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News Item11/17/2020 2:31 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Watcher wrote:
Very sporting of you Tim. You call names as you like, and then when someone treats you in the same manner, you get their comment deleted. Your immaturity is dropping by the minute.
Your comment was NOT reported.

It was removed because of the reason you admitted to above.

A refresher:

Forum Policies:

» No profanities including crude or rude language.
» Personal attacks or insults directed at other users will be censored.
» Only one post at a time per thread (allow for alternate users).
» No cross-posting or spamming (do not copy your posts everywhere).
» Use the "Insert Hyperlink" button to embed hyperlinks.
We reserve the right to censor other obviously inappropriate comments.
By submitting your comment for review you agree to the forum policies.

News Item11/6/2020 8:32 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Frank wrote:
Why are you allowing me to post on other threads, but not this one?
You are allowing this post, but not the one I wanted to post in response to the article. I even tried to add it to this comment and it wouldn't allow it. I think you must be having a bad hair day???
All submitted posts are automatically scanned for a long list of disallowed words before they are posted. If one is found the submitted post will not post. Perhaps your post had such a word, unknowingly of course? It happens.

Apology accepted.

News Item5/25/2020 5:10 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Noname wrote:
SA if any of y’alls editors are reading this it’d be a lot easier if y’all just had a like or dislike button on comments and articles
We are not Facebook but you could try colon, thumbsup, colon with no spaces. It will look like this..... Same for thumbsdown.......

News Item2/5/2020 8:38 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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B. McCausland wrote:
Sorry, with respect, perhaps, sadly, the issue is a reflection to all of the actual state of the church.
When conduct, not necessary doctrine, is the problem privileges need curtailed as it is obvious users cannot handle responsibly such privileges before God and their consciences faithfuly.
For what instead of an open forum a 'closed' forum with tangible accountability would check behaviour weeding tares away.
Thank you for your thoughts.

However, please understand that as a moderator it is not mine to create or amend policy but to enforce the policies already published.

If you would like to submit recommendations to the site founder, Steven Lee, please send them in an email to [email protected].

News Item2/4/2020 2:05 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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There has been a long standing rule here which I will state again. Keep your comments topical, civil and meaningful. In other words, stay focused on the news item topic and avoid getting wrapped up in critiquing, criticizing, attacking or insulting other posters.

This comment board is hosted by SermonAudio and in that regard everything posted here is a reflection on SermonAudio to the entire world. We are under no obligation to continue this comment board if it no longer serves our intended purposes or reflects on us negatively. I trust everyone will bear that in mind and conduct themselves accordingly.

News Item11/29/19 7:30 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Because wrote:
2) Another gutless comment removal from the demonic owner of this site while he leaves other demonic posters continue to post on a daily basis.....
Your comments are removed because..... "Personal attacks or insults directed at other users will be censored." If you don't like the rules, don't comment.

News Item11/22/19 4:45 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Stevenr wrote:
Do the moderators flag Jim when he posts? I often miss them because they are removed so quickly.
Jim, do you have a rated PG version of those posts? I was curious what your input was.
Jim's posts were removed because he quickly abandoned the topic of the thread in favor of Trump bashing. We know he can't help himself but every once in a while he needs a reminder.

News Item10/7/19 9:29 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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TrueHolyBibleChristianCatholic wrote:
If a comment you posted has been removed or deleted, it was because you broke a forum rule. There are just a few very modest rules and any Christian should be able to comply without even thinking about it.

Be advised that we have and will continue to tolerate your all caps posts and your insults to the site admin but will not tolerate abuse and insults to other posters. The modest rules apply to everyone including you.

News Item9/20/19 12:02 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Dr. Tim wrote:
SA Moderator, are you ever going to ask Jim to refrain from making racist statements? To say that most impoverished white people are neo-Nazis is clearly false and inflammatory.

You've been called out many times for comments that are clearly racist.

Please try to do better.

Your anticipated cooperation is appreciated.

News Item3/25/19 12:18 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
Good evening, Mr. Moderator. I would like to point out Jim Lincoln's racist rant against this so-called Dominionist plot to take over ??? [....] Are there any tools you can use to address this issue?
Thank you for your concern. Here are the rules and policies established by the site founder published on the full site:

"» No profanities including crude or rude language.
» Personal attacks or insults directed at other users will be censored.
» Only one post at a time per thread (allow for alternate users).
» No cross-posting or spamming (do not copy your posts everywhere).
» Use the "Insert Hyperlink" button to embed hyperlinks.

We reserve the right to censor other obviously inappropriate comments.

By submitting your comment for review you agree to the forum policies."

The other obvious given which should guide everyone is SermonAudio is a Protestant Christian site and everyone is expected to conduct themselves accordingly.

While I personally disagree with most of Jim's views, I can't justify censoring him for holding to views contrary to mine or the majority of regular commenters.

My advice is ignore him as it's unlikely he's going away any time soon or will change his views.

News Item1/23/19 11:52 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
Trump has nothing to do with this. Mr. Moderator, has not Jim been warned for politicizing issues to beat his anti-Trump drum?
Yes he has. But historically, he has a short memory. May be that if I remove everything he's posted in the past 24 hours his memory will come back to him. Let's hope so.

News Item11/28/18 7:35 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Randall Balmer wrote:

If you don't behave I'll start removing all your posts. You've been warned.

News Item9/3/18 10:14 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
You are pro-abortion if you aren't for Pro Universal Health Care

The purpose of this comment board is to provide an environment where Protestant Christians can discuss current events from a Christian and biblical perspective. For the most part your comments fail to meet that purpose.

I strongly encourage you to re-evaluate your purpose for posting on SermonAudio and determine if it has anything in common with our purpose. Failure to do so will likely result in the removal of your non-conforming posts.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

News Item6/5/18 12:40 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Still Watching wrote:
Seems that way. I guess someone doesn't like me much.
You're not being blocked. If a comment won't post, send a copy to [email protected] and ask why it won't post.

News Item3/24/18 3:23 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Concerned wrote:
SermonAudio, please explain to us faithful visitors why contentious folks like Jim L. are still allowed to shame Christ on this site? We HONESTLY want to know.
Anyone can post comments without registration subject to these modest rules:

» No profanities including crude or rude language.
» Personal attacks or insults directed at other users will be censored.
» Only one post at a time per thread (allow for alternate users).
» No cross-posting or spamming (do not copy your posts everywhere).
» Use the "Insert Hyperlink" button to embed hyperlinks.
We reserve the right to censor other obviously inappropriate comments.
By submitting your comment for review you agree to the forum policies.

News Item9/8/17 8:33 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Alright folks.

Must we shut down threads? Stay on topic and this sort of thing won't happen in the first place.

And btw, we take a dim view of moniker theft. A very dim view.

News Item9/22/16 4:07 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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This thread has drifted off topic and is rapidly headed to incivility. Off topic is tolerable but incivility is not.

John, Y., I've warned you before about baiting off topic with your one of a kind beliefs. You may not see it as baiting but the end result speaks for itself.

Let's get back on topic or the thread will be closed.

News Item9/21/16 6:34 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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MS wrote:
To the SA Moderators:
I just wanted to take this opportunity to publicly thank you for doing such a fine job of policing this site.
It is quite disheartening since this is a Christian forum that it is even necessary, but as Scripture warns us there are the tares among the wheat.
Thank you once again.
GOD'S richest blessings to you all.
You're welcome and we appreciate your encouragement.

Chris posted a comment worthy of being repeated:

Christopher000 wrote:
I think it's seriously embarrassing that forum moderators are forced to police this forum, this adult forum, this Christian forum. Imagine what thousands of others think when they happen to see some of the really terrible comments as they cruise the site. I've had maybe one or two comments removed over the years and I think that was for quoting someone else who got deleted. As Christians, there's just no reason for it.

News Item9/21/16 3:38 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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John Yurich USA wrote:
There is no Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. Jim Lincoln. So stop stating Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. Their names are George Herbert Walker Bush and George Walker Bush so they can't be Sr. and Jr.
Let it go, John Y.

News Item9/21/16 12:41 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
-[URL=http://tinyurl.com/j6fydvm]]]Trump’s shallowness runs deep[/URL]

You had to did deep to find a new item to tie your commentary to but your motivation is clear.

Be careful. We'll not tolerate intentional baiting which will assuredly lead to incivility.

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