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News Item8/2/07 10:55 AM
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News Item8/2/07 10:39 AM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Fellow Saint and Abigail, God bless you both for your patient and faithful postings on Sermon Audio, for counteracting the pious blather of the antinomians. May God use your words to revive a remnant to holiness and commitment to Him.

Hopalong, your postings are becoming quite insufferable and your unjustified attitude of superiority is showing itself to be on a par with that of Yamil, JD, and many other carnal posters who like to hang out here.

Survey7/30/07 6:37 AM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Fellow Saint, I wonder why you preface some of what you say by "I feel." (btw, your postings are right on the mark)

This weakens what you say. If these are your convictions, then you should just state them. When you say "I feel," it makes it seem like you base your beliefs on some twinge or something.

If people don't like our opinions, that's their problem, not ours. We don't need to weaken what we say by prefacing it with "I feel." Saying "I feel" means we aren't really sure about what we're saying, which if that's the case then I'd say that also, as in, "I have a suspicion or I have a hunch."

We don't have to be mean and brutal, but we don't have to be too nice either. The truth speaks for itself.

Don't compromise and don't back down. It never, ever works. Just stand for what is right and don't move, give ground if you're wrong and just admit it and go on.

That's the best way, especially with people like Wayne M. who personally I would not waste my time discussing the weather, let alone Christian doctrine. If Wayne is not working for the NWO, he should be, make them pay him for the good work he does. He is incorrigible and also very devious, quite the statist spokesman, a gun grabber also.

Survey7/11/07 3:57 PM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Abigail from Oregon, will you confirm that you are not me? Would you send a note to Stephen Lee and tell him so? Apparently, some people find it hard to believe that two people could think the same way as we do, also Dwayne. This forum is monopolized by antinomian troglidytes who use lots of dirty tricks so they can post their blather without being exposed.

JD and his friends at Battlefield Baptist are doing it again, getting my postings deleted, claiming you and I are the same person. This is what they did a few months ago, ganged up to get my posts deleted. They do not want me posting here, think women should not be allowed to post here.

I wish Sermon Audio would kick JD off the board once and for all.

News Item7/11/07 2:30 PM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Why did Sermon Audio remove my list of things that are "Science so-called?"

Is there another organized attempt here to get my postings removed?

This has been done so many times I can't even count it.

Walt used to get all my postings removed, hundreds of them, even going back and removing them from months ago.

This post was just a list of things that are science so-called. This is supposed to be a forum, where people can discuss their opinions. My post was not insulting and not even particularly controversial.

I think JD and his friends at Battlefield Baptist are at it again, trying to get all my postings removed.

Sermon Audio, please, stop. At least read my post before you remove it. You are bleeping off all my postings for no reason.

Is that all you want on here, just JD and Yamil putting up their blather? Can't you let somebody else with another point of view have a chance?

The most popular preacher on SA is Paul Washer, who says the same things I used to say that got me banned and got all my postings removed.

Please stop dedicating this forum to the same old people.

News Item7/11/07 11:39 AM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Survey7/11/07 3:52 AM
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Survey7/10/07 9:38 PM
Peanut Gallery | Hatred of Antinomianism  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Abigail, you probably don't realize how comforting your posts are. Your words shine like a light among a dark dungeon of dry doctrines and prideful ignorance.

God bless you. BTW, if you get a chance to listen to Alex Jones, let me know what you think, okay? He speaks about holiness, but doesn't sound like a preacher and I'm sure nobody would call him a preacher. Then again, maybe they would.

He's a living example of Christianity in action, unselfishness, courage, and the annointing of the Holy Spirit.

Somebody posted today that you and I are the same person. It should be obvious that your spirit is much sweeter than mine. I've got a long, long way to go, but at least I know where I'm going and where I want to go. If you want to pray for me, I'd be so thankful.

God bless you.

News Item7/7/07 6:41 PM
Peanut Gallery | Hatred of Antinomianism  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Good post, Abigail. It's obvious God loves to use those that are the cast-offs and the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.

I wonder where Dwayne is. I hope he will attempt to post again because I can't believe he's actually banned. Sometimes I will go to put up a post and it disappears into nothingness, but my next post goes up just fine.

Maybe Dwayne is just assuming he's banned but really isn't?

I miss his postings, learned things from him. BTW, do you ever listen to Alex Jones? He's working on a new film now, and some of it will deal with eugenics, which was not obliterated with the end of WWII. In fact, England and the U.S. funded Hitler and started the whole eugenics movement to begin with and have been promoting it bigger than ever since Hitler's defeat.

The NWO is all founded on the idea of eugenics, that by select breeding an elect group of "special" people will own the world and kill all the rest of us.

I see that kind of thinking on this board, people who think they are chosen and special by virtue of their genes, and that everyone else must die, burn in Hell. I suppose the Israel Firsters look at the Jews that way and maybe hope since they are supporting the "chosen" that perhaps they can go along for the ride.

It's sick.

Survey6/29/07 8:26 PM
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Survey6/29/07 7:28 PM
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Survey6/25/07 6:55 AM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Abigail, do not mistake compromise and weakness, statist idolatry for gentleness. None of the regular posters on this forum will stand with you, but will oppose you any way they can, especially by questioning your right to speak at all. But many "lurkers" who read your posts will silently agree with what you say.

Don't try to find a friend or ally on this forum, because there are none here. Occasionally someone will come on and post in your support, but the regular posters here are world's away from you in their thinking.

Just to let you know how it is.

Survey6/24/07 6:13 PM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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"It appears over the past 5 years there has been a serious shift on SermonAudio and the Arminians are not entirely control the boards. Fantastic news!"

Yes, you can thank JD, "Brother" Williams, and Yamil. With friends like these, who needs enemies!

Survey6/20/07 4:04 AM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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"Anymore pentecostal feminism?"

Anymore Antinomian misogyny, Mr. Nuke 'Em All?

Obeying the Bible regarding the Great Commission, witnessing, letting one's light shine, standing against the works of darkness is not "feminism." Neither is posting on Sermon Audio, and if you believe it's unbiblical for women to contend for the faith on SA, take your case to Sermon Audio and convince them they are promoting feminism when they allow women to post.

Abigail's postings are sane, sober and biblical, instead of the mindless immature insults and crowing and strutting that you produce.

As to being "pentecostal," which you seem to think is somehow quite wicked, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is scriptural. Jesus told the believers, including the women, to wait and seek power from the Holy Ghost -- for witnessing and service to God. You can snear about this all you want, but you are snearing at Jesus, his words, the example of the early church.

It's Dispensationalism, not Pentecostalism, which is unbiblical.

Comparing your WOMI postings with Abigail's speaks for itself as to who is serving in God's power and who is not.

Survey6/17/07 11:13 AM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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There is one woman posting here on Sermon Audio. I think it is absolutely disgusting and repulsive that most of the men here are absorbed in discussing whether women should be allowed to speak in church, when the elite are plotting and proceeding to blow up the planet.

Hey, you women-haters, why not take your hatred of women to Sermon Audio, try to get all the women banned off the forum, rather than taking up the entire forum with your pathetic and mysogynistic posts about how the Bible was written for only men, and that women are to only speak to children, preferably in the presence of a man who can oversee the conversation.

If you men have anything to say about anything, let's hear it. Mostly you have nothing much to say except the same old tired debate over whether salvation occurs one second before or after conversion.

When someone like Abigail comes on here and posts something worth reading and considering, all you dunderheads can do is go screaming about women keeping silent in the church.

Take it to the boss. Tell Stephen Lee about your gripe, put your money where your mouth is. Quit beating around the bush and just come out and see if you can get SA to ban women from the forum.

Survey6/15/07 2:02 PM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Mr. Nuke 'em All, Who calls himself "Weapon of Mass Instruction" -- Lay off the harsh insults to Abigail, and the hypocritical accusation that she has a chip on her shoulder. Real men, especially real Christian men, do not berate women for being women, or hurl unkind and completely unfounded accusations at them (ie that she doesn't follow the Bible and that she has a chip on her shoulder.)

You have absolutely nothing to back up your cruel and unfounded insults. Nothing.

Abigail stands on the scripture, the whole Book, not just a few verses, as some who twist, knot and convolute a few verses, wresting the scriptures to appease a warped conscience that hates the truth and wants only excuses and lies to comfort a tormented soul which knows it's headed for Hell.

And to those provacateurs who call people devils for "refusing to make a confession," the Bible is not a book of passwords that, if spoken, will open the doors to Heaven.

Reciting creeds and Bible verses verbatim, even if from the KJB, does not constitute a "confession."

How sad to see a sincere Christian woman abused by "Christian" men, all because she stands on Scripture and professes her love for God and His Word.

Survey6/14/07 1:09 AM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Abigail -- Your postings show that you know and understand the Bible and stand on it. Those whose allegiance is to their religion rather than God's Word, will now try to silence you by attacking your sex, claim you you have no right to speak.

But Jesus left the Great Commission to everyone, men and women. Sermon Audio is not church, but rather a mission field.

The Bible was written to women as much as men, the commands to stand against the works of darkness and reprove them, to have no part in them, apply to women as much as men. I don't see the men on this forum standing for much truth at all, just peddling the same heresies propagated by their statist, cookie-cutter pastors indoctrinated in the Alexandrian cemeteries.

It was only a matter of time before the spiritually bankrupt would begin to attack you for being a woman, since they have no scripture to defend their positions, and since you stand firmly on the scriptures.

God bless you. Your name Abilgail fits you, and you oppose a forum of Nabals who hate the Holy Spirit and God's Word, segregate isolated scriptures upon which to build an entire false religion and create a false god more evil than themselves, a "sovereign" bully god who sees good and evil as just two sides of the same coin.

Survey5/30/07 12:40 AM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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Abigail, God bless you and continue to annoint your postings on Sermon Audio. Too bad so many people have an aversion to the words of Jesus in the gospels and try to "dispense" with them (pun intended).

Woe to those who call good evil and evil good, who think God will welcome "snow covered dung" into Heaven or that God is a blind fool and can't see past the snow and can't smell the dung.

Jesus spoke of whitewashed tombs, did he not?

Survey1/3/07 7:50 PM
Peanut Gallery | zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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"You seem more concerned with disputing and filibustering,"

Same word I had in mind, Murray.


I am sick to death of it.

Survey12/31/06 4:02 PM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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"Thus even AW Pink declares that no one can have been from eternity past foreordained to hell."

Good one, Mike.

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