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Sermon2/27/11 1:51 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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5} The Potter's Freedom
Dr. James White
“ Lovely message ! Thankyou ! ”
This is the most lovely message that i have heard from this passage from the Scriptures. Anybody troubled by this portion of the Word of God ? I pray that you will be as encouraged,blessed and challenged by listening to this as i have been. Thankyou so much to all concerned for making this available to listen online.

Sermon2/7/11 5:09 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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Sovereignty and Free Will
Gregory N. Barkman
“ The best sermon i have ever heard on this subject ”
This is the BEST sermon i have ever had the joy of listening to on this particular theological subject,which perplexes a lot of folk. There are some choice sayings as well,which i wont give an example...just listen for yourself ! Anyone who has never heard brother Barkman will surely be blessed by his ministry,and i regularly listen to his sermons here on Sermonaudio. Thankyou.

Sermon2/6/11 10:54 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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Overflowing with Thanksgiving
Dr. James White
“ Lovely sermon,i am so thankful for this brother ! ”
Lovely sermon in how we should be overflowing with thanksgiving. On a seperate note,i am so thankful for Brother James,as because of watching his debates and listening to him,i have turned from being a King James Only person ,and have orderd Tyndales O.T transaltion and his N.Ttranslation ,and also a contemporary parallel Bible including the NASV,and i am really excited about my future Bible reading and study. I attend a KJVonly church,so once they find out,they possibly wont be pleased!

Sermon1/4/11 3:53 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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The Book of Numbers #8
Timothy J. Worrell
“ 4/66 on my oddysey ”
Thankyou for this sermon,part of a series. I am on a new oddysey for this new year,listening to a sermon from each book of the Bible,chronilogically DV,so this is now 4/66.

Sermon1/4/11 11:23 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Blood Redemption, TB #1821
Albert Pendarvis
“ Excellent sermon, on my new oddysey,3/66 ”
Excellent sermon,thankyou. This is no.3 on my new oddysey of a new yeaqr , of listening (DV),chronilogically,to a sermon from every book in the Bible .

Sermon1/3/11 3:46 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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The Lord Laughs
Pastor Matthew W. Kingsbury
“ My 2011 oddysey 2/66 ”
Thankyou for such a most heart warming sermon. I am on a new oddyssey for 2011,listening to a sermon, from each book of the Bible chronilogically,so this was 2/66.

Sermon1/3/11 3:14 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Giants of Genesis
Dr. Calvin Evans
“ Odyssey 2011..1/66 ”
Thankyou for a very challenging and encouraging sermon. I am on a new oddysey for a new year, ..listening to a sermon i havent heard before , chronologically , from each book of the Bible. So this is no. 1/66.

Sermon12/26/10 11:25 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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The Atheists' Christmas Billboard Myth
Dr. Paul M. Elliott
“ So right...what about the Catholic League Billboar ”
Excellent sermon regarding the Atheists Billboard. But what about the Catholic League's Billboard the other side of the tunnel ? I would like to have something about this Billboard as well. Do either Billboard have any influence at all to anybody still dead in trespasses in sins i wonder? Very interesting sermon.

Sermon10/24/10 5:22 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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Valuing Christ Most of All
Gregory N. Barkman
“ Excellent exposition ! ”
Excellent exposition Pastor Barkman is bringing to the ears of the listeners on the dialogue between Christ and the rich young ruler.

Sermon9/26/10 2:18 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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Our God is in control
Stuart Cross
“ Still relevant nine years on ! ”
This sermon is as fresh and needful now as it was preached soon after the atrocities of 9/11. God bless you dear brother Stuart,may you,your family, and your congregation be blessed ,to the glory of His name. Although having not met any of you personally,i love you all as Brethren and Sisters in Christ. Lovely ,encouraging sermon.

Sermon7/4/10 5:38 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Joy in Lamentations
Todd Nibert
“ Joy indeed,thankyou ! ”
After listening to a sermon from the New Testament by brother Todd,i decided to listen to a sermon from the Old Testament,and again,it was a real blessing to my soul. This world is a vale of tears,and full of laments in one way or another...but we can,as beleivers have joy in them and through them. I really do feel the warmth of the love of the Saviour that this dear brother has in his own life,and how he loves to speak of this in his preaching. thankyou again for a most uplifting sermon . thanks again for Sermonaudio,bless the Lord for this oasis in a dry desert..to thee belongs all the glory and praise.

Sermon7/4/10 5:33 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Believers Do Not Sin
Todd Nibert
“ Thankyou dear brother ”
Thankyou dear brother Todd for this sermon which explains what to some can be a most perplexing verse in the word of God. I am impressed with this brothers love for Christ as his all in all. May the Lord bless you and yours,and your congregation..i will probably never meet them this side of eternity,but i love them all in Christ.

Sermon6/20/10 5:42 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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“ slightly confused ? ”
Not quite sure about which is right and more Biblical....to strive to bring our loved ones and friends to a church meeting so they will hear the gospel....or to strive to go into the market places ,etc.to take the gospel to every living creature,as in open air witnessing,or witnessing to our friends and family at home,etc. Which is it? (or both ?)

Sermon6/6/10 3:28 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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5 Gains Of A Departed Saint
Jeff Arthur
“ A great comfort to know my departed mother... ”
Dear brother Arthur, oh what a word in season is this. 3 days ago my dear mothers final battle finished,and her spirit left her cancer riddled body to be with the Lord Jesus,who loved her and gave Himself for her. Although my tears are flowing,i have great joy to know where she is,and who with. Please pray for my dear father ,who is maintaining a good testimony,at this time,and for the immediate family. Lovely sermon.

News Item4/30/10 4:59 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Many thanks John,and Mike.

I am refreshed to know you will both be praying...as usual before i go street witnessing,Satan has tried to hinder.

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world....Victory is a most apt word this time !!

News Item4/30/10 4:13 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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May i interrupt briefly to say hello, and warm Christian greetings ,to my dear fellow brethren..especially John UK and Mike New York.

You may be encouraged to know that ..

Tomorrow,DV,i plan to be in Trafalgar Square,London, at 10.30 a.m. with the placard with Gods Word (AV) on both sides,and loads of gospel leaflets.

A brother from church (Tony) will be preaching with an amplifier. (i do hope to preach as well,if the Lord will ?)

..And to complete a threesome (for a three fold cord is not quickly broken..Amen ! )a sister from our church (Marion) who is SEVENTY ONE years old is joining us to hand out gospel tracts.

Brethren pray for us !

I sincerely hope this post will strengthen any beleiver wanting to get into street witnessing, what a wonderful Saviour we have to proclaim,and what a glorious gospel we have to share,for if it is hid,it is hid to them that are LOST !

God bless you John and Mike,(and all),and thankyou.

News Item3/21/10 5:45 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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San Jose John,
what an interesting comment.

Time...more time allowed by a long suffering,holy God,for an expectant mother in that line,to RECONSIDER,to REPENT,to RETURN home, and by grace to RECEIVE the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour .....

...and then a child is born into the world to a Christian mom...and be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Thankyou John...this has given me a new impetus to pray about these matters which i hadnt thought about.

Oh Lord have mercy upon us all !

Hi there ,the other John from UK,how are you beloved brother ?

Oh Lord Jesus ,refresh our souls with renewed zeal for thy glory,and a renewed burden for those who are blind and cannot see where they are heading for... bless John UK and John San Jose,and all my dearly beloved brethren and sisters ,who comment on Sermonaudio. Amen.

Survey1/22/10 12:47 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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I am very saddened to learn that Scott A.Johnsons sermons are to be removed soon from sermonaudio.

His ministry as a watchman is so needful today ,but his ministry will continue,thankfully ,through other sources.

...but, there are at least two other brethren on Sermonaudio who provide a similar strong ministry spaeaking about ,and on, the New World order,and current events,and such like.

One is Michael Slattery, and the other is Phil Fernandez,..so anyone who will miss brother Johnson's sermons here,may be blessed by searching through the sermon titles by those two .

I am blessed by the watchman ministries.

Thankyou..may the Lord have mercy upon us all..may we all occupy until He come.

Sermon1/17/10 3:04 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw, Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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“ Thankyou ! ”
Being a great admirer,and listener of Scott A.Johnsons sermons,i have been hoping there would be somebody with other serious sermons of like manner. So thankyou for this sermon, excellent.

Sermon1/1/10 3:12 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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No Excuses for Apostasy
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Sometimes God has to shake us up.... ”
...to get us out of an apathetic state. This one sentence gives you some idea of what this practical challenging sermon is about from this portion of Gods word. This is my first sermon listened to on the first day of 2010. I always enjoy listening to brother Goligher. May the Lord bless you,dear brother,your family,and your congregation , during 2010,or for as many days as you are spared to serve the Lord.To the glory of His name. Norman
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