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Sermon5/2/2021 12:29 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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“ Timely Message ”
Pastor Weaver, Your message was timely, and needful, for this present day. Our nation desperately needs more watchmen on the walls, to sound the alarm. You are correct, that our solution isn't political, but rather spiritual. Judgment first begins with us. If God, in His mercy, poured out revival amongst His people, the outworkings of that would permeate our society and government. Thank you for speaking the truth of God's Word, reminding us that personal and national repentance is the key to real change.

News Item9/15/19 10:08 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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What planet you from wrote:
Topic of Sermons on SA
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Christians have been silent about abortion, who knew ?
That's great to preach a sermon. How many of those pastors have actually gone to a clinic to reach out to those mothers? How many pastors and lay people have actually considered an abortion clinic as a mission field? Answer: very, very, few

It's one thing to preach a sanctity of life sermon once a year, versus acting like your neighbor (the preborn child) is actually being murdered.

Faith without works is dead.

News Item9/15/19 9:38 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Christians in America are much like the Christians of Nazi Germany. They know where the crimes against humanity are occurring.Their churches are often in the same neighborhood of these death camps They often drive by these houses of horror, and refuse to speak up for those who have no voice.

"Silence in the Face of Evil is Evil Itself".
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We all need to look in the mirror, and ask ourselves this question: "Why do we not love our neighbor as ourselves?"

News Item5/8/19 12:44 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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I've witnessed sodomites at the abortion mills react just as Brian Sims did. And as others, I've also wondered why a sodomite, who cannot procreate( with another man) have a vested interest in child murder? Simply put, the diabolical sins of sodomy and child murder are rooted in selfishness. Both are lusts of the flesh. And eventually, both end in death. Does not Scripture declare: "all those who hate me, ( wisdom, God) love death".

Men and women of God need to arise, come out of their comfort zones, and be a voice for their preborn neighbor at their local abortion mill. Speak for those who have no voice.

Show up and watch the Lord move.

News Item5/5/19 12:08 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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This bill is a direct challenge to Roe v Wade which is good, but sadly doesn't pass biblical muster. The woman who hires an abortionist to murder her child will not face any sanctions. If a woman hired a hitman to murder her born child she would face homicide charges along with the hitman.

I pray, that the day will come very soon, that people will fully recognize the humanity of a child (from conception to natural death) and treat them accordingly.

News Item11/24/18 5:04 PM
overcomer | usa  Find all comments by overcomer
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Abortions are still closer to the million mark. There are some states that don't report their abortion numbers. And of course, there are abortionists who don't do accurate reporting. Sadly, chemical abortions are on the rise, and professing Christians are still using contraceptives( abortifacients) that cause abortions. Long story short, millions continue to die at the hands of their mothers, fathers, medical community, and yes, even with the approval of Christian churches.

News Item7/29/18 10:36 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Sadly, this will become commonplace here in America. Afterall, we have tolerated child sacrifice ( abortion) for 45 years. If a society and a "professing" Christian nation can murder the most vulnerable, we are open to all types of barbaric and inhumane behaviors.

Apart from a Great Awakening, our nation is destined for destruction. We will implode under the weight of our own sins.

News Item6/24/18 10:42 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Jeremiah has just released a letter to his generation. It's a plea to stand for Christ and for the preborn.


News Item6/19/18 4:25 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Too bad a veteran didn't shimmy up the flag pole and take it down.

News Item5/27/18 10:24 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Truthfully speaking, abortion continues with the "permission" of the American Church. Planned Parenthood is just the fruit of the inactions of professing Christians.

1) Firstly, professing Christians fail to see abortion as murder. The violation of the sixth commandment of God.They have failed through biblical neglect to understand that the shedding of innocent blood brings about the judgment of God on the land. He will certainly atone this blood.

2) Secondly, professing Christians have failed to see the preborn child as their neighbor. A neighbor who deserves to be reached with the gospel along with his/her parents. These babies are certainly the most unreached people groups.

3) Thirdly, professing Christians reject children as a blessing from God, for the same reasons the unsaved do. Think not? just listen to their excuses... using personal pronouns, of the "whys" they cannot be fruitful and multiply.

4) Fourthly, professing Christians are indifferent to the cries of these children slated for slaughter at the altar of "choice". We are much too busy in church activities to pay attention.

At the end of the day we will all be accountable for what we did and didn't do.

God have mercy on us!

Sermon4/15/18 10:12 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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“ Wisdom Exemplified! ”
Pastor Weaver clearly has spent many years putting this four part sermon together. Through much wisdom, biblical insight, and pastoral experience, he explains in detail why there are conflicts in the body of Christ. ( amongst true Believers) This is a must hear sermon for those who have ears to hear.

Sermon12/17/17 12:29 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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A Primer to Predestination
John Weaver
“ Excellent! ”
This was a most excellent and needful sermon. A great 101 message to fully understand God's sovereignty. Bless you Pastor Weaver.

News Item6/4/17 7:50 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Here is something for every professing Christian to consider while decrying the wickedness of abortion:

“Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, “Open by the permission of the church.” ~Francis Schaeffer~

News Item5/14/17 9:35 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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As someone who actually attended this interposition yesterday, please allow me to shed some light on what occurred.
First, this was not a protest. It was a proclamation that Jesus is King. That Christians are to speak up for those who have no voice. That we are to lay our lives down for the least of these. It was a call for the church to repent of her apathy, and to understand that if the shedding of innocent blood does not cease in this land, we will one day feel the full wrath of God Almighty. As Abel's blood cried from the ground, a haunting chorus of 60 million little baby boys and girls cries are heard. Perhaps they are asking God: "How long, O Lord?"

There was definitely one child saved yesterday, and perhaps more. There was a young mother who had a good Mother's Day today. There were several who did not.

Another observation of yesterday's event; there was an absence of pastors. A few from outside of Louisville came. One would think that a large "religious" community would have enough God fearing men, that truly lives out the gospel, and not only believe that abortion is murder, but acts accordingly.

Hopefully, July 22-29, when there is a large contingent coming to Louisville to close this remaining clinic, the pastors of Louisville will stand with us.

News Item6/5/16 10:54 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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The public school system has been a cesspool for decades. It's beyond reformation. Like the Tower of Babel, it needs to be dismantled.

Every professing Christian should remove their children from these institutions. Don't delay another moment. The ship is sinking....don't let your child be a casualty. It will take some sacrifice on your part, but the eternal rewards will be worth it.

News Item2/19/16 4:04 PM
overcomer | usa  Find all comments by overcomer
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Isn't an ultrasound an amazing device that gives us a window to the womb? While some would use it to reveal the humanity of a preborn child to it's parents, an abortionist in his depravity will use it as a tool to exterminate a little life.

News Item11/17/15 1:39 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Another perspective regarding the Islamists and Black Lives Matter crowd.

Could it be, that America, which was once a city set on hill, has become so godless and corrupt, that God is turning us over to our enemies, as noted in Deuteronomy chapter 28?

News Item9/11/15 8:47 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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timpetersen1 wrote:
Why doesn't she just resign her post. On the grounds that she does not support so-called gay marriage. O wait I know why. Because it pays 80k. I would quit and find another job that I could do an honor God in the process.
This is exactly WHY we as a nation are in such desperate straits. Christian's have "resigned" their posts of being salt and light, and have been cowering inside of the four walls of their churches.

While homosexuals have been "loud and proud" forcing their lifestyles on us, Christians have sat silently. Now our children are being indoctrinated in public schools. We are now living in Sodom due to our lack of love of God, and His Word.

Just a cursory look throughout God's Word will reveal the countless prophets, disciples, and the Lord's people being persecuted and killed for obeying God rather than men.

Every professing Christian in this nation will have their Kim Davis moment.

Choose this day whom you will serve.

News Item9/10/15 7:02 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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It appears by some of the comments, that the real issue has gotten side tracked with Kim Davis' doctrinal beliefs.

First of all, Kim Davis hasn't broken any laws. Rather she was upholding Kentucky law which passed a marriage amendment in 2004 by a 75% margin to only recognize marriage between a man and a woman. She could be fined for ignoring this law that is still on the books.

Secondly, there was no passage of any legislation in the Congress/Senate that "legalized" same sex "marriage". Congress makes law not the courts.

Thirdly, (which should actually #1). Marriage was instituted by God between a man and a woman as a lifetime covenant. A true Christian would never participate in such wickedness. And Kim should not have to check her conscience at the door.

It is high time Christians quit hiding behind the four walls of their churches, and become the salt and light God intends us to be.

We will all be faced with a Kim Davis moment. Will you stand on the Lord's side?

News Item6/25/15 5:33 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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What this nation needs is a good history lesson, and the first student enrolled should be Mr. Moore.

First, the Confederate Flag, the battle flag of the south, was not created because of slavery. Not one slave came into this nation under the Confederate Flag. Howbeit, thousands of slaves were brought under the US flag. They were transported in ships that were made in Massachusetts.

The Confederate Flag was fashioned after the St. Andrews Flag, in memory of St. Andrew who was martyred on a cross that was made into an "X".

The irony in all of this, is that Mr. Moore is calling for Christians to be more "tolerant" of homosexuals, while in the same breath is creating division amongst God fearing Southerners who are not ashamed of their roots.

Before long, any symbol that is Christian in origin will be purged from our nation. A rainbow flag will replace it.

The line is being drawn in the sand, folks.

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