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Survey9/22/08 9:57 AM
MJI | N. Ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by MJI
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Christians are not bnd by the ten commandments!! We are free from the law!! Praise the Lord. The ten commandments condemn us, they show us are short coming and how very far from perfection we as people are, Christ died so that we could be forgiven and if we are saved then the law does not condemn us!! though we are not free to live as we want. Paul stated should we sin so that grace may abound? God forbid!! we are to use the commandments as guidelines and rules for our living but we are in no way bond by them!!

Survey9/22/08 9:48 AM
MJI | N. Ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by MJI
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I believe it should be open to all Born again Christians as Christ scarifice was for all the elect surely we must not restick those coming to His table!!!

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