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Sermon11/12/2023 12:47 PM
Paul S | Missoula MT  Find all comments by Paul S
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Hell - life, death, and eternity
Dr. John Goetsch
“ Great Sermon! ”
Appreciate the energy and passion you bring to the message

Sermon4/26/2023 10:44 AM
Paul S | Maryland  Find all comments by Paul S
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The New Covenant (Pt 1)
Brian Borgman
“ Great Sermon! ”
"The inadequacy of the Old is proved by the advent of the New." This summation of the speaker's point in Hebrews is well-made. If the people were the only short-coming of the OT, why then are the promises said to be better? Doesn't the introduction of "better promises" (Heb 8:6), prove in much the same way, the inadequacy of the former promises?

News Item8/17/15 10:17 PM
Paul S | NZ  Find all comments by Paul S
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Mike wrote:
Fascinating that some can believe Satan would have as a name, "light-bearer," since he bears no light.
That's funny because the Bible says otherwise.
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

News Item10/1/14 3:22 PM
Paul S | NZ  Find all comments by Paul S
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ISIS. The best enemy money can buy.

Sermon12/17/11 12:07 PM
Paul S. | Columbus  Find all comments by Paul S.
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“ Very informative! ”
I appreciate the wise, Biblical answers to tough questions!

Survey3/9/10 4:00 PM
Paul S | NZ  Find all comments by Paul S
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A lot of Christians have been caught up in this Roman Catholic traditional pagan festival with all it's trappings.

Jeremiah 10:3-4  For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

News Item12/14/09 3:01 PM
Paul S | New Zealand  Find all comments by Paul S
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I will not be able to trust to the same degree anyone who signs this document. If they can display such lack of discernment here, they can do it again in other places.

Survey7/8/09 11:04 PM
Paul S. | NZ  Find all comments by Paul S.
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Sounds like 'Pastor Jim' is one of those Bible correctors that hasn't done his homework.
The AV is taken from the Majority Text i.e. 95-98% of all manuscripts ever found. It agrees with the Pershitta (AD 150) of which 350 copies exist. These far out date the so-called "oldest manuscripts" which you think are the most reliable, namely the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus which are so corrupt and unreliable that John W Burgon (who has studied these documents in person, said "the Codex B(Vatican) leaves out words and whole clauses no less than 1491 times" and "it bears traces of careless transcriptions on every page.."
The Sinaticus is "covered with such alterations ... brought in by at least ten different revisers".
These are the manuscripts that underlie the New Versions and Pastor Jim ignorantly put his faith in.

The Devil is having a field day at the Christian's expense.

News Item5/11/09 5:59 PM
Paul S | New Zealand  Find all comments by Paul S
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Maybe some of us did evolve from pond scum and haven't progressed any further, like this guy.

Survey1/6/07 1:05 PM
Paul S. | San Diego, CA  Find all comments by Paul S.
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I picked up a 128mb RCA mp3 player at a local drug store for $40 (then, at Christmas time, Toys-R-Us had a 1gb player for the same price!); it can hold 10 - 20 sermons which is ideal for keeping my mind on things above while working. I also have a CD/MP3 player from Bantam Books which I can use for mp3s that have been saved to a CD - Hymns and songs, and classics like Van Til or Scripture reading that I'll save. I also picked up an FM transmitter that can broadcast either of these on the work truck's FM radio (no headphones while driving!).

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