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Sermon8/5/2021 2:10 AM
K. K. | USA  Find all comments by K. K.
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“ Great Sermon! ”
W O W ------- Let us never forget that none of us are perfect Christians --- Our Founding Fathers would be the first to confess their many failings and shortcomings before a Holy God ... And they would, I'm sure, remind us that our only REAL and TRUE HOPE IS "IN" THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD (Jesus, The Christ) ...

News Item8/12/19 3:21 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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America will fall without GOD'S ABSOLUTES

Stop tuning in to NETFLIX ... find another source for the children's entertainment!!!

Americans with a moral compass best find the backbone to stand together with one voice against this liberal/leftist morally bankrupt race to the bottom

It's time to revisit a word that seems to have been lost -- people need to remember how to say "NO" -- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

We don't hate these confused transgendered, homosexuals, etc... --- unfortunately they are lost in the quagmire of a hellish identity crisis for which there is only one solution:

Mankind has the tendency to fight against that which is TRUE and GOOD ... people tend to worship at the altar of a god of their own making and this is the very reason we are seeing so much hostility against THE CROSS -- JESUS -- GOD THE FATHER -- THE ABSOLUTES Set Forth In GOD'S WORD...

Christianity is not welcomed as it once was in this Great Nation ... We don't have the backbone like those who have gone before us and the confusion of the world/worldly has crept into many of the churches ... It's a sad state of affairs

Selfishness is the driving force fueling this gOdLeSs race to the bottom

GOD FORGIVE us our deafening silence...

News Item2/23/19 7:51 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Too much my friends, tooooooo much ... truely heartbreaking

News Item2/23/19 7:29 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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We have got to "PRAY" for President Trump and his entire administration!!! --- God Bless them!!!

News Item2/23/19 7:16 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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I see Jim Lincoln is still on here...

Enough said.

News Item2/23/19 7:06 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Just more proof that mankind left to their own devices are capable of justifying anything in their own twisted imaginings ... even murder of the most innocent, vulnerable and defenseless amongst us --- It's a sad and terrible thing :~(

Truth must be lifted high to debunk the hellish lies!!!

News Item4/5/17 9:54 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Sounds like a great step in the right direction...

News Item4/5/17 7:46 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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If Muslims are seeking to emplement sharia law anywhere in America (? ?) I strongly recommend that they pack their bags and go to the country of their choice where that twisted belief-system is considered to be a "convenient tRuTh"...

............................... Crazy ... just plain C R A Z Y

News Item1/2/17 2:30 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Is this for real???

Every last one of those idiots who voted to pass that law should be thrown out of office on their ear and they should never be allowed to hold public office again ----

Just when you think you've seen it all...

News Item11/26/16 3:55 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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What Kanye West needs to come to terms with is:

Amplified Bible

John 3:16 For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten ([a]unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.


News Item11/16/16 1:02 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Jim Lincoln

One things for sure –– you are not concerned with righteousness prevailing in America

News Item11/16/16 12:43 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Donald Trump says he will appoint Constitutional Supreme Court Justices who stand for life of the unborn and he has stated that he will stand for the life of the unborn…


We all know Hillary Clinton's position ––– she doesn't care if they're in the last trimester –– she's for aborting them –– or I should say murdering them utilizing the partial birth abortion method

Even with all the fraud committed by the Clintons/Democratic machine Trump still defeated her because people with backbone showed up at the polls –– unlike many indecisive ill-informed cowards throughout this country who lack the intellect and depth of character to stand up and be counted ––– non-participants in the American process have no room to talk...

Thank God Donald Trump was elected ––– now we just need to get to the bottom of all the fraud that was committed ––– MILLIONS of illegal aliens voted and that's just the tip of the iceberg

News Item11/16/16 12:08 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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From the article:
Virtually all of the votes cast by 3 million illegal immigrants are likely to have been for Hillary Clinton, meaning Trump might have won the popular vote when this number is taken into account.


The court case resulted in a veritable three ring circus, during which the Obama administration DOJ engaged in tactics and stunts that all but outraged the judge in the case. As the author of the article, Selwyn Duke, summed things up:

And all this is just so illegals can vote in our elections — which is happening. In fact, a 2014 study found that enough non-citizens cast ballots to influence close races. It’s no surprise that Democrats have steadfastly opposed voter-ID measures, either (even though identification is required for most everything else, from receiving government benefits to visiting the White House). Seventy to ninety percent of legal immigrants vote Democrat upon naturalization, and the figure for illegal migrants is at the upper end of that range. [Emphasis in original.]

Given the lengths to which the Obama administration has gone to make it easier for illegal aliens to vote, the assertions made by Gregg Phillips of VoteFraud.org do not seem incredible at all.

Trust the system??? –– Trust the Democrats???

Thoughts Jim Lincoln?

News Item10/25/16 9:38 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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It is just nonsensical to even entertain the idea of not voting

OH WELL........................................

There is absolutely no comparison between Hillary Clinton and the depth of the corruption that surrounds her and Donald Trump ––– there are just some people that cannot make a logical decision and in order to excuse themselves from the process they persuade themselves with all sorts of illogical thinking that leads them to the conclusion that there's no good choice and blah, blah, blah ––– anyone that would hide in a corner when our country is in so much trouble ... I'm sorry but I just can't wrap my thought around it –– it's just the epitome of "stupidity" (the lack of good sense or judgement) for anyone to sit by and watch their own country falling apart and not feel the need to be part of the solution ... IT BOILS DOWN TO A CHOICE BETWEEN A "HELLBENT PROGRESSIVE RADICAL" –– OR –– AN INDIVIDUAL THAT IS A LITTLE BIT "FULL OF HIMSELF" BUT HAS A VISION TO "STOP CORRUPTION" AND BRING US BACK FROM THE BRINK OF "SOCIALISTIC FAILURE" –––– anyone who doesn't see that as a good enough reason to vote should check their pulse –– it just might be that they don't even have a heart beating in their chest

News Item10/25/16 6:59 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Give me a break Bubba

News Item10/25/16 6:40 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Dear ladybug

I have, in many other posts, attempted to explain to you your DUTY as a Christian in American ––– and here we are again ––– as far as I'm concerned if you don't put skin in the game you've got nothing to say about anything concerning America ––– you're the kind of person that would debate whether or not God would want you to put a plug in a hole in the boat while it's sinking ... you just don't get it…

OKAY here is another attempt to OPEN your eyes:

Please go to the link below and listen to Robert Jeffers ––– IMPO Robert Jeffers is a Top man of God

Pathway to Victory, Dr. Robert Jeffress explains why America is—and has always been—a Christian nation. ––––– after you listen to the first portion about America being a Christian nation then scroll down and you will see "How a Christian should vote 1B, 2A and 2B" ––


Sooo if this doesn't help then all I've got left for you is –––––– WHATEVER –– YOU JUST SIT ON THE SIDELINES AND "PLAY THE PART" OF THE HOLLY SPECTATOR –––– Please keep us all informed and let us know if we perform well enough to please you… Keep us all informed and let us know

News Item10/25/16 4:36 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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penned wrote:
KK, I'm with ya, there has never been a time like this moment where a globalist/commnst sweep could be stopped by a vote, and it is something else to see the denial in the ranks. ...

There are far too many who have a contorted sense of their place "in the now" ––– these individuals tend to over-spiritualize everything and this is how hell is taking over in this country –– there are people who just do not have the backbone to Stand and be counted –– I put them in the same category as the wicked servant who buried his money and even that which he had was taken from him and distributor amongst the others –––––– ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS

Dolores wrote:
Well, at least we know where. Hillary stands, no flip flops on her She is for killing babies in the womb, no if ands or buts. She is so worried about kids being killed by guns out of the womd but ok to murder while in the safest place of all. Vote for her and bring down God''a judgement on America .Strain at a gnat and swallow a camel as Jesus told the Pharisees.

Some people are just too thick headed and they just don't get it

Pray for those without understanding

News Item10/25/16 3:42 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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I will be perfectly honest with you all ––– I have been praying for years that God would bring INTO THE LIGHT all the hidden things in the dark corners of this country/our Political Arena and the hearts of those to whom "WE" have entrusted SO VERY MUCH

I am most definitely the least amongst us all –– I am an imperfect child of God whose greatest desire is to see America once again humbled before God Almighty –– Yes, to see God and Christ once again lifted up in this nation –––– TO SEE US ONCE AGAIN EMBRACE ALL THAT IS GOOD AND TRUE ––––– I just refuse to entertain the thought that the American People will not stir up that Spark of God that is within us all that we might rally together to bring about a better tomorrow for ourselves and for posterity ––– I know in my heart of hearts that there are too many still yet who LOVE GOD AND COUNTRY and are not willing to let it all slip through their fingers –– not while there is still breath in their bodies ––––– "WE" MUST NEVER SURRENDER THAT WHICH HAS BEEN SO DILIGENTLY CONCEIVED, SET FORTH FOR US AND YES, ENTRUSTED INTO "OUR" WATCH-CARE ––– FREEDOM NEVER HAS BEEN, ISN'T NOW AND NEVER WILL BE FREE!!! –– JUST THINK ABOUT ALL WHOM HAVE GIVEN "LIFE AND LIMB" FOR GOD AND COUNTRY … "WE" DARE NOT FAIL!!!

News Item10/24/16 11:44 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Jim Lincoln

WOW –– more disinformation

From: npr.com

NPR's Robert Siegel speaks with Jo Becker of The New York Times about Russia's foray into the U.S. uranium market and how the Clinton Foundation may have facilitated and benefited from it.

BECKER: Yeah. Multiple agencies had to sign off on this including the State Department. And why that's interesting is that the men who had built and financed this company behind this deal were some of Bill Clinton's biggest donors, and one man, the chairman of the company, had donated, we found, 2.35 million dollars in donations that the Clinton Foundation had failed to disclose.

SIEGEL: Had failed to disclose - you mean there was no public record of receiving the donation to the Foundation?

BECKER: Right. ...

SIEGEL: There's also the eye-popping $500,000 speaking fee that Bill Clinton received in Russia. What is the connection, if any, to the entire uranium mine acquisition?

BECKER: Yeah. That was paid by Renaissance Capital, an investment bank in Russia that has links to the Kremlin. And basically they invited Bill, and Bill gave the speech just after the Russians had announced their desire to acquire this 51-percent stake in this company, but before the U.S. government had signed off.


News Item10/24/16 10:53 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Mike wrote:
Trump just picked up more votes, thanks to Obama administration greed.
I think you're absolutely right

Every soldier they are attempting to bamboozle should have their bonuses doubled

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