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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
-5 hrs 
Sermon Amos: God's Justice | Glen Currie -26 hrs 
Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
-30 hrs 
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Sermon1/23/2023 10:59 AM
Matt  Find all comments by Matt
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The One True Priest
Charles Leiter
“ Good teaching! ”
The clear explanation of concepts such as priest, God's wrath, and the nature of sacrifice has helped me better understand what is biblical propitiation. This sermon is a very good presentation of the Gospel.

Sermon1/5/2021 7:30 AM
Matt  Find all comments by Matt
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Who are the Blessed Servants?
Rev. Arnoud T. Vergunst
“ Remarkable Gospel Truth ”
This sermon gives an amazing insight into the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. The clearer Christ is preached so that we know who our Lord is the more we are humbled and motivated with the Spirit’s blessing. "What is man that thou art mindful of us."

Sermon1/30/2020 12:42 PM
Matt  Contact via emailFind all comments by Matt
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Was Judas A Nephilim?
Stephen A. Chronister
“ Great Sermon! ”
Silly Zionists

News Item1/8/2020 11:05 PM
Matt | Southern California  Find all comments by Matt
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Obama,and all his pals are Lucifarions,I'm sure his speechwriter is a satanic pedo or he wouldn't have hired her

Sermon10/23/19 1:09 PM
Matt  Contact via emailFind all comments by Matt
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The Hypostatic Union
Dr. Derek W. H. Thomas
“ Question ”
Can we say post ascension the mind of Christ the Man nature, now knows all things? How should we consider this aspect? Thanks

Sermon9/26/19 12:02 PM
Matt | Alabama  Contact via emailFind all comments by Matt
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4-The Concerned Conscience
Dennis Knowles
“ Great Sermon! ”
I just finished the 3rd one. Will you be uploading the video of the 4th in this series?Good preaching!! I really needed that. I will definitely be reading back through these scriptures. Some of them daily!

Sermon7/1/19 12:46 AM
Matt | Anhui  Find all comments by Matt
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Downloaded sa app just now and ran into this sermon which was exactly one year ago. I love coincidences. Not yet listened due to bad network. Not even sure this comment, my first comment, can be posted.

Sermon4/30/19 5:15 AM
Matt | Kentucky  Find all comments by Matt
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Enjoyed hearing the singing, but don’t quite your day job. Lol. Looking forward to the rest of the sermons :-)

Sermon4/15/19 4:45 AM
Matt | Louisa, Ky  Find all comments by Matt
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Faith's Blessing Part 2
Frank Tate
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great message and blessing for the sheep of Christ!

Sermon1/14/19 8:58 AM
Matt | CAN.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Matt
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“ She should repent of her verbal abuse ”
The wife is the one who has been verbally abusing her husband, disrespecting him and God for years, and this man was hurt emotionally/psychologically/spiritually, and was likely too passive to her overbearing and abusive yelling, put downs, insults. These three boys do not fully see what that woman (man abuser) saw in her moment of “hamburger revelation”, and sinful behaviour. She started to see how poorly she was treating her husband, and couldn’t even apologize to him or God. She admitted she has abused him this way for years. So stop defending her sinful actions/behaviours or at least minimizing them, and show some empathy for the husband who was victimized in this. She couldnt even apologize to him properly, she needs to be corrected rightly of how to treat other human beings. We dont even know if she has fully repented and curtailed fully her abusive controlling outbursts. That is not love.... How would Jesus have responded or God for that matter seeing her on going abuse? Seemed like they trivialized this as not a big deal. If a husband did this to his wife, one phone call and he would be talking to the Police.

News Item11/5/18 7:47 PM
Matt | USA  Find all comments by Matt
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All, download and listen to “Red Red Wine” on SA. Great sermon on alcohol and drinking.

News Item8/25/18 10:38 AM
Matt | Usa  Find all comments by Matt
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And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the Lord thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household,
Deuteronomy 14:26

And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart.
Psalms 104:15

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
Ephesians 5:18
These verses would seem to suggest that it's okay to drink but it's a sin to get drunk.

Sermon11/9/17 6:02 AM
Matt | Mi  Find all comments by Matt
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Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Charles Lawson
“ Wrong ”
Every person who was saved was born again. Jesus taught that in John 3. Baptism of the Spirit is not conversion

Sermon3/18/17 9:03 AM
Matt  Contact via emailFind all comments by Matt
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“ The Spirit at Work ”
Found this message during a very stressful week. Not only did it put my fears and recent events in perspective it reminded me of how much my Father loves me - and the lengths I go to ignore Him. Thank you for this faithful message.

News Item2/20/17 7:21 AM
Matt  Find all comments by Matt
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Jesus said when ye pray, pray like this. It's a model prayer. It's just like the Catholics saying so many our Fathers. And nothing has changed because Obama isn't there, the same people are in power, and what's worse is that so called"Christians" and conservatives swoon over everything this man does including everyone of his unconstitutional execute orders. This country doesn't need more God in government but for those that name the name of Christ to humble themselves, repent, come out of the world and be separate, and preach the Word of God to this dying nation.

News Item2/20/17 6:57 AM
Matt  Find all comments by Matt
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And when ye pray use not vain repetitions like the heathen do. So, she can recite a prayer, that makes her a born again Christian? Don't be decieved by these devil's.

Blog12/30/16 12:58 PM
Matt | UK  Find all comments by Matt
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Actually it's in the Tyndale version, but I want
to find out why everything thinks it is "Judge
not, lest ye be judged" if this is the case?

Blog12/30/16 12:53 PM
Matt | UK  Find all comments by Matt
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No, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" is not the NTL
version either.

Blog12/30/16 12:46 PM
Matt | UK  Find all comments by Matt
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So where is the quote "Judge not, lest ye be
judged" which this article is based on??

Blog12/30/16 10:41 AM
Matt | UK  Find all comments by Matt
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Can you point me to where it says "Judge not,
lest ye be judged" in the Bible, and which
version of the Bible you are referring to?

The reason I'm asking is because "Judge not, lest
ye be judged" is a total misquote.

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