12/25/2020 4:19 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Yesterday afternoon I attended Christmas Eve Service at my Baptist Church. There were songs at the beginning. Then there was a reading from the Bible. Then there were 2 more songs. Then there was a reading from the Bible. Then there were 2 more songs. Then there was a reading from the Bible. Then there were 2 more songs. Then Pastor Steve read Luke 2:10-11. Then Pastor Steve gave a short sermon about the birth of Jesus. Then there was the last song. After I got home I watched live broadcast of Christmas Eve Mass on the Facebook page of my Catholic parish.

News Item12/21/2020 12:54 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Jimmy wrote:
Jim L mark my words you will never see Biden or Harris in office
You might be right. But unless there is a miracle and the Electoral College goes against the popular vote and elects Trump then Biden will be the new president come 20 January.

News Item12/21/2020 8:03 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Great news.

News Item12/20/2020 2:25 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Today at my Baptist Church during Adult Sunday School the subject matter was The Protestant Reformation Part 3(The Swiss Reformation). Then during worship there were 3 Christmas songs at the beginning. Then there was a video of a family reading a passage from the Bible for the last Sunday of Advent. Then Associate Pastor Neil gave the sermon titled "Always on Time" from Galatians 4:4-5 and Micah 5:2-5 and Revelation 22:12. The sermon was about how Jesus was born at the right time in human history. After the sermon was the last song. Then there was a business meeting about the 2021 budget.

News Item12/19/2020 12:50 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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This morning I went to the Men's Bible Study at my Baptist Church. It was a continuation of the study of the Book of Proverbs.

News Item12/17/2020 2:20 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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The Electoral College certified Biden as president. So everybody has to accept Biden as the next president.

News Item12/15/2020 9:45 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Ladybug wrote:
Jim Lincoln is just like his father in john 8:44. Only a sadistic mind would think it acceptable to slaughter an innocent unborn child. What's more disturbing is that SA gives Jim Lincoln a platform to come here daily and push satanic agendas and lies👺☠️
If Jim Lincoln doesn't violate any of the rules on here then he has the right to post on here.

News Item12/13/2020 2:11 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Today at my Baptist Church during Adult Sunday School the subject matter was The Protestant Reformation Part 2(Martin Luther). During the service there were 3Christmas songs at the beginning. Then there was a video of a family reading a passage from the Bible for Advent. Then Associate Pastor Neil lit a candle on the Advent Wreath. Then Pastor Steve gave the sermon titled "The King Has Come" from Genesis 49:10. The sermon was about how Jacob prophesied the birth of Jesus. At the end of the sermon Pastor Steve gave an Altar Call and invited anybody in the sanctuary and watching online who has not received Jesus as their Lord and Savior to do so. After the sermon was the last song.

News Item12/12/2020 4:50 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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The pregnant women should tell the Doctor to mind their own business.

News Item12/11/2020 6:58 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Way cool, JY. Perhaps you can get a schoolmarm in a poke bonnet to teach the young’uns.
My future wife will be the schoolmarm.

News Item12/11/2020 5:13 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Just curious, JY. Will your one-room schoolhouse have a well with a red hand-operated pump, or do you plan to go whole hog and have a bucket on a rope? By the way, I’ve threaded many a 16mm projector, so if you ever need technical assistance you can reach me at 1-800-OPOSSUM.
The well will be red hand-operated pump.
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